Please stop me from buying an AXE FX III

  • I like my AFII as well but Dean is right about the fact that the sound keeps changing! What is interesting in the III marketing page is that realistic amp sound seems to just be a repetition of the text they had for the II and is close to the bottom of the III’s features that they highlight. It seems to have moved to become more of a jack of all trades type box where close enough is good enough.

  • Why does the AXE FX III come with only one year Warranty? To get three years you need to pay an extra $249 Wow, it's not like the Kemper is cheap either but they give you three years warranty without having to pay extra even though I think both Kemper and Fractal are overpriced to be fair.

  • Just a shot in the dark, Dean, but maybe Kemper's over-spec'd (typical of German engineering), cool-running design has something to do with this.

    The Axe models have always pushed the DSP boundaries a little, it seems to me, and I'd assume they've always run way-hotter internally than the Kemper. Do they still have fans?

    Heat's after all the #1 enemy of electronic gear.

  • I meant that more ironically. Of course you do not have to buy a new Ax Fx every year,if you're satisfied with the old one. But it is noticeable that they release another model
    every few years. Looks like a money making machine for me ;)

    The company is a money making machine, but I don't think the hardware revisions are a scam since you don't have to own the latest one in order to use the most current amp models and effects with the first version of the model II.

    Edited once, last by ColdFrixion (August 3, 2018 at 4:01 PM).

  • Hey '80s Bro'.
    It's not about the sound; it's the behaviour. Apparently the KPA's cabs, captured during the Profiling Process, react realistically to impedance changes (air resistance of cone, inertia of voice coil, varying voltage levels encountered through dynamic playing etc.), whereas IR's, great-and-accurate as they sound, are literally a snapshot at a single voltage and impedance level. IOW, they're a one-off capture of a unique situation - a pulse's being passed through a cab.

    Hope you're well, bud; long time no speak.

    Honestly, in my comparisons, and I'm not just saying this, the IR's really do sound, feel and behave just like the KPA's cab section. In my own blind tests, I truly can't detect any perceptible difference.

  • Kemper profiling hasn't changed since the first Kemper was released and the same accurate profile is still the same since the beginning.

    So you're saying KPA profiling cannot be improved? If that's not what you are saying, and the profiler CAN be improved, then the fact that it's sat stagnant for so long is definitely not a feather in it's cap. Every coin has a flip side.

    I'm not a huge FAS (the company) fan, but many of the improvements they make are not amp related. Yes, the fact that their modeling changes so often is rather annoying, but the regular updates that add good and useful features are a credit to the company. I wish Kemper was more like that. I'm not entirely sure why you seem hell-bent on setting up straw man arguments.

    Seriously, I'mg going to pay over 2.5K for clearly false claims of accurate modeling.and misleading marketing gimmicks?

    The Kemper website is full of marketing superlatives, yet there are plenty of guitarists who have tried the KPA and found it lacking. Or, as you would write it: "clearly false claims of accurate modeling.and misleading marketing gimmicks". The knife cuts both ways.

    I'm not pro-Kemper or pro-FAS here. I'm just trying to put into check the clearly overzealous and deep-seated FAS hate you have going on.

    You seem to have FAS anger issues when you go on and on and on railing against FAS whenever the opportunity arises... did they hurt you, emotionally, in some way? It's almost like they turned you down for a job or something.

  • Kemper profiling hasn't changed since the first Kemper was released

    The profiling algorithm was updated in firmware v2.6.

    Before MIMIC there was DRT (Dynamic response technology) after maybe 20 versions of MIMIC came Quantum , then after nine versions of Quantum came Ares. The AXE WIKI shows about 28 different main versions of firmware since AXE II that each probably had hundreds of incremental updates and some AXE users will claim that with each upgrade the modeling is better. Who has time to keep up with this $hit. Think about it. I just looked at that crap before I bought the Kemper and common sense told me if they got it right in the early days of DRT they wouldn't have to keep changing their Catch Phrase claimed to be some technology.

    Based on the changelog, the KPA has had over 65+ updates since v1.00, and there's no shortage of Kemper users who wish the KPA team would update the profiling process, as there are many profiles that have audible characteristics that distinguish them from the original amp.

    Seriously, I'mg going to pay over 2.5K for clearly false claims of accurate modeling.and misleading marketing gimmicks?

    The Kemper's online marketing brochure states, "Now, for the first time, you are free to create amp tones as unique and individual as you are, and capture them easily and perfectly in the digital domain." The only problem is there are many instances in which the KPA doesn't capture an amp perfectly, which is why some people here and elsewhere are able to consistently identify the KPA in blind tests, so if you want to talk about false claims, that applies to Kemper just as much as Line6, Fractal Audio and numerous other companies that hype a product.

    Edited once, last by ColdFrixion (August 3, 2018 at 5:38 PM).

  • You seem to have FAS anger issues when you go on and on and on railing against FAS whenever the opportunity arises... did they hurt you, emotionally, in some way? It's almost like they turned you down for a job or something.

    if the AXE FX III and II have good modeling, why not just buy the AXE II for less than half price? [Blocked Image:…es/confused.png] Are you capable of rational thinking rather that emotional thinking? Clearly not as you're a perefect candidate for Fractal emotional Marketing rather than using rational thinking. Allow me to explain

    Their marketing turned me off. The subject of the thread is
    "Please stop me from buying an AXE FX III" I'm just on topic.

    Further more my dislike for Fractal is nothing personal. Unlike those Fractal apologists (including you) I don't get emotionally attached to any device. I just feel that being an educated consumer warrants sharing the wisdom and experience when possible with those who can just deal with facts and not emotions.

    Fact is that Fractal doesn't hold value because there's so much emotional hype built into the price and that's the main reason that it will never be released in major music retail stores in the USA unlike the KPA, it simply won't sell, if it ever goes major retail, because in the open Market, it won't even be able to handle the public reviews in musiciansfriend, sweetwater or big USA music retailers. So currently and unfortunate for the consumers, the reviews are limited and somewhat controlled by Fractal.

    Your post confirms the idea that's been propagated by Fractal that if someone doesn't like the AXE FX they automatically are branded to have an anger issue. It shows how effective the deceptive marketing gimmicks on appealing to the emotion rather than any rational reasoning that would make you yourself question why would someone openly state that Fractal is over hyped unrealistic harsh sounding device that will require ridiculous time and effort to get decent usable sounds out of it.

    If Fractal ever goes into retail outlets, I'm sure that more guitarist like me will point out to the major shortfalls. Many who bought the AXE FX will unfortunately find out soon enough how overpriced their device is,.

    I just looked in reverb and the recent price history of the AXE FX II shows the current price to be roughly one thousand dollars
    Hint: Don't rely on emotions when making major purchases, companies specifically have been using this type of marketing,

    here's the link and here's a snap shot of the pricing of AXE FX II that is less than half price. Does someone need to be angry to realize and point out the obvious that the product is extremely overpriced? Also here the link for the detail price history

  • The profiling algorithm was updated in firmware v2.6.
    Based on the changelog, the KPA has had over 65+ updates since v1.00, and there's no shortage of Kemper users who wish the KPA team would update the profiling process, as there are many profiles that have audible characteristics that distinguish them from the original amp.
    The Kemper's online marketing brochure states, "Now, for the first time, you are free to create amp tones as unique and individual as you are, and capture them easily and perfectly in the digital domain." The only problem is there are many instances in which the KPA doesn't capture an amp perfectly, which is why some people here and elsewhere are able to consistently identify the KPA in blind tests, so if you want to talk about false claims, that applies to Kemper just as much as Line6, Fractal Audio and numerous other companies that hype a product.

    all your doing is emotionally justifying the Purchase after the fact. Do some research on emotional marketing and you will realize that you're still defending your purchasing decision and not Fractal AXE FX. The AXE II is less than half price now. I don't recommend getting the three unless someone has money to burn.

  • all your doing is emotionally justifying the Purchase after the fact. Do some research on emotional marketing

    Emotional marketing applies to Kemper as much as any other company. Again, Kemper is making claims that aren't factual, so if you want to talk about false claims or emotional marketing, it applies to Kemper just as much as Line6, Fractal Audio and myriad other companies that hype a product.

  • "if someone doesn't like the AXE FX they automatically are branded to have an anger issue" - Indeed, look at UK reviewer 'Tony McKenzie', slagged off beyond belief by Fractal, for daring to critique the Axe FX somewhat unfavourably.

  • Emotional marketing applies to Kemper as much as any other company.

    Not really, Kemper is sold in Major retail outlets in the United States and users can openly review it from the same store. Fractal will vehemently fight the slightest negative review and don't sell in third party retailers to keep the false hype in check. Their friends the owners of Gearpage the largest modeling board, constantly remove negative reviews of Fractal products. Some of us and may be many are very aware of this sleazy deceptive practice.

    Kemper is making claims that aren't factual, so if you want to talk about false claims or emotional marketing, it applies to Kemper just as much as Line6, Fractal Audio and myriad other companies that hype a product.

    Again, even if it's true they don't go to the extreme unethical measures that Fractal has gone. I've showed you where Fractal Claimed on their website that their tone match, which is over 20 year old EQ matching, is the same as profiling!! That crosses the line for me because I know that the target for this are unsuspected consumers who don't know much about modeling, but anyone who has basic knowledge of EQ Match and what profiling is, will be outraged by such a false claim that's an insult to anyone's intelligence.

    Fractal Audio and myriad other companies that hype a product.

    Other companies don't charge over 2 and half thosands U.S dollars for a product that comes with one year warranty only! Then they nickle and dime you another 249 to upgrade your warranty to three years,
    Greed is not good despite what some might tell you. Fractal is the worst offenders in term of greed. Their ethics are questionable at best. Claiming that EQ match is same as Profiling is one of the least offensive lies if compared with their down right unethical fabrications and lies they make up about competition

    I don't like unethical companies.

    Every other product sold in the U.S in major retail has minimum 30 days return except fractal products have only 14 days return. When purchasers aren't happy they're told its user error and are told that it takes months to learn the product so they get stuck with the overpriced AXE FX.

    That's why you can get an AXE II at less than half price, so again why would you pay full price for an AXE III if the AXE Platform is claimed to be the best until they release a newer model.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (August 3, 2018 at 9:37 PM).

  • My God, are you comparing Kemper / Axe prices / warranties / features / etc AGAIN?!?

    Just ref back to all your older posts, we've seen / heard it all before.

    Agreed. I guess it’s inevitable that these types of threads always end up going down this path. It’s a freaking piece of guitar equipment for goodness sakes.

  • Not really, Kemper is sold in Major retail outlets in the United States and users can openly review it from the same store.

    Claiming the KPA can capture an amp perfectly when there are examples that demonstrate otherwise is marketing hype and appeals to people's emotions. Claiming it allows you to capture the sonic DNA of any amp is marketing hype and appeals to people's emotions. Both are claims that are clearly false and misleading. Do I hold it against them? Absolutely not. That's standard marketing. Appealing to emotions in marketing is nothing new whatsoever. It's been par for the course for, literally, decades.

    Again, even if it's true

    With respect to your allegation that Fractal Audio makes "clearly false claims" and engages in "misleading marketing", the same undoubtedly applies to Kemper. Whether you feel one company is more unethical than another is your opinion. But factually speaking, a vast number of companies engage in exaggerations via marketing hype in an effort to position their product as superior in order to manipulate consumer's emotions.

    Other companies don't charge over 2 and half thosands U.S dollars for a product that comes with one year warranty only! Then they nickle and dime you another 249 to upgrade your warranty to three years,Greed is not good despite what some might tell you. Fractal is the worst offenders in term of greed. Their ethics are questionable at best.

    It's called capitalism. Fractal Audio isn't forcing anyone to part with their money. A company can ask whatever price they want and consumers have to decide whether it's justified, which in turn determines the success or failure of the company. The fact is, products are worth whatever people are willing to pay for them, and in Fractal Audio's case people are more than willing to pay the asking price as evidenced by the overwhelming demand for their latest flagship. Not only are they willing to pay it, many people willingly paid $1K over the asking price in order to have the product ASAP.

    Claiming that EQ match is same as Profiling is one of the least offensive lies if compared with their down right unethical fabrications and lies they make up about competition

    You have a right to your opinion, which is exactly what it is. An opinion.

    That's why you can get an AXE II at less than half price, so again why would you pay full price for an AXE III if the AXE Platform is claimed to be the best until they release a newer model.

    You can get an Axe FX II for less than half the price of the Axe FX III now because that's how product life cycles work from an economic perspective. If and when a Kemper 2 is released, the price of the original will fall dramatically, just as it did with respect to the original Virus TI line vs. the TI2.