Use Remote to morph to Lead sound with auto fall back - SOLVED

  • Dear Kemper users!

    I use the morph function of my Kemper remote to switch between rhythm and lead sounds. This works perfect by switching the button to the morphed sound and switching the button again for going back to the non morphed sound.

    For some parts in a few songs I would need a quick switch between the two sounds, so it would be perfect to just hold down the button to morph and release the button on the remote to switch back. But this is not working, if I hold the button the sound stays on the morphed sound until I hit the button again.

    Is there any setting on the remote or Kemper to achieve what I am looking for?

  • Wow! Momentary option for morphing. That’s something I had no idea about. That could be really useful to know. Thanks guys.

    The other idea I would have used would have been to use an expression pedal rather than multiple taps on switches. You can then keep your foot on the EXP pedal and just rock between them. Momentary switching is even better though :)

  • All fxs switches and morph, freezze, hold..are now momentary if you press it long enough. You don't have to change any setup. If i am not wrong this happens only with the last spring preview beta frimware.

    With morph the momentary behaviour respects the rise and release times.

    If I remember well..

  • All fxs switches and morph, freezze, hold..are now momentary if you press it long enough. You don't have to change any setup. If i am not wrong this happens only with the last spring preview beta frimware.

    With morph the momentary behaviour respects the rise and release times.

    If I remember well..

    This is true for stomps and effects, but I don't think it applies to morphing. However, I'm not certain about this.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Momentary option is the solution for me! Thank you all for your input.

    It is found under rig settings in the morph page like you already suggested. It does exactly what I was looking for... You press the button on the remote and leave it pressed. The sound changes to the morphed settings. After you release the button the sound changes back to the non morphed settings. That way it is easy to do a quick lead run and change back the sound to the rhythm part within one bar.

    Thanks again, this forum is really the best I have ever been a part of. :)

    I will change the title of the thread to solved...