Power head or non powered with SD powerstage

  • Hi, anyone played kenper through powered head and tried through a SD power stage. Looking to get a kemper. Already own the power stage.

    Powered head is tempting as it’s all in one solution but wondering if it would effectively be redundant when I own the power stage.

    Quality in sound is my main priority.

  • ''Quality in sound is my main priority.''

    We all think the same thing but our bank account restrain us all. LOL (Bank account is always a priority before the sound quality) But, exceptionally, if money is no object for you the choice is easy for everything. I'd be a multi millionaire I'd get the best sound quality in town I can promise you that

    To answer the quetion for me its Kemper plus cab for monitoring and the rest is engineer problem . BTW you wont get a definite answer on internet. Go and rent a Kemper try it out and then decide

  • Do you have the powerstage pedal or the bigger one? The pedal looks small enough that I would just save the $400 if you have that one. That said, being a new Kemper powerhead owner, I'm amazed at the compact size of it. The poweramp sounds great to me so far. If you really want to find out, you're going to have to get the powerhead and compare for yourself.

    Having only heard the Kemper amp (and plenty of other power amps in different situations - studio monitors, etc.), I would argue that the sound differences are probably subtle enough that it's not a big deal. Some of it will be preference and use case. Audiophiles go back and forth on what sounds better, this amp or that amp, this DAC or that DAC.... once you're spending a decent amount of money the differences get smaller and smaller and it's all preference and what fits your needs for your set up.

  • Your question really is, is the Kemper amp better than a Power stage? SS amps are designed to be transparent, which is what you want.

    No idea what the powerstage sounds like but I doubt it has as much headroom as the built in amp, plus the convenience.

    For me, if you are going to play live and can afford the powered KPA, I'd say go for it as its adds versatility to drive regular or un-powered cabs.

  • Did you know the Seymour Duncan Power Stage amps are in fact IcePower powermodules build into a Seymour Duncan housing, with the addition of a 3-band EQ? The powered KPA houses an IcePower powermodule as well.

    Yes, I'm sure, because I've opened up my Power Stage 700 :)

  • Did you know the Seymour Duncan Power Stage amps are in fact IcePower powermodules build into a Seymour Duncan housing, with the addition of a 3-band EQ? The powered KPA houses an IcePower powermodule as well.

    Yes, I'm sure, because I've opened up my Power Stage 700 :)

    Beat me to it.

    Both have the same quality amp (IcePower). Both of OP choices are mono.

    So the difference it would seem is wattage.

    Every review I've seen regarding the SD Powerstage 170 is that you'll never have a problem keeping up with a loud drummer in a band/backline situation.

    Perhaps the powered Kemper at 600w vs 170 makes it better for bass?

    I have an unpowered toaster, and I'm looking at getting the SD 170 to drive my 2x12 with the as yet unreleased new Kemper Kone speakers.