Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I’m not sure how much easier using an editor would be on a laptop in a band room than just making changes on the head itself, but I’m just basing this on rooms I played in so I could be totally wrong!

    I'm thinking about switching to the Stage because I would like to put my complete system on a pedalboard solution. So for the Stage the editor could surely bring a better/easier handling. But yeah, on the Toaster/Rack its another thing. If the editor will be helpful just for Stage users or for every Kemper user will completely depend on the features and handling the editor will get. I think that having a better view over all the functions, effects etc. on a tablet/laptop screen versus the gameboy screen and button combination on the Kemper could already be the big point.

    Its surely gonna be interesting how the editor will change over time. Adding features etc. just like it happened with the Kemper. And how it will affect the style people use their Kempers.

    The editor could also be the first step in the direction of an app (and therefor needed module) in the ((really) far) future. Who knows. One can hope. Maybe they release it in a really far future when time travel devices have been developed, then travel back in time and bring it to us tomorrow. But I think all the wormhole-timeloop-paradox type of things would cause too many critical bugs really hard to fix nowadays. So yeah patience is what we need. But this shouldnt stop the ideas we discuss here and even the wishful thinking :)

  • I'm thinking about switching to the Stage because I would like to put my complete system on a pedalboard solution. So for the Stage the editor could surely bring a better/easier handling. But yeah, on the Toaster/Rack its another thing. If the editor will be helpful just for Stage users or for every Kemper user will completely depend on the features and handling the editor will get. I think that having a better view over all the functions, effects etc. on a tablet/laptop screen versus the gameboy screen and button combination on the Kemper could already be the big point.

    Its surely gonna be interesting how the editor will change over time. Adding features etc. just like it happened with the Kemper. And how it will affect the style people use their Kempers.

    The editor could also be the first step in the direction of an app (and therefor needed module) in the ((really) far) future. Who knows. One can hope. Maybe they release it in a really far future when time travel devices have been developed, then travel back in time and bring it to us tomorrow. But I think all the wormhole-timeloop-paradox type of things would cause too many critical bugs really hard to fix nowadays. So yeah patience is what we need. But this shouldnt stop the ideas we discuss here and even the wishful thinking :)

    The editor already exists in all other dimensions than this one...I think the developers have travelled across to get some help from different versions of themselves, and have trouble getting back. All the bugs in 7.x might be screams for help that We are too stupid to understand :-o

    Nah. This thread is dead. It’s a thread no more.

    I got the Stage and sold my rack btw. Very happy with it! Got a good backpack for it and love the portability!

  • For some reason my Rack is nothing like my guitars, in that Im fine with just one of them but cant seem to acquire enough guitars lol.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • So - here is why some folks really need an editor....

    Hypothetically so some “guys” (not trying to be gender specific but ... ) may have made an unauthorized purchase of a Kemper and may have it secreted under their desk to avoid detection from others who should have been consulted before procuring said Kemper!

    Being able to keep the device where it is while using the editor to twiddle hard to reach knobs etc would be huge and avoid both detection and the ensuing polite discussion about gear acquisition syndrome....

    this is a hypothetical Situation obviously well maybe not....

    Editor can’t come soon enough for some ?

    The very idea, it's genius! ... Hypothetically speaking, of course ;)

  • What's the point in giving releases dates, not realeasing the software at the set date, and then not giving news to people waiting for the editor ?

    we have all the reasons to feel let down, I don't understand those people not giving a **** about the situation.

    I bought a Stage because I knew the editor was coming this summer. Thing is I'm not really "toying" with it because it is a major pain in the ass to get on the floor adding or editing effects.

  • It has been announced and will be released at some point. You bought the stage fully knowing that the editor was not available at that point in time. Would you rather have a buggy piece of software or something stable with which you can actually work? What difference will a couple of weeks make?

    Kemper announded summer, but never commited to a precise date. As such, you really don't have the right to complain in my opinion.

    Be happy that Kemper is providing free upgrades, which in the past dramatically improved the capabilities of the machine. The hardware is now 7 years old. Do you know of any other company in this business which provides free updates over such a long period?

  • What's the point in giving releases dates, not realeasing the software at the set date, and then not giving news to people waiting for the editor ?

    As I've always said, fakOu, we're actually being treated like adults, not children.

    Specifically, we're "trusted" to abide by the concept, in the case of "kids", that the last instruction given is the one that's relevant until such time that another is issued. Where this pertains to the editor, it's the last piece of relevant information given and not an instruction.

    So, when Kemper realised it wouldn't be a good idea to release the beta at the end of Q3 due to the fact that although it was fully-working and all features had been implemented, unforeseen glitches / bugs / anomalies were popping up, ones the team could address before the release of the software, it chose to delay it until the company was satisfied that most of these things, which inevitably manifest once software reaches the point of maturity at which everyday-usage-style testing can be carried out, had been identified and rectified.

    It promptly informed us of this on the final day of the projected-release window, indicating that it required "a few more days" in order to accomplish this. Contrary to what you're saying, it did give us information - that which I've just repeated.

    Based on the M.O. I outlined, I'd expect that if "a few days" starts looking like weeks or at least a month, we'll be informed. Failing that, the 11 days it's been so far is, to be fair, nearing the point at which we'll either see the software very soon or an updated projection will be issued, one along the lines of "a few weeks", "a month" or whatever.

    Just MHO based on the professionalism of the way the company operates in my experience, the relevant aspect of which here is that it doesn't provide running commentaries but instead chooses to stand by what it's said and update us only if things have / look like they will change. The obvious analogy might be that when the kid on the back seat asks, "How long 'til we get there dad?", and dad has said, "In an hour or two", if the kid has developed any sort of maturity he'd know not to ask the same question again every 15 minutes. As Daddy Kemper's Kids™, some of us still have to learn that repeated questioning cannot alter the arrival time and that it's prudent and sensible to maintain the last piece of information given in our heads... and trust in the wisdom of the adult to not deliberately lead us astray.

    OK, express tickets from Analogy City™ to Reality™ are on special now; get 'em if you need 'em.

  • Just in case people don't realise, it's not mandatory to put the Stage on the floor, right? It can be temporarily put on a stool, desk, chair bed, cab, box, shelf to make tweaking easier.

    If you're me and your cable OCD extends to making colour coded, specific length cables routed neatly then it can be a ballache but I've seen some of your ideas of cabling and I'm still not sleeping properly.

  • I'm sure with all the knobs falling off the stage and the serious software glitches in the new update the Kemper folks had to pull away from the editor. They seem to be the types to back up their product and fix problems - which is good. However it would only benefit them to have a more open dialog with the current and potential users. And to all of you who say "you didn't need an editor when you bought the Kemper" I also didn't force CK to show the editor at NAMM in January!

    John Maracich