• What's to stop someone from making a full backup of commercial captures and passing it around/selling it?

    Guessing, that somehow it's coded or tied to your mac-address? I dunno...

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Thats right, you cant store individual files, and that bums me out too. At least not yet.

    But it's better than no backup at all!

    Well, traveling 50 miles on a bicycle is better than walking it on foot, too. It won't be a real issue initially, because most of your presets will be stored on the unit itself. However, over time, chances are you'll make multiple backups. Let's say you're trying to find a specific capture that's in one of four backup files. Outside of cataloging each backup, how would you locate the capture outside of simply looking through each backup, one at a time?

  • The problem people seem to miss about the whole "cloud" thing is not necessarily that you don't control your presets.

    The BIG problem is that there is a planned redundancy switch built in. If, in two years, they release QC2 they can just say that support for QC is being phased out because the app cannot work with QC1 anymore for whatever reason.

    When that happens you will NOT BE ABLE to upload any new captures/presets!

    Peasants on TGP give the Fractal editor as an example.

    That's absolutely not the same. Even if the latest and greatest editor doesn't support an older model you can still use an older version to edit and upload stuff unto your device, just like before, so in a way it can never be phased out whatever Fractal does.

    Do you really see original QC being supported in 5 years? I don't!
    Will AxeFx Standard and 2011 Kemper models work, like they do today, in 20 years? Absolutely!

  • outside of cataloging each backup, how would you locate the capture outside of simply looking through each backup, one at a time?

    You would have to load in the whole banana to get to a specific capture I'm thinking... Now, you could (I think) have a workaround but it's convoluted. That is, to back up everything, then wipe everything, and then save that wipe as a backup. Then, load that "wiped" backup and do a capture, and then save it as a backup, again. Yep- convoluted... 8o There has to be a better way. Maybe there's gonna be so much memory available and the capture files are tiny size wise?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Call me naive but If that is really the truth, then all bets are off and you can't believe anything you saw, heard, or read in the video.


    Edited: So let's say for a second you are correct and have proof of that. Care to share? And if you do have proof, has this always been the case?

    You know why I'm asking that, right? ;)

    If the above is true, you Sir are correct, as far as the video "capture/profile" comparisons. I am basing this on being paid to purposely make the QC sound better than the Kemper did, which I consider an underhanded thing to do.

    It's not underhanded, it's just marketing, although most people in marketing focus primarily on the product they're trying to sell rather than talking down a competitors product, it leads to more longevity in the industry. He did specifically mention at the beginning of the video that he's being paid to make these videos, although he did ask viewers to skip that part of the video which YouTube compels him to add to the video.

    Marketing is Rabea's livelihood, and good luck to him, I wish him no ill will. But just be aware that ALL of the QC's out in the wild at the moment are in the hands of marketers, expect the current owners to behave accordingly.

    Also bear in mind that Rabea stated the purpose of the video was to compare the capture / profile process, but by the end of the video it had morphed in to which unit sounds best, and for that reason he should have attempted to create the Kemper profile to the best of his ability, rather than a rushed untweaked attempt through a load box / cab simulator. I guarantee he would have taken more care creating commercial Kemper profiles than the method he used in this video

  • It's not underhanded, it's just marketing,

    I know what you mean, but if marketing means not telling it the way it really is, then thank GOD I have another profession. ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • And that begs another question. If you store everything on the unit, what happens if the memory/storage becomes corrupted?

    Re initilize and reload it? Too early to tell if that's even an option in the menus yet.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I have a Kemper and I love how Kemper owners here want this thing to fail solely based on some message board conversations and YouTube demos.

    Competition is a good thing, and if the Kemper truly is superior, time will tell and it will win out.

    This is why we can't have nice things because everyone has pick their product to own and defend their purchase. How about just enjoy what you have. Actually, I have an FM3 here to play with too and still have a QC preordered so for me whichever is best for my situation I'll keep, the rest get sold. It's pretty simple.

  • I wouldn`t be surprised if the next new thing is to follow the marketing strategy from computer games.

    Imagine buying loot boxes for your modeler which randomly contains say, one common delaypreset, one rare amp capture from a obscure amp and one legendary capture from a renowned creator.

    The modeler it self is sort of low cost but the main income of the company is through the loot box system, "free to play" grraah gives me chills just to think of it:P

    And people would come to bandpractice showing of their new light skin for their modeler and on big shows people would gather around the stage looking at their idol`s new custom made skin for their floorboard:D

  • I have a Kemper and I love how Kemper owners here want this thing to fail solely based on some message board conversations and YouTube demos.

    Competition is a good thing, and if the Kemper truly is superior, time will tell and it will win out.

    This is why we can't have nice things because everyone has pick their product to own and defend their purchase. How about just enjoy what you have. Actually, I have an FM3 here to play with too and still have a QC preordered so for me whichever is best for my situation I'll keep, the rest get sold. It's pretty simple.

    The defensiveness here on the Kemper forum is truly something to behold.

    It didn't used to be this way.

  • The problem people seem to miss about the whole "cloud" thing is not necessarily that you don't control your presets.

    The BIG problem is that there is a planned redundancy switch built in. If, in two years, they release QC2 they can just say that support for QC is being phased out because the app cannot work with QC1 anymore for whatever reason.

    A very valid point of concern. Much like video games and computer software, the subscription (pay to play/use) model is becoming very attractive. But that opens more pathways and risks for security issues.

    I am also concerned that going to a Cloud only model that requires me to store my musical IP in their Cloud servers begs a future declaration that everything on said servers is now the under the control or property of Neural. Haven't made any saves or updates in XXX period, we are deleting your content. Caps on how much you can store and fees for storing more than one QC amount of data.

    I also see the Apple App Store model of a huge fee to app (capture) sellers for the privilege of being hosted and made available. Also, in the App Store model, the Store owner/operator also gets to evaluate and deny products from being hosted. OR in this case deny sharing a personal capture.

    You gotta have the right guns when you enter the town of tone. And please, shoot ALL fanboys you come across!

  • I have a Kemper and I love how Kemper owners here want this thing to fail solely based on some message board conversations and YouTube demos.

    I haven't noticed that at all... So who in particular wants their Kemper to fail?

    OHHH you meant they want the QC to fail....

    Well... ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • To me it sounds like they haven;t fully sorted the model, hence can;t answer all the questions yet.

    As mentioned, seems like a crude way to control sharing of captures, but I suspect they will find it detrimental/unworkable. They will then have to change it if it becomes damaging enough or stick to their guns. That will just play out.

    One final point on Rabea - yeah hes not a bad guy. He's doing his job which is promotion. By definition his views will be skewed. He will emphasise the good and skip the bad. That's Marketing kids! I think he is being as open and honest as he can because if he is found out to be too underhand it will cause a backlash, destroying his reputation.

    But he is paid to promote, not be impartial, so he is treading that balance of selling but not be totally misleading or dishonest.

  • I am also concerned that going to a Cloud only model that requires me to store my musical IP in their Cloud servers begs a future declaration that everything on said servers is now the under the control or property of Neural. Haven't made any saves or updates in XXX period, we are deleting your content. Caps on how much you can store and fees for storing more than one QC amount of data.

    Ok maybe I'm just too naive, but aren't you reading way ahead of the end of the book here? No one has threatened to delete anything yet, have they?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • The defensiveness here on the Kemper forum is truly something to behold.

    It didn't used to be this way.

    Always remember: It's not the majority.

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