Input parameters global?

  • Profiler Stage has some settings which are global regarding all profiles and rigs, most are not. [This should be clearly noted in the documentary manual]. My question is this: the parameters reachable by the Input button are global, if you are in Browse mode, but are local to a rig, if you are in performance mode? Is this right? And why is this?

  • If the Input Settings are Locked, they are global.

    If not Locked, each Rig or Performance Slot has its own Input Settings.

    The Lock for Browse Mode is separate from the Lock for Performance Mode. You can set either to your Preference.

    If Performances are set up for specific songs, and specific guitars are used for the songs, it may be preferable to have Input Settings Unlocked.

  • And why is this?

    the reason is that we have to assume that a potential customer will test the unit in a music shop using a single guitar in Browse mode. Only after the purchase customers usually switch to perform mode to set up their own performances possibly for different guitars. If you only use a single guitar you can lock the input section in perform mode too and it will behave just like the browse mode.