Kemper Stage Yamaha fc7 expression pedal not using full pedal range correctly

  • This is my 2nd kemper stage that I have just recieved in exchange for my 1st one that I have had major problems with. I have had this same problem with my first one but I didn't ask about it in the forum because I had bigger problems at the time. When at halfway down on the pedal it shows +90% on the calibrate meter. When using the last 50% on the pedal is uses up the last 10ish% on the calibrate meter. I bought the yamaha fc7 mainly for the long throw of the pedal but this totally eliminates the purpose of that. Essentially all of the pedal use is on the top 15%ish of the pedal throw, which is really hard to use and eliminates the purpose of the long pedal throw. Through the kemper stage the pedal use isn't evenly distributed throughout the entire throw of the pedal. Hopefully the video will show what I am talking about. Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

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  • I have same issue using Fractal audio exp pedals (I too love the long throw). How do you properly calibrate? Every other unit I have ever used after you calibrate you have to save that calibration but on the stage I never saw how to do that.

  • just grabbed the manual for the FC7: it's a 50k potmeter on tip.. this should work fine with the KPA. I'm not sure wether it should be set to type1 or type2 right at this moment (have to check) but definitely one of those type settings should be OK.


    please set type to type1, press 'calibrate' and move the pedal several times up and down

    if this doesn't yield the required behaviour, select type2, press 'calibrate' and move up & down

    it's not needed to 'save' or anything after this

  • just grabbed the manual for the FC7: it's a 50k potmeter on tip.. this should work fine with the KPA. I'm not sure wether it should be set to type1 or type2 right at this moment (have to check) but definitely one of those type settings should be OK.


    please set type to type1, press 'calibrate' and move the pedal several times up and down

    if this doesn't yield the required behaviour, select type2, press 'calibrate' and move up & down

    it's not needed to 'save' or anything after this

    Thanks, I was using type 1 and type 2 works way better but it still doesn't use the last 10ish% of my pedal travel on both the top and bottom. But it is more useable for sure.