Stage foot switch 2 not responding to presses

  • Unreliable product for live situations, too many problems:

    Noise/buzz on Master Output (clean rigs) with DiMarzio noiseless pickups and on the Monitor Out Dry, freeze OS, foot switches does not work properly, almost weekly I discover new problems.

    Too risky to use at work. I still rely on the old Boss GT-100, or Fractal Ax8 ;)

    Unfortunately the 30 days of return passed. I was stuck with this product, and I hope that the next updates will solve the problems, or maybe the warranty. I want my money back.

    We are ... just testers :cursing:

  • Hi

    I see that there are too many cases with the failure of the effect switches. In my case I bought the stage profile a couple of weeks ago and I realized that the effect switch III fails. He has not yet touched the ground and already with problems and I see that I am not the only one. I will write to the technical service tomorrow to request a return but I no longer trust the reliability of this device.

    It is a shame because the device is wonderful and I never thought that Kemper did not do a strict quality control of the device. I understand that the Chinese do not do it but a German company and with high prices can not afford so many cases of the same failures.

  • Hi

    I see that there are too many cases with the failure of the effect switches. In my case I bought the stage profile a couple of weeks ago and I realized that the effect switch III fails. He has not yet touched the ground and already with problems and I see that I am not the only one. I will write to the technical service tomorrow to request a return but I no longer trust the reliability of this device.

    It is a shame because the device is wonderful and I never thought that Kemper did not do a strict quality control of the device. I understand that the Chinese do not do it but a German company and with high prices can not afford so many cases of the same failures.

    You can just buy the toaster or rack version, ofortunately im not buying the stage soon.

    Kemper Rack with Remote

    Bogner Duende 24W
    Focusrite 6i6

  • Hola, recibí mi etapa hace menos de un mes y hoy he preparado el paquete para su reparación.

    Parece muy malo que después de pagar el dinero que vale, llegue un producto sabiendo que dará problemas.

    Si realmente hay óxido, ¿cómo llego allí? Entro en la humedad? ¿Echo a perder más componentes? ¿Significa que no es resistente al agua y volverá a suceder?

    Estoy muy decepcionado. Yo no recomendaría este producto.

  • Switch number 2 is working intermittently for me which is frustrating gigging....I have to now bend down and engage the small white button for the effect or lose time with the band. Very frustrated and getting ready to contact Kemper. My unit is only a few months old.

  • Switch number 2 is working intermittently for me which is frustrating gigging....I have to now bend down and engage the small white button for the effect or lose time with the band. Very frustrated and getting ready to contact Kemper. My unit is only a few months old.

    Definitely contact support ASAP.

  • Hi all, I found this thread because I'm having issues with the II footswitch on my Stage. Actually, this is my second stage. I bought my very first Kemper Stage about two weeks ago and received a unit with a particle stuck under the screen. I contacted Kemper Support about it and they asked that I exchange the unit for a new Stage.

    So, just today I received the replacement and the II footswitch doesn't work! Here's a video:…iew?usp=sharing

    I guess I'll have to contact support AGAIN. Frankly, this is very frustrating. If I knew I was going to have these issues going to a Kemper, I would have not made the switch.

  • The same ìssue here with footswitch 3.

    This is a hardware issue for sure, I think that is a problem with the heith of the switch, that it does not adjust perfectly.

    I have repaired it just adding a thick washer so the heith varies, by the moment it is working right.

    Hope this helps

  • Hi all, I found this thread because I'm having issues with the II footswitch on my Stage. Actually, this is my second stage. I bought my very first Kemper Stage about two weeks ago and received a unit with a particle stuck under the screen. I contacted Kemper Support about it and they asked that I exchange the unit for a new Stage.

    So, just today I received the replacement and the II footswitch doesn't work! Here's a video:…iew?usp=sharing

    I guess I'll have to contact support AGAIN. Frankly, this is very frustrating. If I knew I was going to have these issues going to a Kemper, I would have not made the switch.

    Try adding a thick washer to the footswitch, it has worked for me

  • My foot switches have started to fail. Kemper send me any replacements out and I'm very reluctant to return it to Germany to have it fixed after this guy's experience (I'm so disappointed! Getting a Kemper repaired. - YouTube). First it was '2' then it fixed itself. Then it was '3' and now it's '3 & 5'. It feels like a switch hardware issue because it happens when you initially load the 'patch' and also when you morph between settings. Very frustrating and worse than useless live!