[RM] Multiple Copy-Paste (up to 5) from the Local Library to the Performance slots

  • I have bought some profile packs, and decided to organize them all as performances and noticed that all this process is very sloppy using Rig Manager (doing this manually with the Kemper buttons is even more sloppy, just sayin').

    Current steps:

    - Go to the local library.

    - Copy (only!) one profile.

    - Go to the performance section.

    - Create a new performance.

    - Paste in slot 1.

    - Go back to the local library and scroll the hell out of it to find my no.2 profile.

    - Copy the profile I want.

    - Go back to performance section.

    - Select the last performance mode I previously created and Paste.

    - and do this another x4 times.

    I am not sure that this will be the best in terms of users experience, but if I was able to copy 5 profiles at a time and immediately paste them all in a performance, that could be nice. :rolleyes:


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  • Second window will be your best fiend.

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    Wayyyyyyyyyyyy better

    but not perfect.

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