Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Ok, in a serious note, if they do deliver the editor (whenever they do) and add as a cherry on the top, more profile features, I will be looking for a donation account/box or something, I think we do not deserve these guys.

    I am hoping for something like USB compliant MIDI support (opens up so many possibilities), and MAAAYBE more distortion pedals (Klon clone, I am looking at it), this would make the most awesome update ever, not even new reverbs would top these.

    Kind of makes sense for them to add midi support as I believe they are doing so through the editor, I would finally use my perfectly fine Line 6 shortboard mkII. Crossing fingers.

    The answer is 42

  • Kind of makes sense for them to add midi support

    Being able to configure my Strymon pedals (Big Sky, Mobius & TimeLine) via the Kemper Editor (Like I do now with HX-Edit) and then using these 3 pedals per profile "snap-shot" would be wicked fun! Here's hoping that they get it done.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • The last Macbook Pro I bought (brand new) developed a critical fault and wouldn't charge after 3 days. It never blue screened though. ??

    Bad news for sure. I read some stuff on the MBP keyboard issues, but not the batteries.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Never had a Kernel issue on either of my iMacs. Course I run legit software. Whats that like?

    Grey screen, rather than blue. Same thing though; an unhandled exception due to hardware or software renders it impossible for the motherboard to continue running. I’ve used a lot of Macs and they are certainly not immune to it, but it’s rare. On the flip side, I recently rediscovered a PowerBook G4 from 2004 in my loft that I haven’t used for 10 years - powered it on and it booted fine! Damned things won’t die.

    Ed / Audio Systems Engineer / Kemper Stage + Fender fan

  • The fact that GString hasn't posted any updates for a long time is certainly not a good sign.

    The night is dark and full of terrors... ;)

    Im thinking the opposite, as in maybe its to be released around the corner... I sure don't see any negatives just because the man has not posted anything lately. As always YMMV.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • The night is dark and full of terrors... ;)

    Im thinking the opposite, as in maybe its to be released around the corner... I sure don't see any negatives just because the man has not posted anything lately. As always YMMV.

    I think the same as well. If it were to be delayed for another few weeks I believe we'd have another update, Therefore, I think it'll be released soon, maybe this week?????!!!!!!!!!

  • Hardware and software are apples and oranges... Kemper is first and foremost a hardware company and if its their regular hardware staff trying to program this then that would explain the 'delays' and we might be in for several more months of them as they muddle through things. If they hired some actual windows and mac software programmers to handle it, then it might be time to rethink who they hired as they don't seem to be able to produce if 'a couple days' turns into 'a couple months'. As a business owner I certainly wouldn't accept that kind of incompetence in my hires and as a software developer I am well aware of what is acceptable and what isn't as far as time frames go. GString promised to update us as he things developed and the fact that we haven't heard anything pretty much means that nothing has developed. I'd love to be proven wrong but I really don't think we will see either the editor or the kone any time this year...

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • Hi folks,

    as promised, here's the next update for you. Yes, as it turns out, we're still working on things. It's a bit two steps forward and one step backward right now. The editor itself is fine now and we're tying up loose ends on the librarian/communication/Profiler part. We do those things to make the overall experience better and the combo more reliable. I'm glad that we have found the time to work on those important details now.

    We will do everything to roll out the first beta quick but stability is first for us. Chances are that we will not see a release this month, but we're getting very close.

    Best, GS


    GString promised to update us as he things developed and the fact that we haven't heard anything pretty much means that nothing has developed.

    We don't know anything past G-Strings post back in October. All after that point (good or bad) is pure speculation. We will just have to wait for the next update to know how much farther they have gotten.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Kemper is first and foremost a hardware company

    The hardware runs on software.

    If they hired some actual windows and mac software programmers to handle it, then it might be time to rethink who they hired as they don't seem to be able to produce if 'a couple days' turns into 'a couple months'.

    I know somebody is in charge of it, but unsure whether he was contracted from the outside or a new hire... or if he's still even involved.

    GString promised to update us as he things developed and the fact that we haven't heard anything pretty much means that nothing has developed.

    G String giving an update on this thread was an exception, not a rule. Kemper traditionally is extraordinarily tight-lipped about developments that haven't been released or announced. Not saying anything doesn't mean nothing is happening, and impressions about whether it will happen this year, or not, or soon is nothing more than private thoughts based on guessing.

  • I'm hoping the editor enables me to edit all of the parameters of every effect, not just some of them.

    I can vaguely remember, that in a NAMM video they explained that the editor does NOT cover all possible functions.

    I really hope I am wrong or they changed their mind and take the editor serious. Would be a missed change otherwise.

    But there are useful ToastME functions, I am afraid we will not see on the official editor (looper with precount for example).