Line 6 HX Stomp - Compact Professional Guitar Processor

  • The HX-Stomp has “snapshots” where you can turn effects on and off. You can’t switch amps in a snapshot but you can easily get by as you would with one amp and pedal board.

    Many times on the Kemper I only use one rig and toggle effects or morph.

  • Yes. I had it and utilized the snapshot feature. The problem I was running into...

    ... so in short, if a person wants to use this pedal for most of their effects, they had better be prepared to fit all they need without audio gaps within single presets utilizing the stomp or snapshot type of mode, which means that all the effects they'd like to utilize without audio gaps is limited to 6, and only 5 if using the KPA in a four cable method.

    I see where you're coming from. A better comparison is probably Snapshots < -- > Performances when talking about gapless switching (or not).

  • Damn this is a must have ... finally a good sounding pedal that fits into the gigbag ... oh man ...

    i already love it

  • Damn this is a must have ... finally a good sounding pedal that fits into the gigbag ... oh man ...

    i already love it

    The AA3 was the only option prior to this. With the HXS out now, um; the AA line is a tough sell,imo. If you dig great tone and don't want to bother with continuous device development; it's viable. Well now the AA6. In my opinion; HXS all the way. A profile player as well as a Mini-Ax I think would also kill; but it seems to money left on the table for others to pick up.

  • I have to admit at first i loved the Atomic as well because of its size but the sounds and the lack of features killed it for me, just like the bias mini :( idk ... in my eyes line6 has something beautiful coming up ... showing up to the gig with only my guitar bag ... nice ... i mean i don't have roadies and very often we can't drive directly to the stage when we play on street festivals so this will be ultra convenient

  • For those who've dreamed about a 2nd Kemper for practicing in the living room, this could be just the ticket.

    I know many "plan" to keep their existing units, should a Kemper 2 drop one day, for this purpose alone. I'm in that camp for sure, but in the meantime, this is kinda-tempting as a stand-in...

  • I think it depends on what people want to use it for...

    As an emergency backup, it sounds like a great option BUT its expensive. I have an old sansamp, cost me £80 that I have for emergencies. I use my powerrack so any emergency ain;t gonna be a true backup for me because I use the amp.

    As a cheaper entry point into some great sounds, then this looks more appealing.

    Personally ( and this is just me), if a floor unit was on the cards for a kemper, I'd liek to use it in conjunction with my KPA....i.e. a cut down version I can put some of my configs on for rehersals or as a backup. If it doubled as a remote for the main Kemper...Bingo! I'd have both! Not everyone would want both but both units are valid separately or together...boom...I think you, I'm here all week!

    Happy to join the Kemper marketing department if they will have me :)

  • Bottom line is convenience in size with nice sounds. Perfect for tossing in a guitar bag for small gigs, rehearsals, friends house, school ( if you are still in), traveling , around the house outside of your studio setup, a backup for your Kemper or any time it would be less convenient or not necessary to carry the Kemper and floor board.

    A great addition with many uses!

    I find the price to be decent. The Kemper is three times the cost of this unit.

  • I'm sure we will see Kemper Amps move in this direction in the future.

    Look at Fractal, they took a cue from the direction of the market and made a stripped down version of their flagship product like the AX8 when they realised that companies like Line 6 were taking away market share with the Helix.

    And one thing you have to acknowledge about Line 6. They may not be there... yet, but they are improving their product with every new generation. And their sales likely dwarf Kemper and Fractal sales, probably even combined.

    As far as utility? They work.

    For example, here's a tweet from Avril Lavigne's guitarist:

    official_line6RepostBy @amodernanimal: "I'm playing guitar for @avrillavigne on @jimmykimmellive tonight. Will you be watching? Tonight I'll be using the @official_line6 Helix. The amp modeling is amazing, FX are fantastic and UI and UX is the best available. The amount of thought and attention to detail by the team is astounding and I highly recommend for any musician looking to step their game up. This unit has changed my entire perspective on playing live. Thanks, Line 6! .

    Now, none of us are lusting after Avril Lavigne's guitar tone and this looks more like a product placement than anything else.

    Then there's John Browne of Monuments who uses it live.

    I have a Kemper, guys, so I am not talking about tone when I cite these examples anymore than I would be if I was showing bands using the Axe FX.

    But there clearly is "enough" tone to use what we regard as inferior devices live. Don't believe the hype, the audience is listening and those guys don't care. God, I've listened to enough crappy recordings of live concerts to tell you that people coming to live shows will put up with crappy sound if they like the music that's being played.

    So this little box? Looks great! I won't be buying one, but it sure makes a really compelling argument for a backup or even the core of a pedalboard based rig.

  • For example, here's a tweet from Avril Lavigne's guitarist:

    official_line6RepostBy @amodernanimal: "I'm playing guitar for @avrillavigne on @jimmykimmellive tonight. Will you be watching? Tonight I'll be using the @official_line6 Helix. The amp modeling is amazing, FX are fantastic and UI and UX is the best available. The amount of thought and attention to detail by the team is astounding and I highly recommend for any musician looking to step their game up. This unit has changed my entire perspective on playing live. Thanks, Line 6! .

    Nope, won't be watching.

    Edited 3 times, last by JedMckenna (October 13, 2018 at 10:06 PM).

  • Taking my profiler + remote in a flight case every week to rehearse was a joy after I got rid of my tube amp but imho it’s still a burden. Not talking about concerts is town where I can’t park nearby and whatever my sound is there are chances I will face a bad room with low ceilings, a bad sound man and a drunk audience. So that little thing is worthy to me. It’s probably more useful to the average gigging musician like me than a profiler. Those who can choose their venues have probably more interest in the profiler.

  • Taking my profiler + remote in a flight case every week to rehearse was a joy after I got rid of my tube amp but imho it’s still a burden. Not talking about concerts is town where I can’t park nearby and whatever my sound is there are chances I will face a bad room with low ceilings, a bad sound man and a drunk audience. So that little thing is worthy to me. It’s probably more useful to the average gigging musician like me than a profiler. Those who can choose their venues have probably more interest in the profiler.

    Devil’s advocate here.

    God, guys, don’t we sound like entitled pricks, me included just to make sure there’s no offence to anyone else. I mean jeez, who are we kidding! You can actually carry a Kemper on to a plane. You can carry it in a backpack on a bus. You can bash people’s heads in with it and then go crying to Kemper Amps saying product failure and they’ll fix it for you.

    None of this makes sense. And increasingly, I think none of it even matters anymore. We go around in circles.

    When did you write your last song and record it?

    When did you last play to a sell out show?

    When did you last beat the meat?

    Obviously there are far more important things than worrying about itty bitty teeny weeny Kemper’s that we can smuggle in our ass cracks into prison.

    Go forth, and bitch no more! I cast the demons out!