Volume -> Wah expression pedal Question

  • Is it possible to to set up a Kemper stage such that my expression pedal functions as a Volume pedal but engages the Wah function when I hit the toe or heel position of the expression pedal? Been reading around and I couldn't dig up anything on this setup. Thanks in advance! :)

  • If you have your pedal configured as a Volume pedal in Pedal Settings, it isn't possible to switch from Volume to Wah within the same Rig using the Toe or Heel position. Doing that normally requires using a footswitch.

    However, instead of having your pedal configured as a volume pedal in the Pedal Settings, try this:

    Set the Pedal as Morph, and then also activate Morph to Wah, and Morph to Pitch.

    1) If you want a Volume pedal in a Rig, use Morph to control Rig Volume.

    2) If you do not have a Morph in a Rig, you can turn the wah on/off using bypass at Toe, Heel, or Stop.

    3) You also can use the Pedal for Pitch effects.

  • If I understood your advice correctly, it seems I cannot have a Wah and Volume in the same rig with pressing another switch. Seems like the only solution is the Mission EP1-KP.

    Edited once, last by DubiousMe (October 19, 2019 at 3:33 PM).

  • it seems I cannot have a Wah and Volume in the same rig with pressing another switch.

    If you don't use want to use the pedal for Morph, you can change from volume to wah using a switch (Remote I, II, III, IIII, or an external switch). You cannot use "Bypass at Heel, Toe, or Stop".

    Select “WahPedal >Volume” in System Settings.

    ✓ If “WahPedal >Volume” is selected, those two functions are mutually exclusive. As soon as a wah effect is active, the Wah Pedal controls this wah effect, while volume stays flat. As soon as there is no wah effect in the current Rig, or the wah effect is switched off, the Wah Pedal controls volume.

  • If you don't use want to use the pedal for Morph, you can change from volume to wah using a switch (Remote I, II, III, IIII, or an external switch). You cannot use "Bypass at Heel, Toe, or Stop".

    Select “WahPedal >Volume” in System Settings.

    ✓ If “WahPedal >Volume” is selected, those two functions are mutually exclusive. As soon as a wah effect is active, the Wah Pedal controls this wah effect, while volume stays flat. As soon as there is no wah effect in the current Rig, or the wah effect is switched off, the Wah Pedal controls volume.

    Yeah, I guess this is the closest solution to my situation. Thanks a bunch for taking time with my post :)

  • I’m not a fan of sharing Wah and Volume when using the toe switch to activate the Wah. This means wah is only ever available at full volume and when the wah is turned off the volume will be on full until backed off to the previous setting (assuming it wasn’t already at full). I use the Wah pedal and toe switch with a separate pedal for volume. However, when I need to share one pedal I allocate an FX switch on the remote to turn the Wah on and off rather than use the toe switch.