Can I track guitar with reverb and delay then send out the guitar tracks without reverb and delay?

  • If your Reverb and Delay are after the Amp Stack, yes, you can do it.

    Set the Output Source for the dry output(s) to Stack.

    Set the Output Source for the wet output(s) to “Main L+R, Main L, or Main R.

    It's really not complicated at all. Press the output button and change the Output Source for the outputs you are using.

    I press the OUTPUT and here is my Output Source:

    Main Output - Master Stereo

    Monitor Output - Master Mono

    Direct Output - Git+Processing

    SPDIF Output - Master Stereo

    So how should I change?

  • Hello jackroyli,

    when you look at you kemper you can see the signal chain.

    From the input button the signal goes through the A,B,C,D effect slots then through the Stack and Effects.

    If you want the whole signal or Master signal (guitar -> stomps -> stack -> x -> mod -> delay -> reverb) on the Main output

    you leave it on Master Stereo.

    Depending on where you connect your delay/reverb unit you set this output to Stack (guitar -> stomps -> stack).

    If you want to run cab simulation unit you should use the monitor output and use monitor cab off, so you get the signal

    after the EQ on the monitor ouput.

  • Easiest way to do this IMO would be:

    Set Monitor output to stack. Send this to your recording system via 1/4".

    Set Main outputs to DLY/REV Wet, which will give you just the stereo delay and reverb after the amp stack.

    That way you will hear the delay and reverb while tracking, and you can adjust its level later in the mix (or remove it completely).

    This can also be done with the SPDIF outputs, so mix and match to find the best solution for you. For example, when I track I like to do it this way:

    SPDIF outputs: Git/Stack

    Main outputs: DLY/REV wet

    I record the the SDPIF outputs to two separate mono tracks in my DAW. One is just a pure DI in case I want to reamp later. The other is the Stack, my main "amp" signal. The Main outputs are recorded to a stereo track in the DAW. I group these tracks together for editing, so even if I punch in, comp takes, etc. it will all work together. This is a really nice workflow, and clients I record tracks for love the flexibility for mixing on their end. The only drawback is that you have to use delay and reverb after the amp stack for this to work - any effects in front of the amp (stomps) will be printed as part of the Stack signal.

  • I have a tendency to record everything dry . I may practice and play the track with fx but then I record dry . I may record a track with fx just in case. For me its important to be able to play the entire song in one shot (I rarely punch) I know some friends who punch every measure , not me I wanna be able to play it live so I prefer to practice the whole song then record. And add delay and reverb with plug ins only at the final mix. Just because I may add too much or not enough . But a good compromise for you would be to record it dry and on another track record it with FX .... then your safe

  • What Bryan said.

    Only thing I would add is if you have an interface that has 3 inputs, you can record everything and then just not use the delay/reverb processed one. Makes the wiring simpler probably.

    Thank you! My Apollo Twin only has 2 inputs, so I think I need a audio interface which has at least 4 inputs?

    The other solution is I track guitar with reverb and delay plug-in, then I can turn the plug-in off and send out the tracks.

  • Or you could record delay/reverb mono and without the effects in mono. That's two channels and the only thing you lose is the potential stereo delay/reverb sound while recording.

    You'd listen to yourself (while recording) in mono while also recording the signal with no delay/reverb.