Morph Expression acting oddly when linked to pitch effect

  • Hello All,

    I've got my Kemper set up with a single expression pedal, set up as a Morph pedal. In "pedal links" I've got both "MorphPedal>Wah" and "MorphPedal>Pitch" selected. I've got a patch that I've recently added the Vinyl Stop stompbox on.I would like pitch effects to fall first in my chain, and the issue is that I cannot make this effect work in Slot A or B (only C or D). The effect will works in Slot A on any new performances I create, but will not work in this specific performance. This leads me to think there is a Rig setting I'm overlooking. Any help is extremely appreciated.

  • @aaronbagby Check Parallel Path!

    @slateboy The effect Pedal Vinyl Stop aaronbagby is referring to has no heel and toe pitch parameters as these are fixed. Only Pedal Pitch has. Heel Pitch and Toe Pitch in Pedal Pitch cannot be morphed. Therefor no "M". These parameters are linked to the Pitch Pedal. And if you activate MorphPedal to Pitch the Morph Pedal also assumes the role of the Pitch Pedal.

  • Use current software at least 5.5.2 Release.

    Check, what happens, if you simulate the Morph Pedal as well as the Pitch Pedal on page Pedal Links in the System Settings in order to narrow in.

    Last not least, if this is just one specific Performance, build it from scratch in the PROFILER UI. You can copy/paste the elements. Then delete the old Performance. Probably not worth to spend too much time on this.

  • @Burkhard I am using OS 5.5.2.

    Can you clarify what I'd be looking for in doing what you've suggested on Pedal Links page?

    Also, it is not just a single performance. It is across a large number of them, which I copied from a single original performance and have since edited. I really need to figure this out.

    Edit: Copying/pasting the same rig to a new performance did indeed solve it. However, doing this for each of the 25 performances I've created is not how I hope to solve the problem.

    Edited once, last by aaronbagby (July 17, 2018 at 8:14 PM).

  • A the page Pedal Links you can simulate the pedal controllers with the four soft knobs and observe, if the pedal controllers work lik expected.

    Does the bar for Morph respond, if you simulate the Morph Pedal, and the bars for Wah and Pitch follow as well? Does Pedal Vinyl Stop still not work? What if you simulate the Pitch Pedal directly instead of the Morph Pedal?

    The only explanation for the scenario you describe is Parallel Path. If you don't want to create new Performances, you can open a support ticket and send a complete backup of your PROFILER with information, which Performances show this issue. Do you remember how you created that "single original Performance"?

    I still think copying/pasting those 100 Rigs into new Performances might be the most pragmatic approach. Just takes a few minutes.

  • @Burkhard Thanks for the help. I will have a look in the morning regarding the behaviors when simulating the expression pedals.

    Parallel path had been enabled in the past by the person who made the original performance used as the starting point, but I’ve disabled and saved many times since. Perhaps some bugginess with that.

    If that is the case, what would make the parallel path feature would cause this non-responsive behavior? It seems that it’d just send that part of the signal straight to the output with the pitch affected.

  • Perhaps there was a software issue at that time and with the revision which the original Performance had been created with.

    Are you aware, that Parallel Path is by Rig and not global or by Performance?
    If so, have you tried to activate Parallel Path in those Rigs, store the Performance and then deactivate Parallel Path and store again?

    I'm afraid we are investing much more time, than what it takes to reassemble those Performances.

  • Yes, I know Parallel Path is per rig.

    Simulating the morph pedal in Pedal Links moves all three parameters in unison as intended. Simulating Pitch alone only moves the pitch.

    I just tried activating/deactivating PP as suggested, and still finding the issue.

    I'm aware I'm investing time into this, and I suppose I'll just recreate them to be sure, but I'd hardly consider it a waste to investigate the quirks of the unit. This info is all very valuable to me. Thanks.