Profiler Stage crashing somewhat often when saving Performances?

  • I just realised the profiles I was saving into performances weren't actually loaded into my Profiler... could it be that? I dragged them from local library so maybe they were being stored in the cache?

    I’m not sure about the cache issue, but I’m experiencing similar types of things with performance management. I would drag a performance form local library over to the Stage and sometimes it would show that something was there but it wouldn’t have all the parts (effects, names on slots etc). Sometimes the performance wouldn’t match the right number in the list between Stage and local library. I can change the arrangement and neither would synch to each other.

  • I have had several times freeze my new Stage - usually when I browse too quickly changing the rigs.

    The unit stops responding, although it still plays the last rig, before it froze, on the screen KEMPER PROFILER appears and stays like that, does not respond to power off with button, only thing I can do is unplug the power cord.

    I sent question to US Kemper, but no response so far.

  • Anybody else seeing this?

    I feel like it's linked to Rig Manager but I think I've had some freezes when it's not connected too.

    I’ve been running the stage now on the latest software for about a week straight without a freeze. I’ve reboot the device once to physically move it, but that’s it. It’s been on non-stop the whole week. I should say I’ve not had it connected to my Mac, so no RM. I know this isn’t definitive but I think it points to RM as the stability culprit. At least with my issues.

  • Had it running without errors for a week without attaching anything to the USB port. I tried to use a PC keyboard to type in names and got a freeze. A couple of hours later I tried to do a backup and the unit froze after inserting the USB stick. Then on stage, I got the clock error again. I think it’s definitely not RM itself causing these crashes.

    I do not get crashes when saving or switching performances. Sounds like corrupt data in the performance itself?

    Get a sound,
    Feel the groove,
    Make something happen.

  • I have the same issues you are having. My kemper is freezing up a lot and when I plug it into rig manager it doesn’t let me copy and paste it. I unplug and plug it in again, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. Most of the time it doesn’t work properly. When I search for rig profiles in the kemper it will freeze too sometimes and have to unplug it again. Any update?