Solved - Help me keep my Kemper

  • Get the know you want to. Rock solid USB drivers (RME was imo the first to really nail this down, it's not easy), great converters, and truly legendary support for products sold long ago. I know people using RME gear they bought 10-12 years ago, and running them on new PCs/OS. Can't say that for many others. Has RME ever actually stopped supporting a product? :D

    You getting the UFX? What a piece of gear that is.

    And TotalMix has quite a learning curve, but it is really phenomenal, deeeep, and can do about anything you'd need from it.

    ...rme. RME...RME!

    And you're right. I don't care that there is no USB interface, and I don't have a need or use for it, but it's so silly to act like the KPA is so special or different in some way, that an interface wouldn't make sense. Bullshit, it would simply be product parity, as you say. Modeler/Profiler is so irrelevant to this argument.


    :) Yeah, UFX it is.

  • ... and of course I chime in by mentioning MOTU, predictably, Bruce.

    You can still run every audio interface it's ever made, even from the '90s, and load projects from 1984 into Digital Performer.

    I thought about mentioning them...but I figured you'd be along. :D

    They'll definitely be on my list for next time.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Disagree. It's a digital representation of an amp.

    It's no more an amp than Fractal, Helix, or that bean I had years ago. And sure there are interfaces out there. But there's one right there on the back of the unit. Maybe they tried it and it sucks because the unit doesn't have the horsepower. Or maybe they don't want to support it. I think they should. It would have saved me time and money and frustration.

    ...Whereas it would have COST me money, seeing as a have an audio interface already.

    Having an interface built into the Kemper would have increased the cost of the unit. And then what - then I'd have the ability to record guitars. What about vocals? What about other instruments? For many people, the addition of a USB interface would be utterly superfluous. Instead of having an increased cost of an interface inside the unit (and, as you say, added cost of support for that part of the product, and software maintenance costs etc) they decided to omit it. Then people can select an interface that fits their needs individually. The guys who want to record say live drums can get a more expensive interface with a lot of inputs like your Focusrite 18i20, and people who want to record JUST a single guitar can get a really cheap one, all according to their specific needs. And all of us who already had an interface don't need to pay extra for a superfluous feature.

  • Disagree. It's a digital representation of an amp.

    It's no more an amp than Fractal, Helix, or that bean I had years ago. And sure there are interfaces out there. But there's one right there on the back of the unit. Maybe they tried it and it sucks because the unit doesn't have the horsepower. Or maybe they don't want to support it. I think they should. It would have saved me time and money and frustration.

  • You should use the analog outs to record, they sound fantastic, and I don’t think it’s easy to find another interface

    Which will sound so good, sometimes sound is more important than ease of use

    I prefer good sounding outs over the usb ease of use