Sync by MIDI the tempo in Kemper. (Clock?)

  • Greetings to all,I have been a kemper for a while now and it has always been extremely easy for me to understand him and with the passage of time to squeeze it to my liking to the point that I have needed at every moment.I am currently working closely with my technician in the sounds and effects, giving much importance to the space in the stereo, the different delays, etc.We have reached the point that the last thing we have left and need is that the sequencer that triggers the sequences in the live one, is able to change the tempo of the different performance that I have built in the Kemper by means of a midi order, but We are not too experienced in the deepest Midi and we do not know how to do it.So I turn to the forum to see if you can throw a cable with the subject.thanks to everything in advance and a greeting

  • Don't bother. If the midi clock fluctuates at all, there is a modulation glitch in your delays that happens, every 19 or so seconds or so in my case.

    Wherever I was working where they had Protools, the delays made the guitar sound out of tune...not a pleasing modulation...and a hard to track down, inconsistent issue. After a lot of testing, It was the KPA unfortunately.

    When I went to the trouble to send audio files to Kemper, they just told me the problem was my clock, or the several studios where they send clock I guess as well. They couldn't reproduce the problem.

    I send the same clock to an Adrenalinn 3 and a Strymon Timeline without issue. Guess no one else here has complained, or they have better MIDI clock available. Anyone else dealing with this?