Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • With Line 6 and Fractal, there's a big sticker on the side, "Some assembly required." So, I just pick a profile that goes where I want to go and play guitar. I don't have to fiddle with the sound. This is about 80% of my use.

    Really interesting read and appreciate sharing your own perspective.

    To the quote above, I would say that differences aren't as far as it's made out to be, but the approaches appeal to some while not to others. I think younger people like building a sound on the computer much more than older people do. However, you spend about the same amount of time "profile hunting", which is essentially auditioning thousands of presets to find ones that work for you. That makes sense given the variables in profiles from amps to settings to cabs to speakers to mics to mic positions to mic preamps, etc. Some people would just rather scroll through presets to find the right ones, others would prefer to sculpt a model into what they want from the beginning.

    There are some guys here who were in the Axe world and didn't like editing and tweaking that way, and that's perfectly understandable. There are others who quite like it and they feel it better helps them achieve the sounds they want, also perfectly understandable. It's really a matter of methodology and preference. I just notice older players view desktop editing like computer work, not like the classic amp designs they are more familiar with. The functions are remotely the same whether a Kemper or an Axe-FX or a Helix, it's just that the Kemper's UI feels more familiar, but they're still manipulating digital algorithms like you would on a Helix, only not on a desktop.

    The Kemper editor will really help bridge that generational gap and everything in between.

  • I must say that the Nameless was a kind of disappointment for me, but then comes the NTS then the Nolly and the Parallax (for the bass) and these were a whoa-experience to me. The progress the guitar plugins have achieved over the last 5-6 years is fantastic.

    Could be you just plain don't like the amp, and there's nothing wrong with that. The comparison at their booth was pretty uncanny.

  • Or I just didn't play with it enough to love it. :)

    If someone asks me which guitar plugin I would recommend at this moment, the answer would be Neural DSP.

    A buddy of mine is their social media guy. Dude is always gushing about the plugins, the company, and new stuff that he can't wait to talk about. They really seem to be doing something special.

  • TH-U Overload looks good (I’ve not tried it thought) but as I’m a kemper “fanboy” :/ I will stick with it editor or not...I mainly use it live so I have the sounds I need and the hardware interface works fine for me.

    I still would like the editor for ease and to save the poor old knobs and buttons from wearing out.

  • Quote

    There are some guys here who were in the Axe world and didn't like editing and tweaking that way-

    I didn’t like that I was tweaking it all the time! Too much to gob knob for me I guess. I don’t have that issue with the Helix Editor.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • You guys are sorely missing out if you’ve never tried any of the Universal Audio stuff. It is eons above everything else I’ve got (Waves, Overloud, Neural).

    i have several UAD plugins but never bought any of the amp models they have after demoing. Most likely because I am a cheapskate and only have a Duo and a Quad.

    i did eventually (P.K.) buy the BX version of the Chandler as well as their Rock Rack. Mesa, Bassman amps. i got most of them for less than $29 or almost free with a voucher.

    P.K.=PreKemper :)

    IIRC the UAD and the BX Chandler are the same. it is nice IMO.

  • I've noticed something recently, and it's not an all-encompassing rule, but seems to be broadly true in my experience:

    Kemper users often tend to be a bit older, lots of boomers converting for the first time from the tube world. Part of why Kemper appeals to them is its simplicity and taking its sounds directly from the source, which happens to be a source older players are far more familiar with (tube amps).

    Other modeler users tend to be younger. It's something they grew up around and used, including being able to control at their desktop whenever making changes. I'm no spring chicken, but growing up in the 90's and 2000's, it's something I'm more familiar with than tube technology.

    So, there seems to be a group of people who just don't find an editor needed or necessary and are used to complex hardware setups, having to lug around heavy electronics from door to door. The KPA is convenient enough already. Then you have a group of people who are more familiar with lightweight gear and computers. Of course, there are people right in the middle, but the polar extremes seem to often overtake this discussion because their prisms are so dramatically different in how they view things as a consumer and can't rectify the difference.

    At the end of the day, we respond to wants more than needs. We all come from different places and nobody values conveniences exactly the same.

    I also seem to notice that us older folks have more patience, not like the instant gratification generation that has a whining breakdown when they don’t get things NOW. Our own fault for not teaching patience and learning to deal with disappointment.

  • In most respects you are right I think.

    So you found a VST that sounds as good as a Kemper? Whats the name of this marvel? If its from Bias then yes it sounds good to me too but doesn't come anywhere near the tones in my KPA. As Always YMMV.

    Neural Plini, STL Putney, Benson are really really good. I can't honestly say the Kemper is better. Amp sims have exploded in the last year. Putney's vst drops his KPA pack in it's tracks, no comparison imo.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • I also seem to notice that us older folks have more patience, not like the instant gratification generation that has a whining breakdown when they don’t get things NOW. Our own fault for not teaching patience and learning to deal with disappointment.

    I simply can't agree. Older folks in my experience can have less patience, it's just over different things. Plenty won't even try something new or try to understand it, having zero patience to begin with. So it serves that they would be more patient with something they haven't come to expect based on the conditions they are used to.

    Younger people can still be impatient, but about different things based on the environment they've grown up in (which was made and reinforced by older generations). Life with computers and the internet allows information to be much more instantaneous. That's actually a good thing IMO.

    But let's not pretend that humans aren't humans and haven't behaved in exactly the same way for as far back as we can read. Aristotle complained about the younger generation being spoiled and disobedient. Should sound familiar, since it's been the inevitable cycle for centuries.

  • You guys are sorely missing out if you’ve never tried any of the Universal Audio stuff. It is eons above everything else I’ve got (Waves, Overloud, Neural).

    Love UA and running an Apollo Quad!

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Maybe it's just around you? :P  :D

    For real, though. I'm used to boomers calling everyone spoiled since I was 5-6 years old, and it's yet to relent. Doesn't really seem to matter what it's about or if it's rationally justified. :D

    BTW, I'm not trying to swipe or paint with too broad of a brush. The differences are actually interesting to me, but when someone gets cynical and starts the "get off my lawn" gambit, I feel it's important to point out that things are much more nuanced than is being let on.

  • The thing with editor is not that it’s taking them almost a full year to release it...

    It’s taking them 7 years to release it!

    It is what it is, and it will come out when it’ll come out. But I think the frustration, and may I say, whining in this thread are pretty much justified.

    It is true that kemper has (arguably) nearly unmatched properties and sound qualities but it is still in the race against product that features an editor at launch as a standard. And they are selling their product to users that are depended and ACTUALLY USE an editor for most of their gear.
    Furthermore, IMO, this products SCREAMS editor. It is so configurable, that it makes a power user and a long time user, that seeks efficiency and ease of use, much like my self and many other users, why did it take so long for them to release one?

    And once they finally tease it and set expectations for summer 2019, and fail to deliver that... honestly, I feel like this one is on Kemper.

    Either say that there is no release date, or do whatever it takes to live up to the date you specified.

    I think part of having a good customer base and good reputation for your product is keeping your users happy and excited about your product.

    For the most part, Kemper did that wonderfully, with new features, new FX and more variety and accessories. As far as the editor, they kinda dropped the ball...