Can you keep the column layout across folders, and child-level searching

  • This is really bugging me - I have all my profiles in subfolders based on the creator. I want the exact same columns shown in each folder - can you set this automatically? Or do I need to go into each and every folder and add the columns I want?

    Also - why can you not search for a string at the parent folder level? For example, if I want to find all instances of 'ADA' in all of my profiles, I should be able to search just in the parent folder - NOT have to go into each and every sub folder individually.

  • I asked a long time ago for the right-click ability, say, at the bottom of the column-list that appears, to be able to resize the selected column or all columns, a-la iTunes.

    Not exactly what you're asking about, but related 'cause it pertains to quick setup of folders.

    As for your question, I think the answer is "no".

    I lost my RM preference files (can't remember where I stored them! X/ ), and I can tell you based on past experience that resizing all columns in all of my folders and adding a "mic" one will take... wait for it... approximately 7 hours.

    A warning to anyone who's spent a lot of time setting this stuff up - for Heaven's sake, keep your User / Library / Preference files. The Kemper ones are:

    de.RigManager.Kemper Amps.plist

  • @G String I have never noticed that before :/

    Usually I have tried searching in Rig Packs in the same way but it doesn't allow global searches; only at the folder (pack level). I had mistakenly assumed that everything suffered the same limitation.

    Search All Rigs is unpredictable as it includes Rig Exchange for some things but not others.I just searched All Rigs for Vox and got 338 results all of which are located in Rig Exchange. However, when I run the same search only on Rig Exchange I get 354 results. That's 16 more from a smaller search group!

    The same exercise on "Mesa" yields 1492 rigs on All Rigs most (but not all) of which are on Rig Exchange. Running the same search only on Rig Exchange returns 1791(nearly 300 more rigs from a smaller universe?)

    I want to be able to search downwards from the current level at any time.

    Say I want to search Local Library but have this arranged in sub folders I need to either search All Rigs and get a lot of stuff I don't want (including Rig Exchange) or go into each folder individually. It's just not very intuitive that some levels allow a global search but others don't and it's rarely obvious why or which will behave in a particular way.

    I also want the ability to do negative searches. For example do not return any Direct Profiles (ie do not return anything with no cab section/speaker) as it is a massive pain to suddenly jump from Studio profiles to Direct profiles when auditioning rigs.

  • Search All Rigs is unpredictable as it includes Rig Exchange for some things but not others.I just searched All Rigs for Vox and got 338 results all of which are located in Rig Exchange. However, when I run the same search only on Rig Exchange I get 354 results. That's 16 more from a smaller search group!

    if you find a search string which gives you unexpected results, feel free to contact support using the contact form on our website and supply more details so we can verify your findings. here' a hint for you: searches can deliver different result depending on which tags are visible in the list view. if you'd like to search in all tags, you need to make sure that you select "search in: all tags" in the search menu.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • if you find a search string which gives you unexpected results, feel free to contact support using the contact form on our website and supply more details so we can verify your findings. here' a hint for you: searches can deliver different result depending on which tags are visible in the list view. if you'd like to search in all tags, you need to make sure that you select "search in: all tags" in the search menu.

    Thanks G Stringg. Are you saying search in all tags in the search box (the one with 3 fields)? If so, i almost ALWAYS do that. The searches are too unpredictable otherwise. This may be a flakey s arch algorithm but most likely its just the fact that there is no consistency between users as to how they complete fields/tags therefore, unless you search on all tags you have little chance of finding whst you are looking for. I realise this isn’t Kemper’s fault its just how people use the product.

  • what holds you back? search in "All Rigs" and you search the entire content in one go

    But you can't select tags in "all rigs" so once you've found which folder it's in, you have to then go to that folder and find it again.

    Sterling Musicman JP150, Fender USA Strat
    Kemper Powerhead & Remote > ElectroVoice ZLX12-P | Palmer 1x12 Cab(G12M) | Sennheiser HD558
    Audient iD14 > Reaper

  • But you can't select tags in "all rigs" so once you've found which folder it's in, you have to then go to that folder and find it again.

    Rod: You can select tags in "all rigs" in RM Version 2.1.56 (13596). When you start typing in the search field, a pop up window with the tag selection pops up.
    @Wheresthedug: After a search in "all rigs", you don´t have to search again in all the sub folders, just select them and see the result.

  • @christianbad that's still "searching" in the sub folders. Yes, you don't need to manually retype the search text but you are effectively still running a new search in each folder. If you only have two or three folders it's not a big deal but given the number of Kemper Rig Pack folders it is a pain and an unnecessary hassle. And when you consider how many different names people use for the same same Amp you often need to run multiple searches at the highest level then research in each sub folder which can become extremely tedious. It's often better to just start with a massive list of everything in the desired folders and scroll looking for something than use searches due to the lack of profiler consistency in naming amps.

  • Rod: You can select tags in "all rigs" in RM Version 2.1.56 (13596). When you start typing in the search field, a pop up window with the tag selection pops up.

    Sorry, I should have said 'edit' tags.

    I'm on V2.1.41.13351 (the latest version, I guess you must be on mac) and you can't select tags. You can click them and they go green, you can copy but not edit.

    Sterling Musicman JP150, Fender USA Strat
    Kemper Powerhead & Remote > ElectroVoice ZLX12-P | Palmer 1x12 Cab(G12M) | Sennheiser HD558
    Audient iD14 > Reaper