Farewell Kemper, and we thank you...

  • Thank you for all replies. Maybe I gave up to soon on the KPA but 3 chords or not, they sound immense into the Access and EL34 through my 1960.... So for me, in my live situation, this works beyond what I tried to attain with my Little Green Box of Wonders....

    I didn't mean to sway anyone this or that way, it's just that in my situation, it was a very logic conclusion to revert to what suits me naturaly inspite of all the love I have for the Kemper and it's excellent community...

    Monkey_Man : Alas, since I sold the KPA, the serial has been passed along as well so I no longer have access (no pun intended) to the private forum, so I will not be able to maintain the ToastME thread ?... Atlantic : feel free to create a new thread and ask the mods to merge the threads, or maybe they can give you editing rights?

    Kindest of Regards and please keep supporting Damian Greda!


    I think we all understand and not mean to try to sway you back ( well maybe :) ) but just explain our journey's.

    Please let us know how you get on and keep in touch dude! You are the classy one!

  • I didn't mean to sway anyone this or that way, it's just that in my situation, it was a very logic conclusion to revert to what suits me naturaly inspite of all the love I have for the Kemper and it's excellent community...

    Never came across to me as swaying or negative in any way. In fact, it seems typical of the group here.

    Normally, when someone leaves the building they lob a few snarky remarks over their shoulder on their way through the door. You did just the opposite, which I find classy and in keeping with the vibe here.

    I prefer brunettes to blondes. That doesn't make blondes bad, or make me a "hair-ist." For your situation, you found gear that works better, and you went out of your way to clarify you didn't think that made Kemper "bad." You get serious style points, wishing you happy travels. :)

    They are heavy, take up "strutting" space, directional, not quite big enough to balance a rack KPA on top of, force me to have an estate car etc....but they look freckin cool..

    In the late 70s, I ran two 100 watt heads stacked on four 4x12 cabinets. In my defense, it was the 70s after all, and my state of (possibly altered) consciousness was exactly what you think it was. :S

    I now have this tiny little green toaster, a Yammy cab that's not much larger, and a sound bigger than the all houses I've lived in combined. I don't miss the 70s at all.

    Okay. Maybe just a little. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

    Edited once, last by Chris Duncan (January 23, 2019 at 1:38 PM).

  • In the late 70s, I ran two 100 watt heads stacked on four 4x12 cabinets. In my defense, it was the 70s after all, and my state of (possibly altered) consciousness was exactly what you think it was. :S

    I now have this tiny little green toaster, a Yammy cab that's not much larger, and a sound bigger than the all houses I've lived in combined. I don't miss the 70s at all.

    Okay. Maybe just a little. :)

    At least, you can remember the 70's.....8o8)

  • At least, you can remember the 70's..... 8o8)

    200 watts blowing through sixteen 12s, at a time when if you wanted the sound you had to dime the amp, is an experience that not only etched itself into my brain and survived the hazy memory of the 70s but will probably remain a cause for therapy in lifetimes yet to come. ^^

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Thank you for your insights, very nice write up and it sure rings several bells when contemplating on some of your experiences... an honest review indeed.

    Best Regards,


  • Ash, you must be one of the most noteworthy presences on any medium or platform I just happened to stumble upon. I will sincerely miss your candor and livelyness... you are all heart my friend. Bless you...

    See you around,


  • Ash, you must be one of the most noteworthy presences on any medium or platform I just happened to stumble upon. I will sincerely miss your candor and livelyness... you are all heart my friend. Bless you...

    See you around,


    Did I miss something? Where did Ash say he was leaving the Kemper community?

    Edit -- serves me right for not reading the full thread. ?(

    Sorry, Tijlcarrein. This thread popped up on my email, and I only saw your last post, and completely missed the full context. I am sad to hear you are leaving the group.

    Edited 2 times, last by Tritium (January 26, 2019 at 7:58 AM).

  • As Nicky said, you gotta do what works for you. As Raoul said everyone hears things differently. I'm loving my Kemper so much I don't turn on my Triaxis and 2:ninety any more but I'm not parting with them either. A Triaxis with AXE for FX is a mega rig no matter how you look at it . Enjoy!

    Back on track... Back to the future ;)

    See you around and take care...

    Kindest of Regards,


  • What type of music do you play?

    I play in a coverband with a small focus on Metallica classics (One, Master, Seek, Sandman, Roam, Sanitarium,...) The lion share of our playlist gets filled with Maiden, SOAD, Rammstein, Disturbd, Foo Fighters, Volbeat,.... anything that rocks but it has to be fun for the audience... We do reworks of classics like Another Brick in the Wall (likeKorn did, but a more faithfull to the original), Rage against the Machine songs (we like to thicken the plot ?).

    During rehearsel, we try to push the bounderies and play some Tool (Lateralis, Vicarious, Aneama, Sober) just to keep us sharp and to maintain ‘tightness’ and because we are all Tool afficionados... We play some of the Dream Theater Intro’s to start the show (Metropolis, As I Am) this is just big big fun!

    As you can tell, i’m a big fan of the Mesa Mark sound. With the Kemper, in the studio, through pa and IEM, I had some insanely good Boogie Profiles, I sure miss the conveniance, but i’m very happy I have the TriAxis back for live playing and definitely during our rehearsel sessions. The fractal an TriAxis stay in my rack, at home i’m using the Mercuriall Reaxis plugin: uncanny how close it sounds to the real deal (video coming up ?), but i sincerely miss using my green box of wonders and the ToastME Editor...

  • OP said: "I couldn’t for the world get a true three- dimensional tone, with depth, balls and precision".

    The "and precision" is exactly what I'm finding in a recording context. Kemper seems to drag - partly latency and partly (IMHO) the lack of transient attack on many sounds, particularly high gain ones.

  • OP said: "I couldn’t for the world get a true three- dimensional tone, with depth, balls and precision".

    The "and precision" is exactly what I'm finding in a recording context. Kemper seems to drag - partly latency and partly (IMHO) the lack of transient attack on many sounds, particularly high gain ones.

    Just curious - Did you try to adjust the definition parameter in the amp block to gain more precision and note definition ? Also, did you try to adjust the attack setting to get less or more attack out of a profile ? If so, how did you find them inadequate for what you were trying to get ?


  • Thanks for the suggestions. Yes - I did experiment with all these parameters. Noe of them of course solve the Kemper latency problems (3.5mS or I think it's 4.5mS using "constant latency") - which is materially worse than my 1998 vintage POD 2.0.

    And all these tweaks (and Tube Shape, Pick, Clarity and so on to my ears just "digi-fy" the sound even more. The quesion I have is - why do so many (all the mdeium / high gain ones I've tried) profiles have this problem in the first place? My POD doesn't - it may have other issues but you can clearly hear the attack of the note. Not so with Kemper.

  • Thanks for the suggestions. Yes - I did experiment with all these parameters. Noe of them of course solve the Kemper latency problems (3.5mS or I think it's 4.5mS using "constant latency") - which is materially worse than my 1998 vintage POD 2.0.

    And all these tweaks (and Tube Shape, Pick, Clarity and so on to my ears just "digi-fy" the sound even more. The quesion I have is - why do so many (all the mdeium / high gain ones I've tried) profiles have this problem in the first place? My POD doesn't - it may have other issues but you can clearly hear the attack of the note. Not so with Kemper.

    Sorry that you have those problems, I never really experienced latency with the Kemper... I think I read somewhere it had almost the same latency as a real amp ?... I don't really have those problems with medium and high gain profiles either. =X

  • Well.... A guy can have full tube amp +4x12 cab and make bad music coz he plays badly or the singer or musicien in the band are bad etc Bad musicienship. And another time you'll see an incredibly good show , with a wonderful guitar player playing a Kemper and it will sound 1000 times better than the previous one. I disagree on saying that every Kemper user are below the ''real thing'' and that amp is superior... it depends on the music you make... Especially today as everyone playing 3 chords makes recording and release it on you tube , talent or not...

    Did I say every KPA user is below the "the real thing" and that an amp is superior?