What Ever Happened to the Kemper Kabinet / Kone?

  • Any word on the release of the Kemper ? Kabinet and / or Kone? I don;t see any mention of it in any threads here for a while. At NAMM it was said that it would be released in summer 2019. I assume the Stage took hardware priority in the summer, but just curious if anyone has heard anything about the Kine / Kabinet lately?

  • The Kone and updated firmware used in conjunction (speaker imprints) is the ONLY thing I'm waiting for.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • At NAMM ‘19 CK said the speaker was done and the software nearly so. On Anderson’s TV in late Summer he states it was a ways off. I assume OS7 and the editor need to both be in full, stable release.

    I’d guess the next time we hear something new will be at NAMM ‘20 at the end of January.

  • At NAMM ‘19 CK said the speaker was done and the software nearly so. On Anderson’s TV in late Summer he states it was a ways off. I assume OS7 and the editor need to both be in full, stable release.

    I’d guess the next time we hear something new will be at NAMM ‘20 at the end of January.

    NAMM 2020 is mid January (starts 16th). I guess we'll hear, that we will get Kabinet somewhere in mid summer 2020 8o

  • NAMM 2020 is mid January (starts 16th). I guess we'll hear, that we will get Kabinet somewhere in mid summer 2020 8o

    I'm guessing the stars of the show will be the Stage and Editor. They've clearly been working their butts off to get them cleaned up and ready for prime time, so hopefully this is when everybody involved can take a bow.

    Seems reasonable there would be some mention about the new cabinet as well, but as Ruefus mentioned I would imagine there are dependencies on OS 7 so it makes sense to get all that sorted first.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • From the NAMM show 2020 section of this site:

    "We will have a completely new designed booth and new the now shipping-ready KEMPER Kabinet™ at the booth, the replacement KEMPER Kone™ speaker which brings the KEMPER™ Speaker Imprints to your already existing guitar cabinet, and of course there will be Rig Manger™ 3, a couple of tech and fx previews and a couple of interesting guests."

    I guess we will see what "shipping ready" means in terms of a real shipping date. :)