Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Quote

    It’s taking them 7 years to release it!

    far as the editor, they kinda dropped the ball...

    When I bought my 2nd Kemper a few years ago, people (users) were talking about an editor then too. I knew there was not one yet, and bought the Kemper again anyway. I should not have ever sold my 1st one, but thats another story. To my knowledge no one from Kemper officially talked about an Editor for the KPA back then, even if a lot of us wanted one. So Im not sure where you are getting 7 years to release it from?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I will say that when I got the Kemper and the AX8 here together, I had to buy one of them, couldn't afford both.

    Once I tried a few patches out on each, quality wasn't a question, but the Mac AX8 editor made it so wonderful and fast for studio work that I took the AX8. When I heard it was discontinued a few weeks back, I sold it, and this time got the Kemper because I had heard there was going to finally be an editor. I really feel like overall the Kemper sounds more...I don't know, like I expect and amp to sound. And I love knobs on the front for basic bass, treble and so on. It's a friendly machine for the most part, but once the editor comes out I'll be 100 per cent happy. Just glad to know it's coming sometime!

  • That it was released without one when it should have on day 1, as the previous poster mentioned.

    There was never a promise until much later there would be an official Editor. Shoulda Coulda Woulda...

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • There was never a promise until much later there would be an official Editor. Shoulda Coulda Woulda...

    The point wasn't about any promise, but rather about the expectations of the consumer. I happen to agree that it makes little sense Kemper didn't release one initially with the product, like all its competitors. Even without a promise, doesn't mean we have to like it or bite our tongues. The longest threads on this forum were asking for an editor, which endured since its release in 2012.

  • Quote

    The point wasn't about any promise, but rather about the expectations of the consumer.

    Well you wish in one hand and crap in another and see which one fills up 1st. Expectations are nice but far from reality and should not ever be mixed because then you are just disappointed. ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited once, last by spikey (October 25, 2019 at 5:25 AM).

  • I don't see how this is relevant. You said no promise was made, which nobody claimed there was. Doesn't mean you can't reserve the opinion that such a decision is misguided, as many do. And if you reserve that opinion, of course your feelings are that the editor is 7 years too late. You're cherry picking comments out of context to make them easier to critique on your terms.

  • That's right. The editor should have been available from Day 1. I never understood why it took them so long to implement such an indispensable feature.

    Loved my kemper for the sound, when I just wanted to plug and play with my favorite profile. Always got frustrated when it came to experiment with FX.

    The thing is that it really gets in the way and fucks with my brain , this oudated interface, small screen, multiple menus pages... when I have to search for parameters and turn knobs for too long my inspiration gets hacked. If I have to get on the floor on top of it adding pain or at least high discomfort it gets really bad.

  • That's right. The editor should have been available from Day 1. I never understood why it took them so long to implement such an indispensable feature.

    Loved my kemper for the sound, when I just wanted to plug and play with my favorite profile. Always got frustrated when it came to experiment with FX.

    The thing is that it really gets in the way and fucks with my brain , this oudated interface, small screen, multiple menus pages... when I have to search for parameters and turn knobs for too long my inspiration gets hacked. If I have to get on the floor on top of it adding pain or at least high discomfort it gets really bad.

    I do not feel as if they were convinced an editor was important enough to be worth making considering kemper's hardware UI. Perhaps part of the shift was kemper becoming more complex in terms of effects and so on -- as well as floorboard plans.

    The bonanza

  • Quite funny though. Coming form Fractal, the editor was available when I bought the Axe-2. I basically don't know much about the front panel at all (well, just the basics, I guess)....and think it's a mistake, especially if you gigging.

    Now I have a KPR Stage, but before I bought it, I though that the RM was all there was. So, here I am sitting on the floor in front of my Stage turning and pressing buttons!

    Having said that, I'm a new KPR user and for me the fact is (especially because I have the Stage) that I need to get familiar with the front panel. I'm only going to gig with it so there will be no computer available.

    Sure I want to stand up instead of sitting down but I look at the bright side and make the most out of it :)

  • You're cherry picking comments out of context to make them easier to critique on your terms.

    Im not cherry picking anything. I am using common sense versus "your" wishful thinking. Thats apples and oranges thinking and it never works like this with any manufacturer. Maybe you did not realize that when you bought the blender/car/guitar/computer/Rhino/Kemper, you purchased it for what it had to offer at the time, and NOT what might be available for it later on? In the real world that's called accessories, they are usually not free and cost us more $ for each one we add on. These accessories can come out at anytime, and you have the choice of adding them in or not and they can be free, or not. But these updated items are not ever "OWED" to us just simply because we bought the product. Sure its always nice when free add-ons happen (I like that too) but, they (Kemper or any other) is not obligated to anything including future updates or free tires for life, unless it was specifically broken and not operating as promised when purchased, or stated in the deal at the time of the sale. The add-ons, updates and improvements we get are NOT under some kind of contractual "must give out" agreement with Kemper, but Im glad that they do this and it also helps their PR and sales in the process. Thats a good thing, but they do NOT have to do this. You and I knew there was NO editor when we bought the Kemper, so now you feel like they OWE you one just because other Manufacturers made one for their products? So when you buy a camper, do they need to throw in the lake to camp at too? Look I want the editor as much as the next guy, but Kemper does not legally OWE me (or anyone else) anything extra that comes along later just because others may have one, or we want one, or my friends friends got one, or just because I bought their product at some point(which BTW Im glad I did)! See the difference? Thats not cherry picking, it is however factual.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited 9 times, last by spikey (October 25, 2019 at 3:33 PM).

  • I’ve been watching this thread for quite a while now. I have the Kemper unpowered rack version and also own an Axe 2 as well as an Amplifire 6. All these where bought within the last 2 years. Prior to that, I would use my POD XT Pro along with a TC Electronic G Force and an Eventide DSP 4000 for FX. Anyone who’s seen the Eventide manual knows how much reading you had to do in order to understand how units like that were operating and take full advantage of its power. Compared to that , I think Kemper is much easier to use, even if you don’t read the whole manual. Does it need an editor? Yes. It will make things easier when it comes to editing as many of us use our desktop or laptop to either record music or simply play along to a tune we like. Is it that important that the Kemper can’t be operated without it? Not really. Compared to the Axe with its many different parameters and the Amplifire where, if you want to do deep editing, you will loose interest trying to scroll down the menu in its small screen, the Kemper is easier to dial the tone.

    Now, on the other hand, the POD had an editor which I used from day 1. That was back in 2006. I don’t understand how a company like Kemper, having a great and powerful unit out there for years, hasn’t released an editor. What is so difficult that they can’t overcome and come up with one years ago? Yeah, I understand about fixing bugs and making sure it runs without problems but come on. You are not creating a spaceship OS. It’s just a shame that a great product lacks computer integration against its competitors.

    That’s all. Just my personal 2 cents on the subject. I’m not eager about this editor as I’m happy with the way I dial my tones on the Kemper. Yet, the editor will be a nice addition to it, that will be useful in various scenarios.

    Sorry and this long post and have a nice weekend everyone.

  • So 1700+ posts in and there is still debate on " it should have been shipped with an editor"..


    1) It wasn't...futile to debate if it should have

    2) Its useable without, becuase we have been using it without. We all agree it would be better with, especially in the studio

    3) The stage is the same interface so I see only slightly higher need for it

    4) If you bought one on the perceived promise or thought that it had one, do your research before.

  • I don't want to be rude...but you people, seriously, have no real problems to complain EVERY DAY about a piece of software that should come with an already outstanding piece of hardware.
    I guess some folks here never tried a Zoom 505 back in the day hehe.

    Patience and play or create some music. Or read a book. Or smoke some weed. or...well...

  • 4) If you bought one on the perceived promise or thought that it had one, do your research before.

    I did finally make the leap to buy a Kemper because of #4 (the first half at least since I did look into it.) Not sure why you called it a 'perceived promise' though as I fully expect that there is going to be an RM3 with the editing functionality. Also not clear on what research you mean. That it did not have an Editor? If that is what you meant then I agree, people who bought a Kemper expecting that it had one without looking into should have known better.

    Again I do not see it as perceived promise though. We will get it when it is ready.