[LRS] BE Free Man - 2017 Baked Chicken BE 100

  • Another gem in V11

    The DI HBE S1 C45 1D

    Added my 1960AV and some little tweaks in the amp section and some eq

    Surfing in a lydian friedman......I love that feedback shit. It's the digitech freqout. Played with my jem 77 fp.

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  • A short clip with 1.1

    I think I hear what you are referring to Frank. Most likely the peaks of the E609 mic. Many times it's not my favorite choice but some times it does wonders as in Red 4.

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    Love to hear any comments.

  • A short clip with 1.1

    I think I hear what you are referring to Frank. Most like the peaks of the E609 mic. Many times it's not my favorite choice but some times it does wonders as in Red 4.

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    Love to hear any comments.

    Sounds cool. What git and shat pu?
    No tweak?

  • So, V11 is on the site. :)

    I have a request, can you guys tell me how you perceive the difference between C45 1 and C45 1.1?

    Amp setting are exactly the same though some preamp tubes were swapped out. After some replies I will say which.

    6 and 7 were tests set at all switches off and B M T at 4 or 11 o'clock, these are considerations for sample candidates and may be darker though please do raise the treble, presence and gain :)

    All of this set was mic'd about 5 inches away from the speaker so raise the mids to make them more in your face if needed.

    1.1 sounds like it has a little more gain, is more saturated, and slightly more compressed. Can't really tell which I like better, though.

  • Hey guys i need to share some thoughts on this pack.

    Yesterday i bought myself the BE-100 Pack after Tim was so kind so send me a teaser profile.
    He asked me what kind of sound i'm looking for and he pretty much send me a profile that worked
    quite good for me. But i was curious what else might hide in the pack so i just needed it.

    So i bought it and spend like 2 hours after work going through the different profiles. I have a lot of
    packs of different amps which left me pretty unimpressed and kinda disappointed in the past.

    With this pack man thats another level here. I already send Tim a message how impressed and happy
    i am with his pack.

    Most profilers out there tend to profile unsatisfying characteristics. At least for me. Even the
    more praised profilers can't quiet nail the tone i'm looking for.

    What the Live Ready Sound Packs separates it from others is the tone variety.
    There are many different characteristics captured in this one pack. BUT!
    And thats the strong part for me. He didn't tried to hard to capture too different sound.
    So the pack hast like 20 profiles of almost the same amp setting but with very different
    Cab/Mic combinations so if you search for the sweet spot of an amp you have a higher guarantee
    to find it in this pack.

    Thats where most other profile packs disappoint me. There are like 20 profiles in total in the pack
    out of that there are like 2-3 profiles in the gain range I'm looking for. And these 2-3 have a high
    change of missing the character that suits me.

    Thats why I'm so impressed and happy with this pack. Out of those 136 profile i found 2-3 profiles
    I indeed liked and it was instant love. So I'm really happy with this.

    I usually don't like the HBE channel on the BE-100 because its way to much gain and its tends to lose
    clarity. But this one profile man he nailed it totaly for me. The HBE channel with half gain is very strong and
    tight in the bottom end has crisp and hard punching mids and doesn't lose it in the higher frequencies.

    That is so rare to find. I Love it. This may not work for Band or Live situations but in isolation this sounds amazing.
    And for practicing purpose i need something that sounds good in isolation.

    And i was even able to reproduce the tone in the previews where i struggled with other profile packs before.
    So yeah the price tag on the pack may be higher compared to some others but this guarantees that the customer
    finds something really useful. And I'm very picky.

    Thank you Tim for this amazing pack and your site will be my number one go to address when I'm searching for new

    Maybe i can manage to take some time to record my end result.

  • Another gem in V11

    The DI HBE S1 C45 1D

    Added my 1960AV and some little tweaks in the amp section and some eq

    Surfing in a lydian friedman......I love that feedback shit. It's the digitech freqout. Played with my jem 77 fp.

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    Hi Frank...nice playing...

    where did you find the backing track?

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • @ZSchneidi as mentioned in PM I'm glad you found something that worked perfect for you and I hope to even expand on that.

    @michaelmellner thanks much for the support, I look forward to your thoughts!

    #everyoneelse :) really appreciate the support, I will be back early next week and will be bringing more to this.

  • Hi Michael, many thx. It’s an honor for me when you saying this!
    Backingtrack is on youtube

    Search for lydian backing and a blue cover with an acoustic git arrives. Cool to practice the lydian mode. Love that vibe.


    well, Frank...I did compose that backing track. =O

    I was one of the many in guitar method of mine produced by an italian school together with BMG, back then...

    it made some dejavu when I listened it this morning...

    thanks fo bringing the remembering to me

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Hi, I agree and disagree here. Tim has done a very good job on this pack and he is not ready, that is out of a question and outstandig.But:

    I had nearly the same thought's like you when I started exploring the kpa and I have made a lot of experience in thise years. First I found only a handful profiles where I said ok but not really good. Kpa bad? Profiles bad? No!!

    After some time I found out: Equipment bad!! And not enough experience.
    Why? I sold my old atomic amp, sold my hughes&kettner tube amp, sold a velocity ower amp, sold my 2x12 mesa boogie cab and after all I have done the paradigm shift and bought a good frfr ( rcf 10 sma) and rokit rp6 g3 monitors.


    After that I met Thomas Dill and gave me a good insight to the kpa and the fx.

    Gamchanger angain!!,

    After that hat I discussed a lot with Guido Bungenstock, sinmix and some other guys how to use profiles and set up profiles.


    Aft r all that things I found out that the biggest thing is the cab. That's why I love DI or merged profiles. I have some cool cool cabs and when I combine it to profiles 80% of them sound good. Really no joke, after all that experience it takes me minutes to get a good sound out of the box.

    Last but not least: Pick up's an used guitar. Ok, you can get a cool sound out of it when using a Squier or something else of low budget stuff, but using a high end guitar with cool pick up's s also a big difference.

    I can tell you, it tak s me hours and hours and a lot of mony to come to this point, but i wont regret it and tday i am happy as a puppy to have the kpa and all the amps that I can choose whit a fingersnip.

    I you like try the following:

    Have a look into the Lars Lüttdge kpa pack. Choose a rig with the 1960AV cab , store this cab to your cab section and lock this cab. Try to load some other profile files and hear what happens when this cab is used with other profiles. Gam changer again.

    Last words: I have written 80%.

    Yes, it's nearly 80% because there is some crap on the profile market and also on rig exchange. I wont judge the rig exchange because I say chapeau to everyone who loads up a slfmade profile, without those guys we havent a rig xchange and there are many gems in there.



  • This is the beautiful thing about the Kemper.

    There is no right or wrong way to use it.

    The important thing is to find what gets us the tone and feel we are looking for.

    I personally don't like to change cabs much. I had done this in the past alot but found myself chasing the exact eq curve that was comfortable to me and I was missing a lot of what makes digital devices so versatile.

    All the music I listen to have unique qualities and this is mostly all achievable with the Kemper if we know what we are looking for.

    Like Frank said the guitar and pickup used is very important to the over all sound as is the amp and cabinet, mic and room.

    I have my Les Paul that I use to really dislike until I changed the bridge pickup, now it is my fav with my other guitar which I thought was perfect is only good for metal.

    So, the point here is the guitar and pickup has a specific eq and dynamic that feeds the amp. The speaker, cab and mic acts as a final eq filter with some aditional impedance interactions with the poweramp amp that can balance out the result to help us find our ideal sound.

    I would say 40% of the battle is tonal balance which is achieved by a sum of all things, with the speaker/cab/mic being the final eq.

    This is why the cab is so important. Everyone will like different cabs as they have different guitars, styles, music tastes, experiences which lead to different expectations.

    So by providing many different speakers and cabs I hope to find balance for as many players as I can.

    Still looking for speaker recommendations :)

  • Not to throw this thread off topic, but I spent a lot of time with your Triple Rectifier packs over the weekend -- especially the EL34 one. Those are still a lot of my go-to tones for punk. If I remember correctly, those are two of the first packs I bought, after getting my Kemper, and I'm still going back to them.

  • :) glad they are still getting attention.

    The Triple is one of my all time favorite amps. Will be hitting these with updates at some point.

    Want to do an update for the Fuchs ODS also, was messing with it a few weeks ago and found some really great settings though it was getting very loud and I didn't want to blow the speaker. The ODS is like the Mesa in that it is tricky to dial but once you do it screams.