Profile rating system - ASAP - [done]

  • I don't want to use the time to listen through 900 profiles. I prefer using this time for playing.

    Hm, but you expect that the others do all the work and do the rating so you have more time for playing? (sorry you probably didn't mean it like this, but this would be the logical consequence)
    I am not sure if this will really work!?

    Anyway, I also think it would be a nice idea to be able to provide a rating or at leat a 'like'.
    However I think it would be even more important to add more 'tools' to qualify the profiles further so that we'll be able to judge in advance if it's woth the download.
    There should be fields e.g. for genre it's suitable for (metal, blues,...), brand and type of amp, guitar that it's been fine tuned for (SC, HB, ...), etc. And all this not just as free text but as real fields so it can be filtered later.
    And IMHO most important of all, introduce the possibility that the uploader can leave a short recording with it, so that we can already audition it.

    And lastly it would be great to have a way to quicker test a profile on the KPA without having to reboot each time you put a new rig on it!


  • I can see how the rating system can cause some very minor problems, but very soon we are going to be overwhelmed with profiles.

    I mean, when there are 500 different Marshall JCM's out there - you need SOMETHING to sort these by! Unless you have the time to download, upload, reboot, etc. just to find the ONE JCM that makes you happy.

    Having a musical type or genre will help for sorting....but I really believe a rating system will be a massive benefit!

    ....just keep it simple. Once you download the profile, assuming you have had time to play it to your liking simply score the profile from 1 to 5. 5 being the best (5 stars, or the like). After a while, the 'law of large numbers' will kick in and you will soon realize the best profiles really will make it to the top of the ratings. This is very common and used by many companies today.

    Not everyone is going to rate every single profile a 5. In fact, users can be as critical as they need to be - it's a simple score based on their opinion of the profile.

    If users want to use the rating system to their benefit (in efforts to sort through a massive list of the same amp), that's great. If your style is to download and play everyone - so be it. And good luck with that! I personally don't have that kind of time.

    But there needs to be something. From my perspective "LIKES" are way too generic and won't give enough insight to the quality of the profile. Allow the users to score them on a simple scale - and I think it would become an extremely popular and powerful tool.

    Just my two cents.

  • Basically, I couldn't have said it better. I too believe that, on the distance (and on large numbers), the rating system would be a benefit for everyone.

    Someone has written that in one year we might have 3,000 profiles... Guys, the KPA is just at its beginning! And, since we know that a profile can be better than another even with the same amp, cab and mic, everyone inclined to will want to make their own profiles. Rest assured we will have lots of "Mesa/Boogie Lonestar with Marshall 4x12 and Shure M57 - Clean", and no-one will sound like another :wacko:

    I'd say that one year from now we will have 20,000 profiles. Just a guess of course.

  • IMO a simple 'like' button will be enough.
    It would be like our mums told us: If you have to say something positive about someone (someone's profile), say it. If not: simply shut up.
    Rating scales are way too complicated and misleading, because people tend to rate differently: the more enthusiastic type will tend to give 5 of 5 stars more often than a more critical type.

  • +1 on a simple like button. It would be a bad move to have a 0-5 rating because lets say you upload some profiles for the community to share and you have lots of 0 votes i think you probably wouldn't upload any new ones again. One mans piece of shit is another mans gold 8o

  • Since the top rig threads usually like rigs I nuked, I doubt a rating thing would work well. I guess it couldnt hurt, but like the line6 ones-rarely agree with me. Same for any modeller. Some axe2 patch is all the rave and sounds like mouse nuts to me.
    Now a folder sort by amp type would be great, as would the live audition. I'd assume that that is coming. Click a rig on the laptop-audition it thru the kemp. The folder thing would be cool and educational both on the rig download area and the unit itself.

    Guitars-Lifeson Axcess Red, Lifeson Axcess Brown, Iced Tea Axcess stop tail, LRP Sig 57
    Amp-Axefx2, KPA, G5, GSP1101, RCF, QSC, Matrix, EHX-Mag44

  • Well, this is probably out in the future, but it would be sweet to have the KPA connected via USB to the PC/Mac and audition directly from the net 8o

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

    Edited once, last by Zappledan (April 19, 2012 at 6:33 PM).

  • I share the opinion that a generell rating system is difficult and even a little dangerous. Remember, we are not talking anymore about how good a certain modeller or amp software is at reproducing a tone. The KPA nails it pretty good in most cases and just reproduces someone´s taste in tone. Blues players will tend to rate a metal tone too harsh while metal guys will rate moody blues tones too mellow.

    I totally agree to this one. Additionally a rating system favors the rigs that have already been rated good, which means people won't even bother to try new infamous rigs.
    Maybe a rating system or just a like / dislike function combined with different categories of styles would do the trick.

    At the moment I'd be happy if there were like 5 categories of sound types to choose from so I could distinguish among sounds before putting them on the KPA.

  • ... so it seems our "ideal" exchange page is taking form. Let me sum it up my way, and let's discuss what you all think:

    • More entries in the header: originally thought genre (for example: Pop clean, Funk, Rock, Hard rock, HM); guitar/PU used (Strato, P90, Semiacoustic, LP, Active); Level of gain (Clean, Edge-of-breaking, Crunch, Distorted, Lead) to be added to the already existing ones (this might take the place of a division by folders).
    • Possibility to sort the list by any of the entries.
    • Possibility to set the number of items per page (20-50-100).
    • Possibility to listen to a sample from the author.
    • Possibility to give own "like" to a profile. Valuation from users should take into account the genre the profile was originally meant for, and the guitar the author tweaked the amp for before profiling. This might prevent a death metal guy to dislike a profile meant for playing SRV with a strato, or the other way round ;) ).
    • A field/page for comments, where the author and all the users could add meaningful information and tricks about how best using the profile (ex: "I turned the sag halfway down and doubled the gain, and my strat with Mama active PUs sounded gorgeous"; or "try it with a LP and a Dragoon C8C Celestion Neodymium!"; or "put my volume know barely at 1 and could play a great Slash on my LS!").

    It seems to me this listens to everyone's needs as I've perceived them till now, and might work well.
    What do you guys think? Feel free to add your ideas or corrections, to arrive at a working model to submit Kemper.

    • Possibility to sort the list by any of the entries.
    • Possibility to set the number of items per page (20-50-100).
    • Possibility to listen to a sample from the author.
    • A field/page for comments, where the author and all the users could add meaningful information and tricks about how best using the profile (ex: "I turned the sag halfway down and doubled the gain, and my strat with Mama active PUs sounded gorgeous"; or "try it with a LP and a Dragoon C8C Celestion Neodymium!"; or "put my volume know barely at 1 and could play a great Slash on my LS!").

    I like those ideas. I think there should not be a "dislike" function or something like rating just 1 of 5 stars or anything like that. This will only keep users from doing experimental stuff and even stop people from uploading any new stuff if they do not get a good result. I think that a "like" function for a certain style or genre will be better. Look at the success of facebook, it would never have been as big if there was a "dislike" function :)

  • Nice sum-up I'll just add the possibilty of using checkboxes to allow someone to download 1-100 profiles in a single download.

    Let me explain :

    example link

    You can select checkboxes (on the left ) a whole range while holding SHIFT key and selecting 2 boxes :

    from 25 to 50 for instance : just click 25, hold SHIFT then click 50 , then download your profiles in a single click ( create NZB )

    This would be great in the case you can display at least 25/50/100 profiles per page.

    I hope it's clear enough to understand :huh: ?

    Profiles should also be kept on a repository so one can download then in a single batch ( like now ).


    PS : post edited use SHIFT, not CTRL - thx guys for the feedback