Importing IR-Problem

  • I just downloaded 10 ToneJunkie Scumback_cab.kiprs onto my USB-stick and stored them under Shared-Cabinet. I then renamed them (their name were too long for me) and imported them to my profiler by pushing "Import".

    A message "10 rigs/presets had been imported" occured. I loaded a rig and pushed the cabiet-button. I turned the browse-knob but the presets aren't shown.

    I took the USB-stick out of the profiler and put it into my PC. The renamed Cab-IRs could be seen. I tried another time but also failed.

    WHAT is wrong ?

  • I'm not sure that you can rename a profile outside the Kemper or RigManager (before importing) in a way that the new name is shown afterwards in the KPA's browselist. So maybe they are shown with their original names. Did you have success with this before?

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • I'm not sure that you can rename a profile outside the Kemper or RigManager (before importing) in a way that the new name is shown afterwards in the KPA's browselist. So maybe they are shown with their original names. Did you have success with this before?

    This! The name of the CAB preset is not based on the name of the .kipr file. The name are stored within the file.

    thanks guys ! You're right. After importing the cabs without changing their Name all presets were available. I found them under their original names in the preset list , twice (once probably after renaming them and second time after importing them originally):thumbup: