Problem with wah activating itself

  • this happens once in a while on different rigs and it doesn't matter if I have the remote connected or not...I always have a wah locked in slot A and I usually have an expressionpedal connected to the remote. today I checked the system page where you can calibrate the wah and as I was playing without the remote connected and no pedal in input 1 or 2 the "calibrate" softbutton lit up and I could clearly hear the wah disappears after 1-2 seconds and sometimes it comes back again a few seconds later..has anyone experienced this odd beaviour?

    I'm on the latest beta but I had it on the latest release too.

  • I don't have the remote so can't comment on that part of the equation, however, I have noticed that on a loud and bouncy stage, my wah can briefly activate.
    This is because I have the wah set to "bypass at stop" and the ocassional physical jitter of the pedal can briefly activate it. I might guess that it can also activate with an electriacally noisy pedal.

  • My wah is also locked in slot A and comes on every time either of my profilers are started up. They both have a EP1-KP connected through the remote

    (PEDALBOARD): Kemper Stage, Shure GLXD-16 wireless, JHS A/B Switch, SoloDallas Storm, Keeley Halo, Mission Engineering EP-1 KP, Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2, Pedaltrain-3 board

  • I had the wah doing exaclty what you describe for a few weeks. I have wah locked in the "B" slot, set to activate on movement and changing expression pedals, using different TRS patch cables or setting the input on the Remote didn't help kill the occasional ghost. I have a video of it happening to me at a gig and it's never a welcome event (thought it was stage vibration possibly moving the pedal slightly, but then also happens when practicing at home with headphones). When it was being particularly troublesome I could catch it in the calibration menu. The bar would slowly creep up to about quarter of the way then creep back down. The whole event only lasts about 2 seconds. Put an ohm meter on all my expression pedals and shook the crap out of them. Reading was stable. I ended up opening the kpa remote and cleaning all the 1/4 jacks with contact cleaner. Seemed to help cut the event down, but still happens occasionally.

    I just live with it now.

    I do wish there was a bit more adjustment/configuration in the kempers expression pedal calibration for the user to set a threshold of what the "bypass at stop" command actually is. Epic slow solos sound a bit wacky when you are bending a long note without moving the expression pedal for a quarter of a second (that classic "cocked wah" bend sound), and the kpa decides for you that you dont want the wah effect anymore. Bendy wah solo drama ruined! A threshold may also help diagnose/control ghost activation issues we are talking about.

  • I had the wah doing exaclty what you describe for a few weeks. I have wah locked in the "B" slot, set to activate on movement and changing expression pedals, using different TRS patch cables or setting the input on the Remote didn't help kill the occasional ghost. I have a video of it happening to me at a gig and it's never a welcome event (thought it was stage vibration possibly moving the pedal slightly, but then also happens when practicing at home with headphones). When it was being particularly troublesome I could catch it in the calibration menu. The bar would slowly creep up to about quarter of the way then creep back down. The whole event only lasts about 2 seconds. Put an ohm meter on all my expression pedals and shook the crap out of them. Reading was stable. I ended up opening the kpa remote and cleaning all the 1/4 jacks with contact cleaner. Seemed to help cut the event down, but still happens occasionally.

    Yes this is exactly what I'm talking about...but like I said, it happens also when I don't have the remote or pedal connected , so the problem must be in the kemper itself

    I unlocked the wah yesterday and then saved a couple of rigs with the wah again ..I'll play them for a few days to see if it helps.

  • I agree, it's not related to you also get this without a pedal connected?

    I don't believe, that this happens, if no cable is connected to the PEDAL socket of the PROFILER or REMOTE. Correct?

    If an open cable (TRS cable without expression pedal on the other side) is connected to the PEDAL socket, its resistance can fluctuate and appear like a moving pedal. You can observe that on page Pedal Links in the System Settings. That is normal and no PROFILER fault

  • Before wasting more time and effort, have you simply tried another cable and expression pedal? It could be as simple as a defective pot in the pedal. This whole mechanism works with changes of electrical resistance. If the resistance in your cable or pedal fluctuates even slightly it must be interpreted as a moving pedal and the wah effect gets activated..

  • 5.6.2 beta now but had this problem for quite some time.
    yes, bypass at stop... used to have it locked on every rig but have unlocked it now and saved it per rig
    no midi involved
    happens both at home with RM connected and at rehearsal without RM