Kemper and a Helix Stomp

  • Is anybody using a Helix Stomp along with a Kemper? IF so I am curious on how you use it. Via midi control and effect loops.

    I can see using the helix Stomps effect section in conjunction with the Kemper. I also seethe HX Stomp as a viable Backup that could fit on the board.

  • I am interested in this too although to be honest the KPA has more than enough and good enough effects that I don’t really need the extra but am sure I could make use of them and as mentioned would be a great backup rig.

  • I don't use a Stomp, but do use a Helix. Need the Helix for the Variax support to change tunings and guitar models as desired with a footswitch - the Stomp does not provide Variax support. Also use the Helix to incorporate an iPad to do all sorts of stuff like triggering samples, guitar to midi to iOS synth stuff, and more. I currently just run the Helix into the front input of the Kemper and use it like a pedal board for any pre-Kemper effects. After about half a year of gigging this setup, I'm still just scratching the surface of the possibilities of incorporating all of this gear together in a rig. I run Helix XLR out to FOH for the iPad signal, and Kemper XLR out to FOH for my guitar signal. Some sound guys still like to mic my cab and blend that with the Kemper XLR, some prefer the Kemper direct signal only. I still want to explore some ideas like stacking two complete rig setups, split signal, using the Helix for one complete amp setup, and the Kemper for another. I use the onSong app on the iPad to control all changes on the Variax and Helix via midi over USB to Helix, the Helix in turn is configured to simultaneously send the necessary midi data to the Kemper for any changes there. Craziness...

  • I also use the Helix LT floor to manage and have a visual on the signal chain which includes the Kemper as a 'slave'

    (or read: the 'amp block' in the chain), plugged in one of the effect loops of the Helix. I can altern from one processor

    to the other for effects, mainly using the Helix for eqs, delays and modulations effects (or not) , as well as a few cabs and imported

    IRs. The possibilities are quite insane.

    Kemper rack unpowered, Art SLA Power Amp, Mesa TC-50, Laney LFR 112, Chapman ML3 Pro Modern, Solar Artist 2.6, Charvel Pro-Mod DK 24, J, PRS Paul Allender.

    Metal radio show host at CFOU 89,1 FM -

  • On my pedalboard I have a HX Stomp. I like it. When I play with a tube amp or the Kemper it's only for effects. And when I'm using the pedalboard alone, I use the amp simulations as well. With the right IRs they are even relatively good. However, it's much more fiddly to get a usable amp sound than with the Kemper.

  • I’m using a HX stomp in front of my Kemper only. I much prefer the Kemper’s delays and reverbs post amp, I like the HX Stomp’s drives and the killer Univibe pre the amp section. I’m working on setting up patch change messages on the Kemper to load HX patches in performance mode. Wish I didn’t have to do this but I find the Kemper’s drives a bit disappointing and the univibe is a mile off.

  • I have the HX Stomp in front of the Kemper as well. I like the drive choices on the Stomp.

    My pedal before the Stage. I use the HX Stomp EFX Loop to connect the Kemper.

    My pedalboard before the Stage:

    How do you like the Sim1?

    And where did you buy it?

    Difficult to get one in Germany, AFAIK there’s one retailer in Austria.

  • I absolutely love the Sim1. I got mine off of Reverb. There are a couple US dealers that sell them there. I have an original Variax and a Boss GP-10 with the hex pickup. Neither of those are as convincing to me. There is nothing to mess with once you have profiled your guitar. You match the source PU with the target PU and play. You can even mismatch them to get different sounds. It responds just like a guitar and you don't get the weird piezo artifacts that the Variax is prone to. I haven't played a guitar without it on since getting it a month ago

  • I absolutely love the Sim1. I got mine off of Reverb. There are a couple US dealers that sell them there. I have an original Variax and a Boss GP-10 with the hex pickup. Neither of those are as convincing to me. There is nothing to mess with once you have profiled your guitar. You match the source PU with the target PU and play. You can even mismatch them to get different sounds. It responds just like a guitar and you don't get the weird piezo artifacts that the Variax is prone to. I haven't played a guitar without it on since getting it a month ago

    Very cool! Did you sell guitars already? ;)

  • I'm using the stomp mainly for bi-amping. Sometimes in front of the Amp section as a pre-amp.

    For quickly testing large amounts of iR's i set the loop with the stomp after the Stack.

    All controlled only by the Remote and midi thru of the Glab midi looper.

    To bad the Profiler can't send cc messages.

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  • Ha! LOL! The funny thing about it, is they don't all sound the same through it. It is like part of the personality of the source guitar is part of the target guitar sound. Hard to explain, but I did one setup that had two source guitars going into the same target guitars. And I switched back and forth between the two source guitars playing the same target guitar and there was a difference, subtle but there. They currently let you have 30 presets and each preset is a PU position so you run out of presets pretty quick. Each preset is a source guitar PU choice into target PU choice. So a strat could take 5 presets. They are planning to bump that to 99 in the near future.

    I have USB stick for each guitar I have profiled, I think 8 or 9 so far. When I want to play a different guitar, I grab the USB stick for it and restore it to the Sim1 and play. I do wish that they make it so I can switch guitars from the phone app or the unit itself someday.

  • Hey Everyone. How does the Helix's overdrive/distortion stomps compare to the Kemper? I'm happy with the amp/cab tones that I get from my Kemper, but I'm considering to pair it with a Helix Stomp or Helix Effects. Are the overdrive and distortion tones and options any better on the Helix?

  • Hey Everyone. How does the Helix's overdrive/distortion stomps compare to the Kemper? I'm happy with the amp/cab tones that I get from my Kemper, but I'm considering to pair it with a Helix Stomp or Helix Effects. Are the overdrive and distortion tones and options any better on the Helix?

    If you're happy with the amp tones from the Kemper, then have you considered the HX Effects instead of the HX Stomp. Besides having all the same effects from the Helix platform, including drives, it is also a really great and easy-to-use MIDI controller. You could use it as you're primary controller for your Kemper and pedalboard, if you want to. Just a thought.

  • So I do have the HX stomp and was using it as my standby rig. But the more I play with Kemper the less exciting it is to play with the helix. It sounds ok, but it just lacks something which I'm not able to explain when playing. I'm seriously contemplating trading the HX and getting a tube combo as my backup rig. For effects other than overdrive, I think the Kemper effects are on par.

    But honestly, the best results for me with the Kemper is now running it through a power amp and cab :)

  • Right now I'm using my HX Stomp strictly for a single compressor and fx loop to let me use my FreqOut pedal without running extra cables to the Kemper to keep my cable run tidy. I was using a few drives in the Stomp but since the KD came out I'm not using drives in the Stomp at all. So basically my Stomp is to prevent me from having to run two more cables from pedalboard to Kemper. I'm under-utilizing it for sure.

