Change in profile sounds since reverbs?

  • Hi,

    I looked around and couldn't see a thread addressing this issue I am having, apologies if I've missed it.

    I did a full maintenance style reset for 5.7.2 official from last week, due to reverb etc weirdness.

    Instead of restoring a backup I am rebuilding off rig exchange to ensure profiles aren't "changed". What I am finding is that previous dry and effect-less sounding profiles now have tons of nasty sounding reverb (legacy) or a load of effects ON that either didn't seem present, weren't enabled or were much more subtle previously. This is true for many presets I try via preview mode or downloaded to the profiler.

    For instance the And44 Friedman crunch+ and similar series on Rig Exchange seem highly effected now, they seemed lovely and clear and dryish prior to the reverb update series of FW.

    Just again pointing out I did a complete 100% reset, didn't restore anything except factory profiles and presets, and exchange profiles seem quite different.

    As a side note, apart from my favourite presets seeming to have different reverb levels or reverb added and other effects, the unit has never sounded better when I do find a correctly dialled in tone.

    Any comments, tips etc most appreciated. Thanks! Am I "missing" something!? (No, I did t have stomp/fx sections off previously)

    Edited once, last by RaMoNsTeR (March 7, 2019 at 4:23 PM).

  • Thanks for the reply. I think the release notes are referring to presets made with the reverb pre-release firmware not older presets (?)

    "changed: Scaling of the Mix control in Spring Reverb has changed compared to 5.6.2. If you had created Rigs or presets including Spring Reverb under 5.6.2, please readjust Mix."

  • Same problem for me. I made a recording on last december under 5.6.2 os release, and tried to re-record with the same profile under the last release and clearly the reverb + delay effect was less intense.

    No way to reproduce that sound accurately with the mix reverb parameter. I gave up and reverted to 5.6 os to record that track.

    There is no spring reverb as the profile has been created under 5.5 os release with the new delays.

  • Switching back to last OS if possible. The new update has completely changed the lowend of high gain profiles. There’s a very clouded tone now. Sounds horrible honestly. I don’t like this compromise kemper..

    Also, when you change profiles on the rig manager software a loud click or pop happens now.

    First Kemper fail....<X

    Edit* went to the kemper site and the last OS isn’t listed? Seriously?

    Edited once, last by guitarman967 (March 10, 2019 at 1:14 AM).

  • Like I said, they pulled the last OS! Can’t compare what I no longer have. Listen to a high gain rig and chug some palm mutes or play faster notes. super unclear sounding now and there’s a white noise effect in the highs. Major bummer. It’s like the new Reverb’s are using processing power that takes away from the main rigs or something.

  • Well, I think they should always have the "previous version" also available for download.

    I do have the 5.5.2 relase : Kemper Profiler OS Release. This is the one running on our Kemper.

    I don't think I can upload as an attachment as it is ~ 8MB but I could email to you probably.

  • Hmmmm...I have been using the lastest update and haven't come across any of the issues you are experiencing. No changes in the low end or quality of the rigs whatsoever. No clicks when loading a rig from rig exchange either. Try switching off the reverb on each rig you are using and see if there's a diffrence in the low end or general quality of the Rig stack itself. I've never experienced any glitch with my Kemper at all. Am loving it as always.


  • this discussion appears everytime when a new OS is published

    and it always leads to nowhere

    this is simply not true, KPA stays the same sound wise , FACT

    it’s a night and day difference. If you can’t hear obvious tone differences I feel bad for you. Four of my friends who all have kempers have ALL noticed the difference... to the point of literally not wanting to play it after the update.

  • Well, I think they should always have the "previous version" also available for download.

    I do have the 5.5.2 relase : Kemper Profiler OS Release. This is the one running on our Kemper.

    I don't think I can upload as an attachment as it is ~ 8MB but I could email to you probably.

    I’m on the site and it’s gone. Do you see it?

  • It’s definitely there. Not just my ears, 4 different people on my end have confirmed.

    What style profiles are you guys using and what tuning? It’s possible if you’re using very clean profiles and not tuning down or using a lot of effects, that you may not hear it right away.

    I’m hearing it very clearing in Drop A or lower on a 7 string guitar with High gain profiles.

    Edited once, last by guitarman967 (March 10, 2019 at 4:34 AM).

  • Well, I think they should always have the "previous version" also available for download.

    I do have the 5.5.2 relase : Kemper Profiler OS Release. This is the one running on our Kemper.

    I don't think I can upload as an attachment as it is ~ 8MB but I could email to you probably.

    You’re awesome. Could you email it to me? If I can’t revert fully, I’ll selling this thing!