Rig Collection - 27/04/2013 - Update - RIg Pack!

  • Hi Kemper Family!
    As i said in another thread i have prepared a "full" collection of KPA rigs, as they are uploaded today, 27th of April 2012, 16.23 GMT +1 (UPDATE) with the Rig Pack April release

    I took the Factory ones (almost all, unfortunately i deleted some of the before i made a backup, like the Marshall TSL60 ones) and all the ones on Rig Exchange.
    If some of you has some rigs which haven't been uploaded or the ones i deleted, please send me a message in this thread, i'll provide to update this rig database.

    The rigs are classified for Brand and then Amp model.

    Sometimes you can find a subfolder called "factory", obviously they are the factory ones.
    Sometimes you can see a "pedal" or "stompbox" subfolder in the amp folder: here you can find the amp profile with distortion/overdrive pedals.
    I put in those folders AMT and Damage Control profiles too, as they work as preamps too. I made a general "Axe Fx" folder, i feel that a further classification would be useless.

    Among the Brand folders you'll find some "special" ones:

    -"Piezo amps": this is dedicated to acoustic rigs;
    -"Plug-ins" folder: dedicated to VST instruments profiles;
    -"Stompboxes" folder: usually we have stomps recorded as "direct", but for some of them (like Cornish ones) being recorded into an amp, you can find the profile in this folder and in the reference amp folder too;
    -"Studio preamps": at the moment we just have an Avalon profile, but i think it's a good idea to profile this kind of outboard stuff;
    -"Unknown" folder: i don't know which amp has been profiled. They are just three, so if the profiler wants to contact me i'll update it.

    Here it's the link to get the Clean Backup, with no rigs/cabs inside. Install it as you would with a standard backup, ask for help if you don't know how to do it.
    After you import it, you can install your favourite rigs using the USB stick, putting 'em in the Shared Folder.

    STICKY: Before installing this backup PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR ACTUAL SYSTEM.


    27/04/2012 UPDATE

    Hi guys, here's the weekly update.
    I prepared just two archives: one with the full collection and one with the newly uploaded rigs and the April Rig Pack.
    So here's the Rig Collection .zip, fully updated (but no FX presets!) :

    Rig Collection 27/04/2012 - 16.23 GMT +1 - FULL

    Here's the New Profiles archive: just the new profiles, classified by amp. I prepared this in case you have tweaked your folders and don't want to mess again with profile you already deleted. Here you can find the Phaser presets contained in the Rig Pack April release

    New Rigs 27/04/2012


    STICKY: here's an .xls file with all the profiles with almost ALL THE INFOS about the profiles in the Rig Collection archive. A really big thank you to GuyTarero, who made this unbelievable job.

    Rig Collection 27-04-2012 XLS

  • wow thanks.
    but (someone has to ask,, guess it will be nooby me)
    With all this hard effort you have done.
    do I just copy all this to the shared folder?
    Will the kemper put them in order as you have here?
    Only had the kemper for a short while so im still learning these things.

  • Hi and44: the answer to your question is, unfortunately, no.
    This is working, in my mind, as a librarian for a day by day work. Think about tying all the Dual Rectifier profiles in a few time. You can try them and choose which are the ones you prefere and then delete the rest. So you'll have two or three Recto profiles instead of 24.
    And you know that you are going to make a selection among all the dual rectifier profiles, being them classified in a dedicated folder.

    I think that this will be much more helpful if and when a direct transfer form Mac/PC to KPA will be available.
    I hope this helps.

  • fantastic effort, well done, there is so much out here now it feels like a full time job just to keep on top of it all, i hope chris is bringing some form of mac/pc editor soon.

    Question for the masters, i can unpack a backup by putting .rar in front of it, if I then edit the rig library is there any way i can repack it as a backup so i could then manage the content in groups, rather than what feels like 100's of rigs all the time?

  • Well, i' have edited my backup but i imported the rigs with the standard method (i.e. in the shared folder).
    Anyway i'm on Mac and i'm using Stuffit Expander to unpack the files. Then i edit them and save with BetterZip as TAR archives, with no compression. Then i change delete the .tar extension e i leave the .kpabackup.

    For win procedure, it has been described by guitarnet70 somewhere in the forum, try to make a research.

  • fantastic effort, well done, there is so much out here now it feels like a full time job just to keep on top of it all, i hope chris is bringing some form of mac/pc editor soon.

    Question for the masters, i can unpack a backup by putting .rar in front of it, if I then edit the rig library is there any way i can repack it as a backup so i could then manage the content in groups, rather than what feels like 100's of rigs all the time?

    If you just want to delete rigs and reload the backup without those rigs, it works. If you create subdirectories or edit the filenames you have good chances to crash the unit.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff