Performance switching Beatbuddy pedal Midi CC msgs

  • Hi,

    I am using a beatbuddy drum pedal and trying to get the kemper to send midi messages to the pedal to switch beats when I change rigs. I have set up the midi out PC changes in the rig slots in performance mode but the beatbuddy completely ignores all the messages. I think that this is because the kemper is only sending PC messages and the beatbuddy requires CC messages ( I am very new to this and have a very limited understanding of midi).

    The beatbuddy midi manual says:

    Program change (CC) summary

    CC-112[1-127] Triggers a drum fill

    CC-113 [1-127] Starts song transition (selects the next part)

    1. starts transition will jump to part 1 on exit

    2.starts transition will jump to part 2 on exit


    127. starts transition will jump to next part on exit

    I have tried sending Program Change 113 on channel 1 (BB is set to listen on channel 1) when I swap rigs but nothing happens.. the only thing I can get to work is that the tempo can be set by the kemper so there must be some communication happening.

    Does anyone have something like this working ?

    any help would be appreciated

    Thanks in advance

  • As you suspect, MIDI program changes (PC) and control changes (CC) are fundamentally different things. It appears your drum machine requires control changes. The PROFILER only sends program changes. It's like different languages. There are devices which could map such commands, but I have no experience, if this introduces any latency and would be sufficient for your time critical application.

  • Thanks for your swift reply. I do find it a bit sad that two modern midi devices cannot talk to each other... I guess they have to first speak the same language :) Do you think this could be worth adding a feature request for "Output to midi CC".. I could also request from singular sound that you could trigger it with PC messages.

  • Looks like program changes are possible (at least with OnSong) - check out

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  • Thanks for sharing the video tburle It does actually confirm my thoughts that PC and CC are different and the ones I need to send (CC) are not sent out by the kemper... Im now thinking about getting onsong though and getting that to also change my rigs in performance mode.... hmmmmmm

  • Thanks for sharing the video tburle It does actually confirm my thoughts that PC and CC are different and the ones I need to send (CC) are not sent out by the kemper... Im now thinking about getting onsong though and getting that to also change my rigs in performance mode.... hmmmmmm

    That's what I'm using Bandhelper for as well (changing rigs in Performance mode), along with a bluetooth MIDI adapter

  • The capability to send control changes from Performance Slots in addition to program changes is on our list of future enhancements. However, there have been little requests lately since we have added our new delay, pitch delay, and reverb algorithms. I guess, there is just much less need to loop in external devices, but use the integrated effects instead. So, this enhancement has no high priority at the moment.

  • With devices like the HX Stomp or HX Effects that have outstanding Overdrive options, it would be amazing to incorporate Midi CC to have a Kemper Remote button toggle on/off a midi CC command to toggle on/off an OD from that effect. With many feeling the OD's are lacking in Kemper, this would give us best of both worlds.