It all start with the input so...

  • With my stage guitars, I use Clean Sense= 4.5, and Distortion Sense = -0.5 But, I think it depends on the specific guitars someone is using, and even more on the gain range and tonal variety of the Rigs being used. I use squeaky '80s clean to Modern high gain, and guitars ranging from a Telecaster to Super Strats to Les Pauls. I don't change the input settings for the different guitars - I want them to sound different from each other.

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  • I don't change the input settings for the different guitars - I want them to sound different from each other.

    Ditto, haven't changed mine in a couple of years and I typically play a Strat, a 330 and a 335 in the same gig. It's actually quite a pain to change the settings on a small, cramped dark stage, especially without my super-duper strength reading glasses!

  • With my stage guitars, I use Clean Sense= 4.5, and Distortion Sense = -0.5 But, I think it depends on the specific guitars someone is using, and even more on the gain range and tonal variety of the Rigs being used. I use squeaky '80s clean to Modern high gain, and guitars ranging from a Telecaster to Super Strats to Les Pauls. I don't change the input settings for the different guitars - I want them to sound different from each other.

    Here is the official approach:

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    Here is another take on the subject:

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    Thanks for the reference and thank you all for your answer

  • I don’t really change my input sense as others suggest but here’s anyway they take on input sense at 1:01:11 (there’s some other good content in the podcast as well).

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