stereo effects loop

  • hi to you al fellow kemperians i deleted by mistake my stereo effects loop and want to put it back on the kemper

    but how ? i searcht in the manual but cant find it

    last week a bought the mimic doubler and have some fun whit it

    thanks in advance

  • you obviously must have missed the chapter in the main manual that deswcribes how to use the FX loop.

    Effect Loops (Pink)

    To connect external gear, the PROFILER offers a hardware effects loop, represented by the Direct Out/Send and theRETURN on the back side of the amp. These are the same jacks that you use for PROFILING. You can apply the

    hardware effect loop in any of the effect modules, except REV. As you might have guessed, you cannot use the hardware effects loop in more than one location of the signal flow at the same time. So, if you try to engage the loop at more than one location within one Rig, the first loop in the signal flow will win.

    While Loop Mono works well in any effect module, you can establish a stereo return for your external effects by placing Loop Stereo in the X, MOD or DLY modules. In this case, the RETURN INPUT will work as the left input and the ALTERNATIVE INPUT as the right input. If Loop Stereo is used in one of the mono effect modules A, B, C, or D, the left and right return signals will be mixed together.

    The "Mix: Pre/Post" option is available in both Loop Mono and Loop Stereo modes and determines whether the Mix control affects the signal on the SEND (“Pre”) or the RETURN and ALTERNATIVE INPUT (“Post”). Since this makesno difference in most situations, we recommend leaving the button at the "Post" position, to guarantee the lowest noise floor.

    However, you can use the “Pre" position to create a spillover effect for your external gear while you switch Rigs onthe PROFILER: Load the Rig in which the external effect should be deactivated (but you still want spillover when it's loaded) > Activate Loop Mono or Loop Stereo > set "Mix:" to "Pre" > turn the Mix control to zero > store this Rig. Now whenever you switch to this Rig, no signal will be sent to your external effect devices, but their delay or reverb tail will still be received.

    Please ensure that the “Mix” control of the Effects Loop is set to 100%, to avoid coloring the external signal with the blended dry signal. However, if you prefer to derive the dry signal straight from the PROFILER, then use the “Mix”control to balance the external signal and the internal dry signal. To do so, you must check that the dry signal is not passing through the external device. This is usually done by setting the mix control of the external device to maximum or by using a "kill dry" function to mute the dry signal in a global fashion.

    The Loop Distortion is made for connecting distortion pedals to the PROFILER and is only in mono. The feature unique to this loop, is that any volume boost of a preceding effect will be applied to the DIRECT OUTPUT/SEND jack, thus driving the external distortion pedal. This is what you would expect, anyway. The regular Loop Mono and Loop Stereo do this differently: here, the volume boost of a preceding effect will be applied after the return of the loop. The send level will be unaffected, so the connected effect will not be overdriven. The regular Loop Mono and Loop Stereo are suitable for all non-distorting effects.

    ✓If you want to keep your external effect inserted for all Rigs, just lock the effects loop by pressing LOCK.

    ✓A tutorial video explaining these effect loops can be found at:

  • thank you for your replay but i have the right connection but a simply deleted the option stereo loop it is off the kemper i still have the option distortion loop ,mono loop and than it goes to oct default

    normally it goes to stereo effects loop to make the stereo loop connection i did some reading and it was fine, working ok but i wanted to deleted the rig i tried and instead i deleted the stereo loop stupid me

  • im sorry but i did already that when i turn the knob i cannot choose it because it issent dare enymore to choose if you look in that screen you can delete i got the x slot and prest the button and can choose all the above distorion loop, mono loop and than dare was stereo loop but it issent dare enymore already tried a restart but no luck