Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6

  • Hi All

    Has anybody managed to set this interface up on a Mac with a Kemper via SPDIF?

    I’m new to SPDIF and the Kemper, I was using an M-Audio interface no problem, but I can’t get any sound out of the interface using the SPDIF out?

    Many thanks,


  • Hi Simon, welcome and have fun here in the forum and with your Kemper.

    I am not using a Mac but I have a M-Audio C400 interface and use it with SPDIF and the Kemper all the time. Connected from SPDIF out of the Kemper to SPDIF in on the interface for recording purposes. Another SPDIF cable from the interface out to the Kemper SPDIF in for additional re-amping.

    What are you exactly doing and what is not working. That's not clear from your description.

  • Hello smoore

    I’m using Komplete Audio 6 with Mac. Tell more about your setup, that would help tracing your issue.

    But making assumptions from what you’ve provided:

    1. I had problems using S/PDIF with Cubase. It sees S/PDIF in/out, but produces no sound. There are people who have same problem with Cubase and Komplete Audio 6, but it seems, that nothing can be done about it. I had no problems with Logic X, Garage Band, Studio One and Reaper, so you can try one of those, if you have this problem with Cubase.

    2. Since Kemper can operate only as clock source, you should switch Komplete Audio 6 to use external clock. You can do this with built in mac app “Audio MIDI Setup”.

    3. S/PDIF channels 5 and 6 operate as both input and output. So maybe you got that somewhere wrong.

    P.S. Some of this stuff might be obvious, but I’m just throwing ideas of what might be wrong based on my experience :)

  • Hi All

    Apologies for the delay in continuing the conversation, work has been absolutely hectic so haven't really touched the Kemper for weeks.

    It may be that the email I received from Native Instruments today saying the following will help me though:

    Most of our products now work with macOS 10.15 Catalina

    I'll have another try over the next couple days and see if that solves my issue.

    Many thanks,


  • Did you update to a new OS (Catalina) without seeing all the emails flying around stating NOT to use Catalina yet because of the VST/driver software incompatibilities? There were many that hit my email.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Did you update to a new OS (Catalina) without seeing all the emails flying around stating NOT to use Catalina yet because of the VST/driver software incompatibilities? There were many that hit my email.

    Unfortunately I did, I upgraded to Catalina just before buying the interface!

  • Morning all

    Finally found the time to have another attempt at using the Komplete Audio 6 - with more success this time.

    It is setup as:

    Guitar -----> Kemper SPDIF out------> KA6 SPDIF in ------>Monitor speakers

    The interface is also attached to my Mac via USB.

    I can use the interface as monitors for normal audio playback from my Mac, Spotify, YouTube etc.

    I can also record and hear my guitar signal using Logic.

    My biggest problem now is monitoring the guitar signal without launching a DAW for general practice, something I have been doing for years using the M-Audio interface.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this not an option with this setup?

    Many thanks,


  • My biggest problem now is monitoring the guitar signal without launching a DAW for general practice, something I have been doing for years using the M-Audio interface.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this not an option with this setup?

    Perhaps you need to change audio setup to make the spdif the input device?

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Thanks for the replies, one option is indeed to do that - run the analogue outs in to the interface which would almost certainly work well - but for space and tidiness reasons I was trying to avoid having cables going in to the front of the interface.

    I was also interested in trying out the digital connection, and I'm very pleased with the sound coming from the monitors.

    For now I'll probably end up just living with having to launch logic before I play - probably takes no longer to launch and add a track coming from the right inputs that the Kemper takes to boot up.

    Just a pain really, I may end up selling the interface and looking for something more suitable eventually.

    Many thanks,
