A Kemper VST from Overloud ?

  • I always wondered, why nobody is releasing an alternative profiler. I guess there are a lot of peolpe trying to reverse engineer the kemper, or trying create a new profiling process. I guess kemper has his profiling patented, only his algorithms, not the profiling concept in general.

    Hello Voider777,

    No, it is just the opposite. The patent (which you can read online on USPTO) is written around the physical process...not the computational algorithms.

  • Is it me or does this just look like a "profile" loader/player, like an IR host utility....... that allows the user to tweak the profile with additional tools? Kinda like, load a kemper profile, change the preamp and output tubes. change the cab via a third party IR, play with mics and mic positions, and add in Overloud effects.

    Interesting concept, but at first glance it needs a kemper profile to work. Could be wrong but just seems like a profile editor on steroids.

  • No, it is just the opposite. The patent (which you can read online on USPTO) is written around the physical process...not the computational algorithms.

    Now I understand all. Despite it is something physically.. or conceptually similar to making an IR.

    But now, reading the patent, i think maybe is the only way to protect his product. Because it looks more simple than I though, so it is easier to copy aswell. Kemper is comparing to a reference profile, the mother of the profiles, not creating it from scratch.

    So maybe the competence is already working on this technology, waiting for the expiration date. If someone crazy patented this idea in the 60's (lots of crazy patents just in case), then we maybe would be having ala'kempers devices everywhere, like an IR.

    Sorry..crazy thoughts today.

  • I'm very curious to hear what Kemper's position on this is, especially

    I wonder if CK and SS talked to each other about this. Slate is not using K-terminology (rig isn't;).
    I picture them standing towards each other, no talking needed. They communicate telepathically. From one genius to another. :/8)

    "Profile", "rig", "all of the names on the knobs in that image"?

  • If the reference mother profile wasnt public this kplayer maybe would be more difficult to make.

    If this player goes hardware..and it is legal, mr k will regret not to produce a profile only player device.:huh:

    He patented the whole proccess but if you only make the last step(using the resulting profile) it is not an infringment... My head is no good tudai..

    What is patentable or ristringed use?(could the rig files be kemper property or licence?) Im done.. not a lawyer

  • "Profile", "rig", "all of the names on the knobs in that image"?

    Yes you're right actually. While I would not consider those two particularly Kemper terminology - in total I agree.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band: vimeo.com/10419626[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • I think his stuff is 'rent monthly only' which can get expensive after a while. Might be good for actual studios or something...

    No, not his own stuff - and you can probably buy this particular plugin form the developer directly anyway.

    As far as expensive - for the price of the Kemper you'd have roughly TEN YEARS of subscription - for all the plugins, not only this modeler thingy.

    I still vastly prefer the kemper - but I definitely think many people will be swayed, depending on what the product actually IS (there is some confusion :-))

  • Even if Slate can read Kemper profiles, I wonder how useful it actually would be. Kemper profile files are very small (say 6k), so I wonder if they hold much more information that simply settings for the actual algorithms in the Kemper itself? An analogy that could be made would be if you compare a Fender tweed Bassman to Marshall's copy (JTM45); it's possible that the "profile" simply contains a picture of the front panel and the control settings. Marshall could decipher the picture and make an amp that has that information, but the internal circuitry is not in the "profile", so even if the settings are the same an the amp looks identical to the info in the "profile", it won't sound the same.

    It would be very interesting if the Slate software will get identical sonic results as a Kemper, using the same profiles. I'm skeptical that it would. Not only would they need to decipher the .kipr files, but also reproduce the tone generating algorithms in the Kemper itself. And to my understanding all the code in the Kemper is in assembly, so it would be difficult to reverse engineer. You would need to clone the hardware as well.

    This is just speculation though, I have no idea of the content of .kipr files.

  • At 1:09 it's said that the room sound is also captured, which is interesting.

    Forgetting for a moment what Steven may have implied, the promo video says that the player reproduces real-world setups that the Overloud engineers have captured.

    Is this discussion of Kemper Profiles' being reverse-engineered and whatnot hyperbolic or have I missed something factual?

  • I just read the Slate thread on the gear page. You can’t load your own profiles, all profiles have to be created by the Overloud engineers. However, Slate states that there could be a submission service at some point in the future, meaning you can send profiles to Overloud for conversion. Whether that will be a free service is anyone’s guess, but I doubt it, considering the plugin only comes with 20 Rigs and there are expansion packs already planned.