Headphone mixer as an extra Output page

  • Mixing all sound inputs in one page for your Headphone output, Instead of mixing aux signal into your guit mix. [See the attached image for an example]
    This will make it very easy and more flexibel to create your perfect IEM mix on the fly.

    Return Input = Aux in L
    Alternative Input = Aux in R

    Default settings will be for a stereo Aux in, when selecting Aux in Mono, Aux in L = summed to headphone L+R out and Aux in R = Also summed to headphone L+R out, so you can mix 3 different sources to your headphone.

    Also, if the monitor mixer engineer can't give you a mix without your guitar signal (because you must share the same monitor mix with other musicians) , you can tun your (internal) guitar volume to MUTE to prevent phase issues.

  • Yes, the ability to mute the guitar in the headset would be very helpful if the incoming monitor signal needs to be shared with other musicians and the guitar signal is already included in it. In such a case, monitoring via the headphone output of the Kemper is not acoustically usable due to the duplication of the signal.

    Play it like you mean it.

  • My impression is, these are functions, which even cheap digital mixing desks offer. Our band uses a Behringer X.32 Rack and every band mate can control their monitor mixes via a smartphone app, which is free of charge - even more than three signal sources can be mixed per band mate.

    If you cannot eliminate the guitar signal from your monitor signal, why do you even feed your monitor signal through your guitar amp - the PROFILER?

  • Basically, I'm completely with you Burkhard. With more than a thousand gigs in the last 6 years (where my KPA has always worked smoothly), I have certainly substituted in 50 to 70 different bands. Everything was there from the pub gig to the stadium thing. During this time I was mostly dealing with very professional people, digital console and app for mixing the inear signal included. I would call that the standard today. Unfortunately, I also had to deal with sound technicians with hair-raising knowledge and miserable equipment, or with small acts with bands that completed the gig without sound engineers and only have minimalist sound systems.
    Since I always work with Inear monitoring, I usually send the inear signal to the Kemper to be able to add it to my own guitar signal in the volume as needed and use the KPA as a monitor mix console. This works perfectly in 90% of all cases. If the Inear signal from the console already contains the guitar (for example a main mix or a mix signal, which I have to share with other musicians, as there are not enough aux channels), a mute function of the guitar signal in the headphone-out would be extremely handy to avoid a duplication of the guitar signal. This feature would be very helpful for all these exceptional situations. In these cases I could save an external Inear system and use the KPA for inear monitoring as usual.

    Play it like you mean it.

  • Being independent and self contained with control, in any environment, is always key to a confident performance.

    The problem I see with this is if your guitar is being fed to the FOH desk then the FOH desk is sending you a full mix for your IEM how do you turn down the guitar level coming back from the FOH desk sent to you?

    Having said that, the guitar volume control on the above is only for headphones BUT it doesn't turn down the FOH full mix back to you therefore making the guitar volume control request ????

    The only way this could be successful is to ensure the FOH full mix excludes your guitar from 'your' full mix back to your KPA.
    Sounds easy enough however, how many separate aux sends does an average desk have when you have at least 4 - 6 stage musicians wanting a tailored send to themselves.

    Many future digital desks will I suspect however, the many analog desks being used in average venues today will not have many separate aux sends.

    The above is a futureproof request maybe?

    If I've missed something please let me know as I may not have fully understood the request.

  • Hi All,
    Great request which would be so useful. I use the Kemper to mix my guitar with an aux send from our desk which has the guitar removed. It usually works well and provides a very good IEM solution, once I’ve balanced out the signal levels. However, the suggestions here would be a massive improvement in flexibility and help get round those tricky times when you can’t get a guitar-less feed from the desk.

    I use a combined guitar and headphone lead so I can avoid paying out for a wireless unit to feed my headphones. So this means just one cable to send and return signal. This makes the Kemper my monitor mixer. This is why the Aux signal has to be fed into the Kemper, either with or without guitar in the mix. So, being able to mute the guitar signal coming into the headphones from the Kemper while feeding through a complete mix from the desk, just makes life easier.

    I would definitely use this feature and I’m sure many others would too.
    Very kind regards to all.
    Pre-Amp :)

  • Hey,

    I just called the Kemper Support a week ago and asked for a feauture like this after i finished the IEM for our rehearsal room.

    We got Logic X for our rehearsals and using it for live processing and recording of course.

    Everything is running great and I appreciate the Aux in feauture because of its possibillity to use the Kemper Headphone output as an Balanced Headphoneamp that comes even in Stereo.

    My only disadvantage with this is that you can't mute the Guitar Signal on the Headphone Out so I have to mute my Guitar Signal on my IEM comming from Logic X to avoid that the signal is duplicated, but then I don't hear the Logic X processing on my Guitar Signal what makes our workflow harder.

    The support understood my problem and told me to write a feauture request in the forum so I'm hoping we will be enough to be heard. :)

  • Any news for this Problem?

    Last week I was jamming with a bassplayer who has an axe fx 2.

    With this device you just have to use the fx loop in this setup and everything is fine...thought it could be that easy with the Kemper too but now after hours of research it doesn‘t seems so...very disappointing...

  • My only disadvantage with this is that you can't mute the Guitar Signal on the Headphone Out so I have to mute my Guitar Signal on my IEM coming from Logic X to avoid that the signal is duplicated, but then I don't hear the Logic X processing on my Guitar Signal what makes our workflow harder.

    At the moment you would be monitoring the guitar direct from the KPA which gives the lowest possible latency.

    Surely sending the signal to Logic then back to the KPA to monitor introduces additional latency? I'm not sure how severe this would be or whether this is something that would bother you but I know some people complain about the slightest hint of latency throwing their timing off.

    With this device you just have to use the fx loop in this setup and everything is fine...

    How does the AxeFX do it by using the FX Loop?

  • Yeah I‘m aware of the possible latency but by now its no problem with our system. Running Logic with 32 samples buffersize and got only 3ms latency with nearly no stress on the system. But if it’s going to be a problem we will use the direct monitoring of our interfaces, so we keep the benefit of making all mixes at one destination even with remote control. And if you‘re standing a few meters in front of your amp you got even more latency so I have no worry about it. An other argument for me is that I think I haven‘t an advantage in playing with my band if everyone got a latency but me.

    With the AxeFX you have a stereo fx loop, even the fx send is stereo, thats the first difference. The headphone jack is hardwired with output 1 and so we had to use output 2 (fx send) to have an independent level for the signal for the headphone and the signal for the interfaces. Now we just had to put the „virtual“ fx send at the end of the „virtual signal chain“ in the AxeFX to send everything to the interfaces. And the signal of the fx return goes to output1 respectively the headphone output cause its designated to replace the signal of output1 completely if something is connected to input 2 respectively the fx return which is the second difference cause after my research it seems you can only mix the fx return with the original signal from the Kemper.

  • Ouch, my head hurts trying to follow that signal chain :)

    I know the Axe is a routing monster though.

    Are you sayng that you can send everything out the FX loop on the Axe but trn the guitar off doing it this way? The way I read it the stereo FX loop is like just linking the direct out and monitor out as a stereo pait on the Kemper but I must be missing something.

  • Sry, tried to explain it as understandable as I could. Caused headaches for the axe support too until they noticed it’s just a normal stereo fx loop for them.^^

    Yes the guitar signal will obviously send out through the fx send but if you connect something to the fx return, the fx return signal will replace all other signals on output 1 respectively the headphone output. So in my setup you just hear the bandmix coming from Logic.

    Yeah missed that „stereo fx send“ feature of the Kemper. Thanks but I don‘t know if it is ok to use the stereo monitor out as fx send because of possibly feedback loops.

    But my problem is that after my research I don‘t think that I can get the signal from the fx return to the headphone out on the Kemper without mixing it with its direct guitar Signal...so it is the same problem like with the auxiliary input feature.

  • My impression is, these are functions, which even cheap digital mixing desks offer. Our band uses a Behringer X.32 Rack and every band mate can control their monitor mixes via a smartphone app, which is free of charge - even more than three signal sources can be mixed per band mate.

    If you cannot eliminate the guitar signal from your monitor signal, why do you even feed your monitor signal through your guitar amp - the PROFILER?

    Well, because you (or monitor engineer) want to control the entire monitor mix from one device. (simpler = better)

    Edited once, last by Nangko (January 16, 2019 at 4:26 PM).

  • Maybe a first release for this request would be just a "mute guitar" toggle for the headphones out.

    I think (can't know it for sure) it would be a small update to the firmware.
    It would solve my problem of bringing a separate headphone amp, and needing an extra power socket on stage.

    The whole feature request for a "Headphone mixer as an extra Output page" would introduce more flexibility, but I think wil be an update with much more develop/testing time, and it is also a bit in "conflict" with the "Aux In Volume can be controlled separately for MAIN OUTPUTS and MONITOR OUT/HEADPHONE OUT" feature.

    I have created a separate post for this simpler feature request here:

    Output section > "mute guitar" toggle for headphones out

    Edited 2 times, last by Nangko (January 16, 2019 at 5:25 PM).