Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I don't think they are intentionally stringing us along either, but I can understand folks getting that impression. Unveiling the product a year ago... promising it by summer... then by end of Q3... then in a couple days... that last occurring 2 months ago doesn't really bolster their credibility. Add to it the virtual disappearance of the Kone and Kabinet can indeed make one tend to take anything they say with a grain of salt... and as far as your 'just shut up and play your Kemper' comment goes if they played as crappy as me I can understand them wanting to just turn it off every once in a while, blame Kemper and bust their balls a little... :P

    I don't think we should tie the Kabinet/Kone to the editor's release. It's a separate product, though it is bewildering to me how they announced that to the public first and then suddenly unveiled the Stage without any hints to the public.

    The slipped deadlines is also a concern. I mean, what if it turns out that something isn't playing nice and they are unable to rectify it. In which case, this delay could stretch further and further.

    I'm also concerned about how the last few updates haven't really added anything of value to me. Not that I don't mind bugs being found and squashed, but many of these bugs didn't seem to exist before the last few rounds of beta/release OSes.

    Still, despite all that, I retain my faith in Kemper as a long time user. The fact that G String took the trouble to come out and say, "We screwed up, but we are committed to getting this to you as soon as possible" speaks volumes.

    All I think is, as far as this thread goes, there are a lot of diatribes and unhelpful sledging of the company. Hopefully it will serve to remind Kemper Amps why they usually play this stuff close to their chest to avoid a lot of hateful comments. None of which really make any sense, imho, the product was and remains rock solid, even without an editor.

  • ...but many of these bugs didn't seem to exist before the last few rounds of beta/release OSes.

    I read somewhere that the move from .kpr to .krig had to do with incorporating the new preset management system into the OS and subsequently RM, which must have meant a significant rewrite of the FW and RM itself, before taking into account the editor portion of RM. I can't imagine the headaches that must have caused the team, especially as interviews from NAMM suggested that a third-party programmer was brought in to write the editor code =O:wacko:

  • I read somewhere that the move from .kpr to .krig had to do with incorporating the new preset management system into the OS and subsequently RM, which must have meant a significant rewrite of the FW and RM itself, before taking into account the editor portion of RM. I can't imagine the headaches that must have caused the team, especially as interviews from NAMM suggested that a third-party programmer was brought in to write the editor code =O:wacko:

    This^ . In other words If it was easy your ex-wife could make one.


    The slipped deadlines is also a concern. I mean, what if it turns out that something isn't playing nice and they are unable to rectify it. In which case, this delay could stretch further and further.

    It could. OTOH thats what I don't understand about the delay irks here. G-String and Co. have missed the 1st stated release date sure, and I too wish that had not happened. But the reality of that is would you want an early released non functioning Editor to gripe about as well? I think we will all have a very nice quality made piece of software at some point the way the Kemper Team is approaching this.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited once, last by spikey (November 21, 2019 at 1:12 PM).

  • The secret to getting the editor faster is to buy more Kemper products so that Kemper can hire more programmers. Buying does not include buying a used head, rack, or stage, as Kemper makes no money from used purchases.

    I mean this approach will get to a point where it’s actually cheaper for me to hire a person to adjust the Kemper based on instructions I shout at them.

  • I read somewhere that the move from .kpr to .krig had to do with incorporating the new preset management system into the OS and subsequently RM, which must have meant a significant rewrite of the FW and RM itself, before taking into account the editor portion of RM. I can't imagine the headaches that must have caused the team, especially as interviews from NAMM suggested that a third-party programmer was brought in to write the editor code =O:wacko:

    Yes, and from what I understand, Mr CK keeps the core code of the machine very, very close to himself. The actual code underlying profiling and profile playing is probably known to no one but himself.

    That probably also has a bearing. It must be a bit like flying in the dark, I imagine.

    This^ . In other words If it was easy your ex-wife could make one.

    Actually, Damian made a pretty good editor with Toaster. So it's doable without big resources, even if it probably wasn't easy.

    The communication protocol between the Kemper and the Editor however is over USB, so it isn't as simple as feeding midi PC and CC to the Kemper.

    Also, we don't know what exactly the editor will bring to the table that is actually new and novel. If it's VST capable, I'll be very happy.

    I read somewhere that the move from .kpr to .krig had to do with incorporating the new preset management system into the OS and subsequently RM, which must have meant a significant rewrite of the FW and RM itself, before taking into account the editor portion of RM. I can't imagine the headaches that must have caused the team, especially as interviews from NAMM suggested that a third-party programmer was brought in to write the editor code =O:wacko:

    Yes, I remember seeing the ads from Kemper looking for a software developer. Probably the guy got brought in, then the guy got fired, then another guy got brought in... and fired?

    Just speculating there, I have no idea about the inner workings at Kemper Amps.

  • I read somewhere that the move from .kpr to .krig had to do with incorporating the new preset management system into the OS and subsequently RM, which must have meant a significant rewrite of the FW and RM itself, before taking into account the editor portion of RM. I can't imagine the headaches that must have caused the team, especially as interviews from NAMM suggested that a third-party programmer was brought in to write the editor code =O:wacko:


    When the KPA was designed, I'd bet money CK and Co. didn't put any effort into the ability for a user to control it with software. It wasn't a conceivable need in their eyes.

    I'm not in IT, but in my experience elsewhere, if the design requirements didn't originally include the possibility? Good grief.

    It's like adding gas lines to a neighborhood built for electricity and fuel oil. You can do it.....but a crap ton of infrastructure has to be modified and/or completely reworked. Nevermind each individual model of home and the variations in each situation.

    Expensive and time consuming. With problems mid-project no one even conceived of when considering absolute worst-case scenarios.

  • Im sorry for my comment, i actually bought the powered kemper rack with less than 30 mins YouTube research because i was so impressed and my brother was paying.

    Within a week of buying it they announced the editor at namm and i became obsessed waiting for the release only to be let down.

    Im a bedroom player and have no interest of playing live because im scared shitless of what people think but really enjoy learning all aspects of recording/producing. I got told to use toast me to edit through midi but im running on a imac with a focusrite thats no spdif or midi options, is there a way to edit within toast me through usb?

  • IMHO, there is a vocal minority that are polluting this thread with negativity and ungrateful and immature peevishness. Some are newbies, many are the odd, one-off "drive-byes"(perhaps Fractal trolls?). In no way am I disparaging the Kemper User Forum regulars, who have contributed insightful and impassioned arguments for the editor, and have offered continued support and enthusiasm for its upcoming release.

    However, I have little sympathy for those who admit to buying a $2,000 piece of gear, having done little to zero research into the products features and capabilities...only to feign surprise and frustration when they later find out the KPA did not have an editor. Please. ???

    It also seems to me that some may have lost sight of the fact that no PC-based editor for the Kemper was ever touted, promoted, endorsed, or even discussed by Kemper GmbH, for the vast majority of the product's history. Frankly, I am of the opinion that Christoph Kemper had ZERO plans for an editor when he designed and launched the Profiler...and it was only after repeated and prolonged customer requests that the development of a full-blown PC-based editor was given the green light, with development resources mobilized.

    At the end of the day, we are being freely gifted with a major feature upgrade which will expand the utility of the KPA for many users. I just don't understand the griping, whining, ingratitude and general immaturity that has reared its ugly head numerous times during this long thread.

  • IMHO, there is a vocal minority that are polluting this thread with negativity and ungrateful and immature peevishness. Some are newbies, many are the odd, one-off "drive-byes"(perhaps Fractal trolls?). In no way am I disparaging the Kemper User Forum regulars, who have contributed insightful and impassioned arguments for the editor, and have offered continued support and enthusiasm for its upcoming release.

    However, I have little sympathy for those who admit to buying a $2,000 piece of gear, having done little to zero research into the products features and capabilities...only to feign surprise and frustration when they later find out the KPA did not have an editor. Please. ???

    It also seems to me that some may have lost sight of the fact that no PC-based editor for the Kemper was ever touted, promoted, endorsed, or even discussed by Kemper GmbH, for the vast majority of the product's history. Frankly, I am of the opinion that Christoph Kemper had ZERO plans for an editor when he designed and launched the Profiler...and it was only after repeated and prolonged customer requests that the development of a full-blown PC-based editor was given the green light, with development resources mobilized.

    At the end of the day, we are being freely gifted with a major feature upgrade which will expand the utility of the KPA for many users. I just don't understand the griping, whining, ingratitude and general immaturity that has reared its ugly head numerous times during this long thread.

    I hear you, nevertheless I own two Kemper racks, unpowered in the studio and powered for shows... An editor was announce so even though there was never an intention before to produce one. That matters not, because they showed it off at NAMM and then we were told Summer, then we were told soon months ago... The frustration is warranted.

  • I hear you, nevertheless I own two Kemper racks, unpowered in the studio and powered for shows... An editor was announce so even though there was never an intention before to produce one. That matters not, because they showed it off at NAMM and then we were told Summer, then we were told soon months ago... The frustration is warranted.

    Hello tron621. Understood. Respectful frustration, as you have politely expressed, is one thing.

    However, there are more than a few other comments within this thread...well, lets just say they are are quite another thing.

  • However, I have little sympathy for those who admit to buying a $2,000 piece of gear, having done little to zero research into the products features and capabilities...only to feign surprise and frustration when they later find out the KPA did not have an editor. Please. ???

    Tritium im a gear junkie that likes new equipment, i dont mean to sound rude or anything, but finally found a product i love, after many years of buying a lot of rack gear i came across the kemper which sounded amazing and my broother bought it me on finance, for me helping him over the years.

    im not saying anything disappointing about the kemper at all (or dont mean to sound like i am)

    im self taught at everything and honestly struggle with a lot of fine tweaking, im just asking advise on the toast me program because im struggling to get anything to work with my shit focusrite

  • Tritium im a gear junkie that likes new equipment, i dont mean to sound rude or anything, but finally found a product i love, after many years of buying a lot of rack gear i came across the kemper which sounded amazing and my broother bought it me on finance, for me helping him over the years.

    im not saying anything disappointing about the kemper at all (or dont mean to sound like i am)

    im self taught at everything and honestly struggle with a lot of fine tweaking, im just asking advise on the toast me program because im struggling to get anything to work with my shit focusrite

    Hi Jwironmaiden,

    My post wasn't directed at you, Your comments are cordial, respectful and reasonable.



    Edited once, last by Tritium (November 22, 2019 at 9:26 AM).

  • Hi folks,

    as promised, here's the next update for you. Yes, as it turns out, we're still working on things. It's a bit two steps forward and one step backward right now. The editor itself is fine now and we're tying up loose ends on the librarian/communication/Profiler part. We do those things to make the overall experience better and the combo more reliable. I'm glad that we have found the time to work on those important details now.

    We will do everything to roll out the first beta quick but stability is first for us. Chances are that we will not see a release this month, but we're getting very close.

    Best, GS

    What does "very close" mean????:|:|:|:|