Kemper Stage - Loose knobs, broken stomp switches, browser push knob broken & more. Poor Quality?

  • For those with potential footswitch issues straight out of the box, just try 'exercising' the switch rapidly through 50-100 presses and retest before drawing conclusions (much quicker if done by hand and easy to push as they're momentary). I say this as it resolved my issues with switches 4 and 5, which now behave perfectly. I suspect switch contacts have not been actioned much/at all because they are new will be generating some switching noise. If it was part of an analogue circuit, you'd hear the noise in the signal. If this is switch is just being interpreted as binary the noise on that signal could mean it doesn't reliably send 0 or 1, either not triggering or double-triggering on/off. This seemed to be the behaviour I had, and it quickly went away. I don't think this is poor quality componentry per se, as this is common to all electro-mechanical switches/pots/faders including those on new large-format mixing consoles I commission that just need to be used.

    If it's still broken, it's broken, but I'd give it a go first if it really is straight out of the box.

    Ed / Audio Systems Engineer / Kemper Stage + Fender fan

  • Stage Firmware 7.0.7 released - might fix yer switches!


    fixed: editing Slots in a Performance potentially corrupting Slot

    fixed: insufficient number of tracks in init Performance causing issues

    fixed: defective factory Rig during bootup

    changed: scanning of foot buttons improved (Stage)

    Ed / Audio Systems Engineer / Kemper Stage + Fender fan

  • My first Kemper Stage went back becuse one of the footswitches stopped working after very short time. I got a new one, this is the good message.
    But after very short time i had the same Problem again, one of the foot switches stopped working. Seems there is a big Quality issue with the Kemper Profiler Stage.

  • I am waiting for my 3rd Stage to arrive today. Two months ago, my first Stage had multiple foot switches stop working. Two days ago, one of the switches on my 2nd Stage stopped working suddenly. Kemper support was very responsive and got my replacement out quickly. I figured I would update fellow Stage owners here. When it first happened, I guessed they had a bad run of early units. Now I am left to worry they have no idea why the switches are failing. Hopefully this not the case but it's very disappointing that I can't trust that my Stage will stay working.

  • Same here. Brand New Kemper with foot fail:

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  • My tap tempo footswitch in addition to having the switch fall apart, now seems to have a mind of its own.

    It seems to just want to stick to a fast tempo when I already switched of the tempo settings in the rig...

    i just hope support from Singapore is as good as you guys have overseas :/

  • Unfortunately I’ve had two foot switches go bad. I was always concerned about the remote and especially tying our hands with lack of cc capability on foot switches. So I stuck to my never failing All-Access controller and happily controlled the K Power Rack, 2290 and PCM-70 and G-Force. But, I thought I’d give this a try. Bad preset down switch bit me a few times in the middle of a high profile all-star show. The extra dual switch I ordered had the B switch with the same problem.

    Its going back and I’m back to the Kemper rack and independent controller.

    Guys. Please. Don’t cut corners. Bad foot switches can cost us call backs and a lot of lost $$$.

    And why not let us send out cc’s to those effects you CAN’T profile or program. Seriously! The remote is stifling and intermittent. But worse, the stage is all in one and you lose it all to a repair.

    After this, I can’t be without a backup and that defeats the purpose of getting it to save carrying a rack AND controller.

    Otherwise, great idea if I could reliably control it!!!

    Don’t put your eggs all in one basket.

    He’ll, I’d keep it to play at home if I could thumb drive whatever I create to the fly rig. But, can’t do that. Different controller.

  • I have no doubt it’s an unfortunate sub vendor’s bad batch of switches and Kemper will sort it out. It’s s till the best sounding digi-amp and I have faith. Then I’ll pick up a Stage again. Until then, I’m exchanging for another rack profiler for backup. I was really looking forward to the Stage parallel controlling the rack as backup. Im not sure it can, though. Never got there. Kemper will resolve this. Hopefully they pulled any unsold units with these switches. If I knew they sourced a compatible, better military grade switch, I’d order them all and replace them.
