Ever changing setup.

  • My rig is constantly changing(hopefully to the better). When I first got my Kemper I ran it through my Hartke's power amp. I thought it was pretty decent but then I grabbed a tube power amp and it was a fantastic upgrade. After a bit more time I decided to get a FRFR so I grabbed a Headrush FRFR about 2-3 weeks ago. I really enjoyed it for a few days then I went back to my power amp and cab then come to the realization that I don't need a dozen cabs with mic'd a hundred ways and when I record I can just use my studio monitors. I began thinking of just selling the Kemper and just getting one tube amp. Instead I grabbed the Kemper remote and completely fell back in love with the Kemper. I added an external overdrive to play with direct profiles and I do believe I'm satisfied. I have an expression pedal waiting on me when I get home and a Kemper di box on the way. I think the last missing piece will be just creating my own direct profiles and slimming down the 1000 profiles I have on the Kemper currently.

    Out of curiosity, did you guys go through this constant tweaking before being satisfied? I started thinking I didn't go through this with my old amp then I remembered yes I did(adding overdrives, EQ's, Sonic Maximizers, etc). I think I got to a point where I thought I needed more variety than what I really do. A Mesa Mark series, a Marshall flavor, and a 5150 type amp is all I will ever need. I'm excited to just play instead of constantly twiddling knobs and buttons.

  • Out of curiosity, did you guys go through this constant tweaking before being satisfied?

    I don't remember a time in my 20+ years of playing professionally where I HAVEN'T been tweaking my sound. I think most musicians by nature are never permanently satisfied and we're always evolving. I absolutely LOVE my sound from the Kemper. I've never had a sound that I'm more happy with (and I've owned a bunch of high end amps). But even with my awesome Kemper sounds, I'm still constantly trying new things and tweaking.

    Eddie Van Halen had one of the all-time most sought after rock guitar tones, and he has never stopped tweaking either.

  • Im about 90% happy with my rig. Down the line I'm gonna wanna buy a Powerstage 700 and a 412 cab just to have that experience too, at that point I'll run W/D/W, but we're talking maybe some years down the line. Kemper in the first stereo fx loop of the Helix, G10 Relay to AUX, Migami cable to front input, all Mogami patch cables, ferrite cores on every cable, strymon zuma power supply with Palmer MI Purifier on everyvpower plug, good separate routing of power and audio cables, Korg rack tuner, Furman power conditioner, Strymon Timeline and Big Sky in the second stereo fx loop, custom server-grade power coord from Supra for the Furman, a shock rack from gator to install it in, music controlled LEDs to put around the inner edge of the rack, and a little pedalboard with a Whammy DT, Freqout, simple looper and a buffer at the start of the chain. Two powercab plus' for speakers.

    I can only think of three points of improvement. Find someone that makes better power coords with C13 to C14 plug (help finding those would be welcome) from the Furman to each device, a G90 instead of G10, and a Mimiq pedal on my pedalboard. Then I'm done ?

  • I think I'm almost set. I have a Carvin Tube power amp that works great but I wouldn't mind having a Mesa 2:90 and maybe a different 2x12 to run stereo. I can't wait to get my di box so I can profile a few amps for myself. I think if I have them side by side I can rest a bit easier and not keep thinking the grass is greener on the other side.

  • I think I'm almost set. I have a Carvin Tube power amp that works great but I wouldn't mind having a Mesa 2:90 and maybe a different 2x12 to run stereo. I can't wait to get my di box so I can profile a few amps for myself. I think if I have them side by side I can rest a bit easier and not keep thinking the grass is greener on the other side.

    I actually have a 2:ninety in a rack with my Triaxis. To be perfectly honest, I haven't even bothered to try the Kemper through it as I have been so happy so far with just the powered Kemper.

  • I have come to the conclusion that you never find sonic nirvana, because its changes every night as well..

    The only significant change I've made in the last 4 years is to move from conventional cab to FRFR.

    I don;t use outboard pedals etc and I'm very happy. I use my spare cash these days on guitars instead :).... at 22 at the moment.

  • Kind of. I've realised that it's all in my head and most likely put there by marketing departments. I've known guys that buy a decent amp and never consider anything else but it's no surprise that they're not stalking YouTube for videos of gear, never use forums or read guitar magazines. It's got very little to do with necessity and very much to do with the buzz you get out of hunting for something, buying it and then plugging it in.

  • The biggest change for me since getting the Kemper (Jan '15) is purging all the outside effects and pedals. There were a BUNCH, both on the floor in in the rack. And that didn't happen until a few month a ago. Happy to say I'm (currently) pedal free other than Remote and 2 Mission pedals.

    Learn to Swim

  • The biggest change for me since getting the Kemper (Jan '15) is purging all the outside effects and pedals. There were a BUNCH, both on the floor in in the rack. And that didn't happen until a few month a ago. Happy to say I'm (currently) pedal free other than Remote and 2 Mission pedals.

    To be pedal free yes but first and foremeost : AMP FREE is a dream comes true to me

  • Yup, the KPA cures physical-amp GAS, but in most cases probably feeds Profile GAS, which, thank God, is 100+ times cheaper.

    Guitar GAS is another matter; I don't know of any cure for that apart from voluntary insulation from market exposure.

  • I've mentioned this before, and it isn't knocking Kemper at all - as I love him. (Don't know why I see Kemper as a dude...like a cool brother or something...definitely not a weird uncle)

    Anyway, when I play my real amps in rehearsal, I just think about playing and nothing else. It's guitar > wah > amp. A carbon copy for solos with the mix at about 10% is as extravagant as it gets.

    But when I play Colin the Kemper, I am constantly thinking 'should I dip 5k by 1db or is the stereo spread of my delay too narrow or could I do with a little more pick definition on this solo'...and it is a little distracting, but I can't stop myself. First world problem for sure.

    I do know however that Kemper is the most amp like of all 'non-amps' in terms of making changes...and if I had some ridiculous tweak machine like Helix or Axe...I wouldn't ever get to the point of playing a single note as I'd be too busy clicking things with my mouse and reorganising amp and effects blocks and routing nonsense like that!

    And THAT, is the only reason Kemper hasn't cured my GAS for amp heads...not the sound of my guitar heads....but my actual stupid overactive head.

    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.

    Edited once, last by Greg (October 15, 2018 at 1:10 PM).