Who thinks Kemper Stage is noisier than Rack/Toaster ?

  • Hello everybody,

    I find that my Stage is noisier than my rack, which is completely silent.

    When I touch the browse knobs it does a ground loop sound (not too important because I don't record touching them at the same time :D)

    But I also found that the Stage produces a lot more "white noise" than the regular Kemper, especially at hi gain settings.

    I tried the ground lift option, different guitars, power supplies, sockets...

    Thoughts everyone ?

    Live I think (didn't bring my new toy at rehersals yet) it will not be a problem but for recording purposes I find it annoying.


  • But I also found that the Stage produces a lot more "white noise" than the regular Kemper, especially at hi gain settings.

    I do and did not have the regular Kemper, I'm a newbie with the Stage. But what you describe may be the same impression I got with the Stage. There is some disturbing noise especially on hi gains (which I dislike anyway). I noticed that there is a kind of scratch problem, occuring some times when hitting the strings hard. With power chords, best for instance with string D and G, 2nd fret, let the tone fade out. Then you can hear wave-like swelling and decay, among them slight disturbing and dirty noises, slight clipping(?).

    Until now, I cannot decide if it is just a problem with my own machine or if it is common to all Stage machines. On the other hand, I use some profiles with low gain, tweaked them heavily with my own settings, especially turning on the amp volume, and then they sound good.

  • CarloLf

    I noticed that too on some high output pickups when you let fade out notes. On headphones only for the moment, didn't noticed that on my DXR10, but listening is less subtle on this thing than headphones.

    If you don't mind, tell me please with what guitar and what gear you hear this noise ? Seems like buzz-rattle-metallic sound when you let the note fade out, in my case.

  • with what guitar and what gear you hear this noise ? Seems like buzz-rattle-metallic sound when you let the note fade out

    I use a SG guitar with heavy humbuckers (don't know which) and a Headrush-112 box; but if I put the output to an amp (Fender Super Champ XD or Cream JTA-45), it is also noticeable, maybe not as strong.

    As JedMckenna said, the humbuckers maybe to high on my guitar; will try lowering them.

  • Thanks man.

    But as I was saying, I did the comparison with the Kemper rack.

    Even if I was sticking my strings on pickups, it wouldn't make that weird noise with the rack. The white noise either.

    I wonder if it's a problem due to the design or if something is not completely right on this unit.

    Any other testifies ?

  • There is usually no guitar amp that is noisier than others, since the main noise is cached by the guitar pickups and gets amplified in dependence of the gain control.

    Try to set the Noise Gate control (in the Input module) to the same value as on your rack, and then you should have the same low noise level.

  • New to Kemper products. Got Stage unit last week. Happy with feeling in general and technical support so far. One of the first things I’ve noticed was noise/hum louder than usually on other amps. Instantly went to input module and had to go up to 6-7 on noise gate to get rid of all noises (also high gain). Never had to use noise gate on clean sounds before. It doesn’t matter whether this is single coil strat or humbacker prs. As far as I know, using noise gate in recording studio or even live is not the best way to get job done. Is there any other way to fix this on Stage? Do I miss something?

  • Thank you all for your help and comments.

    Mister ckemper especially, for still being active on the forum :D

    I think I will open a ticket. I got other issues (hiss when touching "browse" and "type" knobs), even with nothing else hooked.

    I will let everybody informed, I don't care about the Stage-bashing, its an amazing product with great form factor.

    First time I got a problem in nearly 5 years of usage and 3 Kemper products 8)

  • I have the unpowered toaster. It’s dead quiet even with high gain profiles and no gate.
    I think the stage has some issues :/

    I’ve seen some videos on YouTube with Stage users showing various presets and these guys signal seemed noise free. Can you guys share your experience with buzzes, hums and noises experience on your KPA’s? Any Stage users? How did you solve it?

  • hi everybody

    Got my Kemper Stage serviced and returned.

    Here is what I ear at the shop.

    Please forgive me for terrible conditions provided by the shop.

    You need to listen at loud volume but no jumpscare ;)

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