Suggestions for Hot '67 Bassman (a la Social Distortion) tones?

  • Maybe my Google is just not working out but I'm surprised I'm not finding more options for the '67 Bassman.

    Mike Ness uses a '67 Bassman apparently initially modded by "Billy Zoom" and then later (again, so I read) by /13. No idea what said mods do - other than it's not a standards '67 Bassman he famously uses.

    The lion's share of his tone is the amp (only has a boost in front and virtually no pedalboard) so it sounds like an amp that would be very fun to experiment with on the Kemper.

    The only commercial profile I'm really finding for the '67 Bassman is MBritt's "67 Lowman" - which might be good but in the Soundcloud demos the closest he gets to gain is a runthrough of "You Shook Me" (Bassman seems an odd choice for AC/DC but I digress). In any case I can't tell if it's a platform to get to a Social Distortion sound or not ...

    Anyone have any experience with that profile or other recommendations? Thanks!

  • I remember reading about these years back when seeing some rig rundown vid about SD.

    As I recall, Billy Zoom mod was more about upping the gain and eq’ing while /13 was more about bringing The Tone to reasonable volume levels by adding master volume.

    Also it was pointed out that 30w greenbacks would be essential to get proper eq curve.

    Based on these I’d maybe look also into some other amp makers producing ’marshalled out’ bassman spinoff amps. Or try pairing gained up bassman profiles sith celestion speaker cabs. I once tried some TAF blonde bassman for the Cardigans Good Horse sound with pretty good results. Maybe try that one with P90 or HB guitar into some celestion cab. ?

    Sorry nothing more exact in mind. Just thinking out loud. ?

    P.s. Have that MBritt bassman also and sure it could be a good platform also, haven’t tried myself tweaking that one though, but he is known leaving room for it ✌️

  • '67 could be a Silverface or a Blackface, circuit-wise there always was some overlap.

    I can find a few gainy Silverfaces on the Rig Exchange, maybe start with these and then use a boost, Definition, Clarity and other parameters to effectively 'mod' the Profile.

    also try the rigs from user Lernould Thierry, they have great ratings and don't dismiss other amps like the Mesa Transatlantic TA-30.
