My KAP cuts out with active pickups

  • My KAP power rack unit cuts out with active pickups. I plugged a Musicman Majesty 6 and a 7 and both cut out within 4-5 seconds. The go from full blown perfect tonality to dull, thin sounding and about 20 dbs lower. I have to unplug and reconnect but the same happens again. Removing the batteries and installing them resets it but 4-5 seconds later the same happens. Am I missing something? A setting? May be.

  • I don't think you are missing anything. It definitely shouldn't do that so there is a fault somewhere.

    You said in the title that it cuts out with active pickups. The first thing I would do is check whether it really is active pickups that are the problem. Do you have any guitars with regular passive pickups? If so have you tried and does the fault happen with them or not?

    If it works fine with passive pickups and the same cable then the problem is in the guitars. If it doesn't work with passive pups then the problem isn't active pickups. So next step is to find out what it is?

    Start with the obvious quick wins. Try a couple of different cables. It could be a bad connection in one of the plugs or a break/short in the cable somewhere which is nearly OK but cuts out when moved a certain way. A partial short would cause a significant drop in volume and loss of tone without losing all sound completely.

    If the cables check out OK. Move to the guitars. Change to totally new batteries. If that doesn't help check the wiring in the guitars. If everything checks out OK there then its time to move on to the Kemper and log a support ticket.

    Out of interest, how long have you had the Majesties? When did you last change the batteries? Do you leave them with a cable plugged in when not playing?

  • Maybe this?

     Clean Sens
    Different types of guitars produce different output levels depending on their pickups and string gauge: for example, humbucker pickups generate higher voltages compared to single coils, and active guitars generate even hotter signal levels. If you feel that clean sounds are either very loud or very soft compared to distorted sounds, you can adjust Clean Sens to a level where clean sounds have the same perceived loudness as distorted sounds. Clean Sens determines the volume of clean sounds, but not the way that the amp or the effects are driven. A guitar with low output level stays cleaner; a hot guitar will still distort more easily.
    Extremely “hot” guitars can generate unwanted distortion, indicated by the INPUT LED flashing red. This is only relevant for clean sounds, however - prominent amp distortion will completely mask a subtle clipping of the input.
     Distortion Sens
    Distortion Sens should normally stay at zero (middle) position. Every Rig will react as if you had connected your guitar to the original amplifier.
    If you feel that your guitar tends to drive the distortion too hot (or too soft) for most of your Rigs, then calibrate your guitar by adjusting Distortion Sens accordingly.
    ✓ Clean Sens is not a simple input gain; you will notice that it does not affect the gain of a distorted sound. Distortion Sense is also not a simple booster, as it does not affect the gain of clean sounds. Neither of these parameters colors the sound.
    ✓ A tutorial video about the Input Section and how to adjust Clean and Distortion Sens can be found on:
    Other parameters of the Input Section are explained in the Instrument Input and Reamping chapter.

  • If the Kemper is working properly I don’t believe it should lose signal if the clean sens is set too high. Obviously it would affect the balance between clean and distorted sounds and it may even cause the inputs to clip but I would be very surprised if it went as far as cutting the signal after a few seconds playing.