performance mode stomp memory.

  • hello everyone. im not using remote control for some little stages and just using buttons to change performances, stomps ect. i’ve recognize that, when im engaging one of the stomps and change the performance, after turn back that one, changes stays.i mean adding chorus to my clean tone staying. is that happening to everyone? its not happening with controller by the way. can i disable this option?

  • It's not clear, which buttons you mean (external analog, MIDI, or front panel) and if your really mean "change the Performance" or change Slot.

    If you reload a Performance e. g. Performance 3 coming from another Performance e. g. Performance 4, this new Performance 3 gets loaded like stored - under all circumstances.

    If you navigate within the same Performance just changing Slots, temporary edits e. g. on/off states of effect modules are maintained. The PROFILER interprets this as editing the Performance. Your editing is not withdrawn as long as you navigate within the same Performance using the front panel. Editing is interpreted as permanent in nature. This is to enable comfortable editing. Otherwise users would be forced to always store before they move to another Slot.

    If you change Slots via any remote controller (Remote, analog switch or MIDI), any edits including changed on/off states of effect modules are withdrawn, as this is interpreted as performing live, which means editing is temporary in nature. This might explain, why you are experiencing different behavior using either Remote or front panel to switch effect modules on/off.

  • that was what im asking. i understand. as you said its enable comfortable editing, but at the same time it means you can't use performance mode without controller on stage. thanks for very much.

    Erm, why are you using the front panel live? Presumably not changing sounds mid song then ;)

    There are a number of cheap controller options, e.g. midi pedals, Kemper dual switch which solve this...

  • i have controller.for some small stages, i just like to sit down and just touch one or two buttons. like stomp on/off or clean or drive ect. just dont want to use controller for these little changes. i was playing with my amp and engaging drive on/off only. just trying to make it same way. but i see, the best way is play it on browser, not in performance mode.