Recommendations for metal tones.....

  • Well after a couple hours of hanging out at the Kemper booth at NAMM last year I finally purchased the Profiler Power Rack. Pretty much got most of it working just need to get into the flow of it more....

    I downloaded the RIG Manager and was blown away at how many RIG profiles there are.... I am looking for some profiles for metal that have a tight bottom end and sound wide like running through a thick 4x12. I also wanted something with a little flanger movement in it as well...

    Tough questions but someone recommend some or at least the authors who tend to have that kind of tone?



    Equipment junky always on the hunt chasing tone. Engl Powerball 2, MT15PRS, PRS Custom 24, PRS Tremonti, PRS McCarthy, Ibanez JS2410

  • For the amount of "flanger movement" that suits you, it'd be best to experiment with an onboard effect and tweak it to your taste IMHO. You can then lock it in place and browse Rigs to your heart's content; very few, if any, existing metal Rigs would be set up as you'd like in this regard, let alone even have a flanger active.

    Welcome to the forum, HT, and congrats on finally getting your unit; the wait since NAMM must've been excruciating! :thumbup:

  • Welcome HT!

    mdan's Driftwood Merged profile is one of my alltime favourites from the RigExchange.... great heavy tone from a Driftwood Mini Nightmare amp.... very good sound for rythm guitars as well as for solos.

    I merged it alternatively with GB's 4x12 Bogus cab from the GB Bogus X-tasy profile which comes with the Kemper. Small tweaks (Treble and Presence a bit down) and the profile plays so well with treble humbuckers in my PRS Custom 22 as well as with the ones in my Fender Billy Corgan Strat.

    Effects would need to be added of course based on your ideas mentioned above.

  • Good source for metal oriented rigs are the guys from SinMix in Poland. Just google for "SinMix Kemper". They offer a freebie package with an incredible amount of rigs from different amps which are good for metal. You certainly can find some good ones there. Lots of YT videos there as well to show the sound characteristics.

  • Guys thanks for the follow up. Its just amazing the amount of options and combinations. Its a bit overwhelming. LOL! At the end of the day its all about how our ears define a tone so was hoping to just get some basis from how others have put together some profiles. When I read the amp holds 1000 profiles as was like who can possible have that many and now I can see why!

    I'll check out the referrals noted and I have some other operational questions but they might be better suited for other sections of the forum.. Thanks

    Equipment junky always on the hunt chasing tone. Engl Powerball 2, MT15PRS, PRS Custom 24, PRS Tremonti, PRS McCarthy, Ibanez JS2410

  • It's all good. I need to pay better attention to where I am when I post, since I usually just go through the "Unread Posts" portion of the forum and respond to things I feel I can contribute to. All is well. Back to your regularly scheduled programming. :)

    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • Welcome HT!

    mdan's Driftwood Merged profile is one of my alltime favourites from the RigExchange.... great heavy tone from a Driftwood Mini Nightmare amp.... very good sound for rythm guitars as well as for solos.

    I merged it alternatively with GB's 4x12 Bogus cab from the GB Bogus X-tasy profile which comes with the Kemper. Small tweaks (Treble and Presence a bit down) and the profile plays so well with treble humbuckers in my PRS Custom 22 as well as with the ones in my Fender Billy Corgan Strat.

    Effects would need to be added of course based on your ideas mentioned above.

    Damn, man. Now you got me jealous. You got Corgan strat.

  • Damn, man. Now you got me jealous. You got Corgan strat.

    Thanks man, kind words. Actually I appreciate Billy Corgan's work very much but he was never one of my guitar heroes so I was not striving to achieve "his sound" when I bought the guitar. Rather I was hunting for a good hardtail strat which are so hard to find to my impression. So I bought it used for relatively high price and changed the treble pickup which I did not like at all. Meanwhile I really fell in love with the guitar. It is so versatile and brings out the differences of several amps and rigs in the Kemper quite well. Especially well also for medium gain profiles.

  • MBritt ( lonestargtr ) Driftwood pack works for me. Cheap as chips as well..

    I had that pack on my radar for some time but I am a "slow buyer". Picked it up yesterday evening after you reminded me with your post. Thanks for that. Very useful for me. The Driftwood pack gives a bit more versatility than the single profile from mdan on the RE. Which I still find infinitely attractive for my tone :)

  • I had that pack on my radar for some time but I am a "slow buyer". Picked it up yesterday evening after you reminded me with your post. Thanks for that. Very useful for me. The Driftwood pack gives a bit more versatility than the single profile from mdan on the RE. Which I still find infinitely attractive for my tone :)

    Great pack - play around with definition, sag and pick depending on your guitars.... awesome FOH