The potential I see in these verbs is outstanding, But I just cannot for the life of me get the verbs to sound good. I generally run a clean tone with the gain pushed to just about breakup with the amp compressor on 6. I have generally always had the pick parameter set to +3 because I like a picky chunky compressed sound. I always seem to either have too much audible dry guitar underneath which bothers me, or it's absolutely drowned in reverb so there's no real note definition and the low wreaks havoc in my room. There's no in-between where the reverb just feels to be sat nicely. Maybe it's the parameter paralysis for me, I though that maybe it's was because the pick attack being +3 was obnoxiously sticking through the reverb and sounding really dry. Then I wonder if it's because the kemper is coming out mono into my interface, but then I remember that I've always ran a mono instance of BIAS FX in logic and then putting an instance of a valhalla reverb straight after it and playing the the mix control sounded great to me immediately. Any ideas to aid endless tweaking would be appreciated.
I just can't get the reverbs to sit properly.
PooSailor -
March 3, 2019 at 8:47 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Go into the Rig menu and mess around with the DLY+REV Routing. It does have a major effect on how well your dry signal interacts with the reverbs...
Here's Kemper's diagrams of what that setting does... -
I will just say that for recording it’s EXTREMELY rare that I want reverb from the guitar amp.
I’d much rather a dry signal that I can add reverb (and decide on stereo placement of that reverb) separately to. (As you suggested you did with valhalla reverb).
I haven’t tried the new reverbs yet, but I’m going to assume they have some basic EQ control.
Try rolling off the low end if it’s sounding like the low end is wreaking havoc.
Add highs to make them stick out, roll off highs to make them take a back seat.
Its easy to put just a little touch of reverb . I can't believe you cannot do that????????
. Start form 0 reverb and then add just a little touch TURN THE BUTTON SLOWLY. I don't want to be rude but I dont know what to say that dont look plain obvious . For me it's like reading : my rig volume got problem either the volume is too high or the volume is too low. Then the answer is turn the button til you smile and I dont wanna answer other than that and pretend it's a complex question that needs expertise . It's not that kind of question. So good luck and please dont insult me I really try to help
What is your pre-delay setting? Try setting it at 60,123 or 161 and see if it shapes up your sound.
like MuddySludge said, try PreDelay
Then I wonder if it's because the kemper is coming out mono into my interface, but then I remember that I've always ran a mono instance of BIAS FX in logic and then putting an instance of a valhalla reverb straight after it and playing the the mix control sounded great to me immediately.
the reverb effect will most likely turn the mono into a stereo signal, so to have a fair comparison you should have a stereo signal coming in from the PROFILER.
and yes, your Pick parameter setting might be a bit excessive and mess with the perception of the reverb level. -
DennisJ if it's as simple as turning it up or down for you then I imagine your sounds leave a lot to be desired, but if you get instant satisfaction then more power to you.
DonPetersen ive thought about coming out of the kemper stereo because prospectively the plugins might in fact be mono>stereo instances as you say and that might give it the wow factor. MuddySludge Knocking the pre-delay up has helped in the past, especially when fingerpicking to help the core note cut through when drowned in reverb.
I have dialled back the pick to see how that made it sit, maybe it's just a case of coming to terms with the fact that I'm very particular and I don't get hit with instant satisfaction when it comes to setting up a reverb sound with the kemper. That's not to say when I get what I want I'm not super happy with it. I've attached a case where I got exactly what I wanted but it only worked for the fingerpicking.
External Content instagram.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
Try it in stereo, those reverbs are really gorgeous that way.
You use a lot of compression. I would dial it back a little to max 3 . For me even 2.3 is too much.
MuddySludge i think stereo is probably the only way forward.
DamianGreda i like the sound, nice and level, and forward. Considering how far on the clean side my guitar tone is in general having less compression in the amp section would mean I'd just hit it hard in the DAW anyway. No way around it.
yeah bud sounds like you have been focusing on this a little to long. go play some shows or do some recoding that you intend to release. the reverb will sound great.
You compress too much it picks the finger noise and boost it too much Good luck
DennisJ if it's as simple as turning it up or down for you then I imagine your sounds leave a lot to be desired, but if you get instant satisfaction then more power to you.
This is rude. First you know nothing about me and my music so you can't judge badly and underestimate it just because you are not happy with what I said to you. I adjust the volume on every rig according to the song (or a part of the songs with 4 different rigs or more) and I SAVE IT . Thank you....
Wow seems like running the kemper out stereo into my interface woke the whole thing up, it definitely adds the wow factor to the reverbs, the aftermath and the cave preset with a bit of tweaking are exactly what I wanted. Thanks for the ideas guys.
DennisJ no more rude than telling me to turn the reverb knob slowly up or down. I was after real technical parameter suggestions etc.
glad to hear it worked out for you.
DennisJ if it's as simple as turning it up or down for you then I imagine your sounds leave a lot to be desired,
DennisJ was trying to help you and your response was indeed rude.
You're new to this forum, so I'll point out that we value friendliness, respect and politeness here quite a bit and that such a behaviour isn't acceptable.
no harm done, but please be aware that this is not TGP or other forums were such comments are the norm.
thank you
DonPetersen i find that debatable. Anything prefaced with I'm not being rude as a get out jail free card to say what they want doesn't ride with me. If you read the first line of his initial comment you'd really see who was being rude/borderline insulting.
"Its easy to put just a little touch of reverb . I can't believe you cannot do that????????"
Id like to think I'm a good chap and I'll bounce off whoever I'm talking to and respond appropriately, as I say I had some really helpful suggestions from people, but appreciate I won't be patronised because I've made a few less posts on a forum, and I'll admit that in retrospect my response wasn't in the best taste but he really was not trying to be helpful, (at least I hope not with that) because if he was his comment would have been similar to the others. So there needs to be some accountability on his part too. Having this back and forth isn't really a good use of anyone's time and im a lurker that only speaks when I have something to say so take this as an apology DennisJ but do also take the time to articulate yourself to people in the appropriate way. Thanks all.
DonPetersen i find that debatable. Anything prefaced with I'm not being rude as a get out jail free card to say what they want doesn't ride with me. If you read the first line of his initial comment you'd really see who was being rude/borderline insulting.
"Its easy to put just a little touch of reverb . I can't believe you cannot do that????????"
Id like to think I'm a good chap and I'll bounce off whoever I'm talking to and respond appropriately, as I say I had some really helpful suggestions from people, but appreciate I won't be patronised because I've made a few less posts on a forum, and I'll admit that in retrospect my response wasn't in the best taste but he really was not trying to be helpful, (at least I hope not with that) because if he was his comment would have been similar to the others. So there needs to be some accountability on his part too. Having this back and forth isn't really a good use of anyone's time and im a lurker that only speaks when I have something to say so take this as an apology DennisJ but do also take the time to articulate yourself to people in the appropriate way. Thanks all.
went back and read the whole thing and you are right - hardly ideal communication from either side.
I apologize and thank you for pointing this out.
glad to hear it worked out for you.
DennisJ was trying to help you and your response was indeed rude.
You're new to this forum, so I'll point out that we value friendliness, respect and politeness here quite a bit and that such a behaviour isn't acceptable.
no harm done, but please be aware that this is not TGP or other forums were such comments are the norm.
thank you
Exactly I agree with the moderator. So please let's try to be polite both ways in the future.