How to get this bass sound ...

  • I only have a speaker with zero bass response, Thomas, the stock mono one in my Mac, but I did hear the highest note played (only just!), and it was very-faint.

    My guess is that you need a fretless bass, and a chorus effect (the Kemper has good ones). The critical thing is that fretless 'though. You're not gonna pull those tones with a fretted bass.

    You asked about Profiles as well, Thomas. IMHO, the Profile you use won't matter nearly as much as the bass itself. Anything reasonably-clean with sufficient bottom end should do the trick. It's all about those missing frets and the chorus effect 'though.

  • My guess is that you need a fretless bass, and a chorus effect (the Kemper has good ones). The critical thing is that fretless 'though. You're not gonna pull those tones with a fretted bass.

    I think this is true, but I have an old Boss GS-10 that has a fretless fx that works surprisingly well. So when I want a fretless bass I use my normal fretted bass and first run it through the GS-10 before anything else. I think this fx is present in some later Boss multi-fx and can be hed really cheap.


    Mats N

  • True, Mats.

    I didn't mention emulating a fretless, which the old Line6 Variax Bass did as well, 'cause Thomas wants, I assume, to get as close to that sound as possible, and there's a very-slim chance (next to none) that a bass player would use fretless emulation in a serious recording except maybe for effect (a bar or two), but not the entire track.

    The Line6 emulation was apparently not bad, but other than for convenience at rehearsal or for small gigs, again, I can't imagine a serious bass player's resorting to using it.

  • I also believe it is a fretless. I play one and the "Mwaa" sound is inherent if that is the thing you are hearing. Take a listen to Joni Mitchell Hejira Album. Jaco Pastorius uses it extensively, Very evident on the title cut.

    BTW. Thanks for turning me on to the IQ - The Road Of Bones - Fall And Rise! That a great bass part to woodshed!

    Not into the wind son, not into the wind.

    Edited once, last by Deak286: EDIT for addition. The Mwaa can be controlled by the right hand placement. The closer to the neck the more pronounced the Mwaa. The further away from neck the node vibration is much less evident so much less pronounced Mwaa or none at all. Of course the more you work with it the more you control it if you want. Fretless basses vary consideraby in the inherent body styles as well to produce or not produce a strong Mwaa effect. The left hand can also ad a nuance of its own. (June 14, 2018 at 2:23 PM).

  • Welcome, Deak.

    Curious, how did you get the edit you made to appear between the "The post was edited 1 time, last by Deak286" and "(8 hours ago)" statements generated by the site?

    Usually there'd simply be a note to the effect of "The post was edited 1 time, last by Deak286 8 hours ago" appear there. I've not seen this before. Fascinating!

  • Enlightened. Sorry, being new here I have absolutely no idea, I edited my post fairly soon after the original post. At some point I hope to find how I folded the universe!
    Thank you for the welcome! This is going to be an exciting ride for me. I have so many questions. I'll bet a lot are in the manual! LOL.

    Not into the wind son, not into the wind.

  • Well I'll be... thank you, Shawn.

    What threw me was that I've always considered the "Reason for Editing" field, as it appears on BeerGutz, here and elsewhere, a place to editorialise why you made an edit to your post. So, "Misspelled some words", "Got my spec's jumbled up - corrected", "Added a paragraph 2018-06-13" or whatever are the sorts of things I expect to see there, if anything at all (most don't bother).

    I've never seen anyone place the actual edit in that field before. Deak even said, "I edited my post fairly soon after the original post". The site-generated phrase is always, "The post was edited 1 time etc.". Logic has always told me therefore that the area below the signature is not part of a post, but auto-generated and may contain a brief explanation of the reason/s a post was edited. It's about the post; it isn't the post itself.

    No wonder I was confused (doesn't take much! LOL). I thought he'd somehow caused the board to place a chunk of his post below his signature - a potential bug. X/:S:D I'm such an idiot. Thanks again man.