Helix FX Effects Midi with Kemper

  • Hi,

    I've brought a Helix FX effects and am just looking for a simple answer of how to store performances within snapshots. After scouring the web it seems you need a computer designers degree to understand what the hell to do!

    All I want as a starting point is -

    If I want to store Kemper Profile 1/Bank 1 in a Snapshot 1 - do I use Bank PC or Midi PC - what codes/values would I enter?

    If I want to store Kemper Profile 1/Bank 2 in a Snapshot 2 - do I use Bank PC or Midi PC - what codes/values would I enter?

    Once I have this I can apply to any other one but it seems to be bloody impossible, or at least for me with next to no midi experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • first You have to store the Rig with the Midi PC, then

    in Performance Mode you choose the Rigs and put them

    in the desired Place in the Performance

    exp. Rig 1 with Midi PC1 in Slot 1, Rig 2 with Midi PC 2 in Slot 2 and so on

    a snapshot just stores the diff setting of one rig , as far as I now

  • Hi Digbob,

    I'm sorry I don't understand that at all.

    What do you mean store the Rig with the Midi PC????

    I need to know what to enter in the "Instant" or Footswitch" Midi CC

    1 is my Midi Channel as is my Kemper

    What CC Number?

    What Value

    I've tried to do all this myself with either Footswitches or Instants for the last 2 weeks but nothing works

  • This is what the manual says for Browse mode, and this works

    there's another chapter how to use it in Performance mode


    Rig Change in Browser Mode

    You can assign up to 128 MIDI program change numbers to Rigs in your browse pool. These assignments are set in the System Settings on page “Browser Mode PrgChg”.

    To assign a program change number to a Rig, first load the Rig in the Browser Mode. Then press the SYSTEM button. Navigate to the page “Browser Mode PrgChg” using the PAGE buttons. Select a desired program change number using soft knob “MIDI PrgChg#” and then press the soft button “Assign”. Use the soft button labeled“Unassign” to erase assignments.

    Without leaving this page you can use the RIG navigation cross to load other Rigs from your browse pool and perform more assignments.

    Received MIDI program changes are indicated by a small “#” icon and control changes by a small knob icon on thehome screens in both Browser and Performance Mode. If bi-directional MIDI communication is established, this is reflected by a “two arrows” icon.

    Instead of using MIDI program changes, you can use control changes (#48-54) to load Slots in Performance Mode and Rigs in Browser Mode. Please refer to the tables in the previous paragraph."

  • if you plan to use the perform mode you do not need to assign program changes to rigs in browse mode. The slots in a performance are "hardwired" to certain MIDI program change numbers which are shown in the lower left corner of the PROFILER display in perform mode if no Remote is connected.

  • Hi digbob,

    On my HX I have the two following choices -

    Bank PC 1 32 00 0

    Command Midi Ch CC CC32 Prog


    Midi CC 1 32 0

    Command Midi Ch CCNo Value

    I have the Midi set to 1 as that's what it is on the Kemper.

    Which would you recommend - Bank PC or Midi CC???


    In Browser mode the amp I want is Midi PrgCng No 21

    Or in Performance modeMidi Bank 2 Midi Prog 8

    What values would I enter in the Bank PC or Midi CC settings?

    Many thanks!

  • Hi hjscheffler,

    So what would I enter in the following values?

    Bank PC / 1 / 32 / 00 / 0

    Command / Midi Ch / CC / CC32 / Prog


    Midi CC / 1 / 32 / 0

    Command / Midi Ch / CCNo / Value

    I have the Midi set to 1 as that's what it is on the Kemper.

    Which would you recommend - Bank PC or Midi CC???

    In Browser mode the amp I want is Midi PrgCng No 21

    Or in Performance modeMidi Bank 2 Midi Prog 8

    Thank you!

  • in your case I would try with another midi unit

    if this works, if not there must be a setting in the helix which

    let midi out not work

    another thing to try is that you patch your midi out from helix

    to an PC or Mac with a Midi interface and than start an app which shows you which midi

    information comes out when you switch the helix, which will make you sure that helix is sending the right infos on the the right channel

    , these kind of programs are most free

    and you can find them via google

  • I don't exactly understand that terminology you are using.

    Any Slot in Performance Mode has its MIDI address pre-assigned. It is a combination of MIDI Bank Select LSB and a MIDI Program Change. This MIDI address gets displayed in the black box on the left hand side of the display. To load Performance 1 Slot 1 you send MIDI Bank Select LSB 1 and MIDI Program Change 1. To load Performance 30 Slot 5 you send MIDI Bank Select LSB 2 and MIDI Program Change 22.

    Bank Select is transmitted via MIDI Control Change #32 with the intended value. For bank 1 you send value 0. For bank 2 you send value 1.... up to bank 5 where you send value 4.

    If the range of the Program Change in the Helix reaches from 0-127 instead of 1-128, you need to reduce the Program Change number by 1.

    There is a table illustrating the combinations of MIDI Banks Select and Program Changes to address Performance Mode in the MIDI chapter of the Main Manual.