• Literally overnight something happened to my setup or my kemper that is making all of my tones sound horrendous (I bought my device used a few weeks ago). I have made a youtube video demonstrating the discrepancy between tones from just one day to the next. I have tried different guitars, different methods of connecting to my Tascam mixer, listened through headphones, checked connections throughout my entire setup, and the same problem persists. For a brief window yesterday it started working again but went back to having the problem -- and then became even more messed up shortly after. All of my rigs and performances are similarly affected, which leads me to believe there is some sort of interference affecting the entire device.

    I just ordered new cables and a new mixer but I'm not sure if that will fix the problem.

    Let me know if you guys have any ideas for fixes or if any threads exist that address this problem.


  • Crap!
    This has also just happened to me last night, exactly the same type of symptoms…
    I don’t know what happened either, I don’t think I have locked anything but you can try pushing your lock button and see if anything is locked… I can’t think of anything else brother, believe me I am trying to figure it out on my own also…
    I must’ve done something… I just can’t figure out what

  • Can you point me in the direction of how to backup all Kemper data (rigs, performances, presets, etc)? I've seen conflicting things on the forum and in the manual (which people apparently don't trust).

  • Every model of the PROFILER has the same 2 USB sockets. We do not ship any USB sticks or cables in the box together with the PROFILER. The info how to create a backup on a USB stick can be found in the very much trustworthy main manual that you can download from our website.
    In a nutshell: Get a fresh USB stick and insert it into the Profiler, follow the instructions in the display and once the stick is properly formatted for the Profiler use the Backup function in the External Storage menu.
    Copy the backup file from the stick to your computer and send it as an attachment in your email to

  • Same thing is happening to me. Everything was working fine a couple of weeks ago, I've been traveling and I haven't played since then.

    Today I turned the Kemper on and I was shocked with the sound, scepecially all the clean sounds were horrendous.

    I have tried with all the outputs and only with the headphones, plugged in my home and in a different place and I'm getting the same results. I did a Factory Reset and the same thing is happening with the Factory Rigs. I don't know what to do.

    Did you find any solution?


  • Input settings look normal? Not like cranked all the way? No red lights?

    Is the Lock button lit up?

    I know you are probably asking the original post person, but my lock button is lit up… When I press it and hold it down the only thing that lights up is the tap button…

    Same thing is happening to me. Everything was working fine a couple of weeks ago, I've been traveling and I haven't played since then.

    Today I turned the Kemper on and I was shocked with the sound, scepecially all the clean sounds were horrendous.

    I have tried with all the outputs and only with the headphones, plugged in my home and in a different place and I'm getting the same results. I did a Factory Reset and the same thing is happening with the Factory Rigs. I don't know what to do.

    Did you find any solution?


    I know you’re not probably asking me, but I took mine and plugged into computer and did some things on rig manager, something updated also, went back plugged it in and it roared just fine through 4×12 cabinet now...
    Don’t know what it was, but everything seems better now…


    It turns out that the 9V battery for my guitar's active pickups was very low, resulting in the distorted signal. I replaced the battery and everything is working properly now.

    Thanks for the help everyone!!!

  • Cool tthat you found out what it was and cool that you posted the solution here!

    I have seen so many claims and in the end it was a userproblem and not the green monster.

    Me too. I have locked something in performence mode and than the sound of the same rig in performance mode sounded different than the original rig in browse mode. That made me crazy and i was too blind to find out what it was. I have sent a backup to Hans Jörg ( one of the mods here) and he found out that i have locked something. Big tennis.

    So at this time when i hear something diffrent, first look is on my lock button :D

    This battery thing is also cool.......

    I played a music man majesty for a year and had the same issue. Battery empty and my first thougt was , kemper defect, cable defect, expression pedal defect.......... after some time i saw the led on the back of the guitar thats says, change the battery ^^