• I asked, "I just would like to know the reason behind not allowing for saving individual captures to a USB stick?"

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Yea that's why he redid it.

    Nothing wrong with that at all, but he didn't have to do this with the QC, even time-wise.

    If he's trying to be fair and equal (which he's being paid not to be, no matter how much he protests otherwise) then he could cut the capture process off after 2 minutes and compare the results. I mean it's not fair and equal to let the qc profile for 5 minutes but cull the Kemper process after 2 minutes?

    And in reality, who in any professional setting is deliberately going to use a profile that has deliberately not been optimised? Where's the value in that?

    I think it's time to say not one of us has a valid opinion on the sound of QC captures as not one of us has touched, seen, heard or smelled the thing. For that reason this is the most absurd 79 page product review in history (and I just contributed to it, again... Doh!)

  • There is earlier videos.

    No problems or doubts, no woofiness or cocked wah.

    Just great profiles.

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    I believe was the Soldano SLO amp he recently compared that had the woolies. Not the Victory.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I asked, "I just would like to know the reason behind not allowing for saving individual captures to a USB stick?"

    All he had to say is "you can" or "you'll be able to" just as he has with regard to questions about other issues. It would certainly put the controversy surrounding the issue in that thread to bed. Instead, he answered a question you didn't ask.

  • Quote

    I mean it's not fair and equal to let the qc profile for 5 minutes but cull the Kemper process after 2 minutes?

    Put that way, yes I see your point. Even if it is built in that way for the QC, the Kemper should have been allowed to have equal tweaking time. I would LOVE for Bea to do a "redo" again and allow this to happen.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Quote

    which he's being paid not to be, no matter how much he protests otherwise

    Call me naive but If that is really the truth, then all bets are off and you can't believe anything you saw, heard, or read in the video.


    Edited: So let's say for a second you are correct and have proof of that. Care to share? And if you do have proof, has this always been the case?

    You know why I'm asking that, right? ;)


    I think it's time to say not one of us has a valid opinion on the sound of QC captures as not one of us has touched, seen, heard or smelled the thing.

    If the above is true, you Sir are correct, as far as the video "capture/profile" comparisons. I am basing this on being paid to purposely make the QC sound better than the Kemper did, which I consider an underhanded thing to do.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited 3 times, last by spikey (February 14, 2021 at 9:51 PM).

  • I can't speak for others; however, for me it boils down to this:

    1. The QC may well capture amps more quickly and accurately than the KPA based SOLELY on the internet reviewers we have heard so far.
    2. The QC business model is highly suspect at this time and may well be vastly inferior to the KPA business model for many people
    3. The QC does not have a proven reliability track record where the KPA does
    4. The KPA is much more tweakable after the profile/capture stage.
    5. The KPA is a better gig rig than the QC.

    Now, do these things matter?

    I think you have to view this question from 2 different points of view. 1) Would an existing KPA owner REPLACE the KPA with this new technology vs. would a new customer pick the QC over the KPA.

    Capture Accuracy: The only way that this would be of any serious interest would be IF the KPA profile was SO inaccurate to not sound good (which it is not). The lions share of KPA users never profile an amp. It therefore follows that many other features are influencing their decision to stay with the KPA. Depending on the new user's list of use cases, this COULD influence a buying decision.

    Business Model: Practically everyone will be effected by this. At this time, this seems like the weakest part of the QC offering to me. This will keep KPA users from switching, and new users from picking the QC in the first place.

    Reliability: While home recording jockies may well take a chance on the QC before there are many others out touring with it, most will not risk their gigs on new technology for some time. In other words, there may be some purchases of the QC from existing KPA (or Fractal) users, but they will likely not be giving up their existing proven solutions for some time.

    Tweakability: Being able to separate the cab, use a rig with our without a cabinet, adjust the amp behaviors, etc, etc. Is how most people use the KPA. Most download (or buy) profiles, find ones that they like, and tweak them to their liking. In addition to this, the KPA really is setup in a way to make tub amp rig guys as comfortable as possible with its usage. The QC (and AxeIIIFx) are setup more like an amp plug-in on a DAW. I think that this one is a toss up. It depends on what you are trying to emulate.

    Live Gigging: The Kemper in all its incarnations is better for live gigging. I would especially highlight the toaster and rack versions when used in concert with the FC and Kabinet make for an astonishingly good touring rig. I personally don't care for the stage or QC simply because of the cable mess it creates at my feet. In addition to this though, the KPA is simply more thought out for gigging than the QC is. Some have discussed the distance between buttons (good point), but the whole idea of having to bend over and use a touch screen live? I really do have to give this one heavily to the KPA and its ecosystem of support products.

    So why are we here on a Kemper forum discussing this piece of equipment? Well, what all of us HERE have in common is that we have all spent premium dollars for our guitar rigs. No one in this forum is going around with a digital Carvin amp with rat fur covering and a $150 electric guitar. This is a forum filled with people who have serious tone, recording, and touring in mind.

    I think it is only fitting that when a new piece of gear (or new major features are offered in one) that we discuss it.

    Me personally?

    If I had enough money, and no other competing need for that money (like putting kids through college, etc) I might buy one to fiddle with .... but not to gig with. .... at least not with the current form factor and feature set.

    I think it is strange that >90% of the discussion on this thread has been limited to the capture accuracy. I haven't used a single profile I made myself in a live setting in nearly 10 years.

  • Put that way, yes I see your point. Even if it is built in that way for the QC, the Kemper should have been allowed to have equal tweaking time. I would LOVE for Bea to do a "redo" again and allow this to happen.

    It is not even about equal time. It should not matter if you spend more time one way or the other. It is about using the tools available and your ears with the intent of achieving the best possible outcome. Not just using them for a certain amount of time just to prove a point or for the sake of it.

  • Judging by the TGP thread there surely will be a lot of confused people if this thing fails.

    Especially Doug... I think he is "not" planning for that to happen, and that's a good thing for the rest of us. :)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Those are all valid points! But there is one particular point, that makes all the other ones obsolet, at least for me. That is: 'business model'. As long as they do insist on 'validating' me by being logged on to their cloud in order to operate that device completely, it is unsuitable. That might look a little old fashioned, but that's how i see things. This is especially true for things in my guitar gear. Ymmv, but i assume i'm not the only one with this perspective.

  • It should not matter if you spend more time one way or the other.

    Well, yea if both units require time to tweak/refine/capture their best tones, and you take that time away from one of them then you have ruined the comparison test, have you not? I did not allow for that with the Kemper because I was basing the time allowed only from the QC's perspective. I have since been "notified" that refining Kemper's tone properly may take a longer period of time, and that's what I think Bea should allow/redo. Or did you mean something else?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited once, last by spikey (February 14, 2021 at 11:02 PM).

  • As long as they do insist on 'validating' me by being logged on to their cloud in order to operate that device completely, it is unsuitable.

    I don't think you need to be on-line to "use" the QC for a gig/session. Only to download new presets and captures and updates. By itself, it's a fully functional unit IIRC everything I read. Please correct where needed... :)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Well, yea if both units require time to tweak/refine/capture their best tones, and you take that time away from one of them then you have ruined the comparison test, have you not? I did not allow for that with the Kemper because I was basing the time allowed only from the QC's perspective. I have since been "notified" that refining the Kemper properly may take a longer period of time. Or did you mean something else?

    If the QC captured the perfect tone that could not be attainable with anything else then you could make the case that you’re willing to buy just because you want a perfect capture.

    In reality, this is not the happening and you can probably get the same result with both units if you take the time to dial it in and IF the qc is as good as Kemper when it comes to capturing the feel of an amp.

    The lack of parameters in the qc makes me think that if you don’t like a capture there’s not much you can do about it while with the Kemper you can to some extent.

    So regarding the accuracy of these devices the problem is reduced to whether you want to get an allegedly more precise capture that you cannot tweak or you want to get a hit or miss starting point which you can greatly improve if needed if you spend some time with it.

    If this is the only criteria for switching to Kemper than I would say that it is not worth it.

    If you are interested by the UI or extended signal paths or by multi amp support then I understand.

    I am also bothered by the fact that this is a beta product. I looked at the wish list on their fru

    Edited once, last by andreio23 (February 14, 2021 at 11:13 PM).

  • I don't think you need to be on-line to "use" the QC for a gig/session. Only to download new presets and captures and updates. By itself, it's a fully functional unit IIRC everything I read. Please correct where needed... :)

    That's exactly what i mean with 'validating'. Sure, you can use it for a gig or session. I never doubted that. Even if it's not very likely, what will happen, if they go out of business? They do create unnecessary constraints. Why? To protect their ips? To protect others ips? I can't see other reasons. Therefore i only have access to my self created profiles through the cloud? There should be other means. Thanks, no!

  • In reality, this is not the happening

    Until proven otherwise, Like the redo I suggested above, I can't agree.

    you can probably get the same result with both units

    Do you know how many times the word "probably" is used when it's unlikely to happen? ;)

    Granted both units can be made to sound pretty close, given time and effort.

    The lack of parameters in the qc makes me think that if you don’t like a capture there’s not much you can do about it

    There are lots of parameters you can adjust in the QC after the capture and I have watched them do that. Gain, Bass, Mid, Treble, and Volume. :)

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    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • They do create unnecessary constraints.

    No more constraints than Apple, Microsoft Office, Banks, etc put on us every day Mattes... Ever buy gasoline these days with cash? I can't remember the last time I did that. So you gonna walk cause you don't trust a digital gas pump? :D For example, we can't even post here without logging in. Is that a constraint too?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • So after several delays it will be released still in the alpha stage of its development and customers will double as test users.


  • No more constraints than Apple, Microsoft Office, Banks, etc put on us every day Mattes... Ever buy gasoline these days with cash? I can't remember the last time I did that. So you gonna walk cause you don't trust a digital gas pump? :D For example, we can't even post here without logging in. Is that a constraint too?

    It's up to you to accept that business model. I don't in that particular case. Simple as that.

  • So after several delays it will be released still in the alpha stage of its development and customers will double as test users.


    I doubt that it will be released in an alpha readiness state, but we shall see. I wish them the best in that case because I will send mine back if that's the case. :)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user