Bring back “Cab” Volume

  • Please bring back the “Cab” Volume parameter.

    It is paramount to keep control of the levels in a live situation when using traditional guitar cabinet on stage and feeding F.O.H. from the main output.

    Why not use main out for FOH and monitor out for the cab?

  • This is the third thread for the same subject.

    @satriaulie Cabinet Volume never did what you think it did. Any values you entered as Cabinet Volume in the past are maintained and appear as Amplifier Volume today. Amplifier Volume does exactly the same as Cabinet Volume did in the past. None of your sounds on any output changed because of the transformation of Cabinet Volume into Amplifier Volume.

  • @Burkhard

    Yes, I’ve already accepted that I have to be remembering wrong.

    As I understand this is the place for feature request, so that is what this is.

    I miss a cab volume parameter to be able to even out the difference between clean profiles with and without cab simulation.

  • I miss a cab volume parameter to be able to even out the difference between clean profiles with and without cab simulation.

    If there is no diference of the volume between with or without cab what you want to even out.?
    It may be a sound diference but there should not be a volume difference by definition!

    @Burkhard please correct me if I am wrong.

  • If there is no diference of the volume between with or without cab what you want to even out.?It may be a sound diference but there should not be a volume difference by definition!

    @Burkhard please correct me if I am wrong.

    I can see that it’s a bit confusing. Sorry for that.
    When my sounds going to F.O.H. with “Cab” module activated and all levels between clean and drive profiles leveld out and working perfectly, then my monitor out with “Cab” set to off will end up with my cleans being way to loud compared to my drive sounds.

  • In theory the sound difference and perceived volume difference between FOH and guitar cabinet might require separate Clean Sens settings to absolutely accurately balance the volume of clean versus distorted sounds on both FOH and guitar cabinet.

    Practically, we think this would be way too complicated. We even feel that often there is put too much emphasis on Clean Sens. Don't get me wrong, it's useful. But sometimes it seems to paralyze users.

    @satriaulie is as far as I remember the first user who raised this opportunity. And it seems he didn't notice it, when Amp/Cabinet Volume was still residing in the Cabinet Module although this objectively made no difference. So, I guess, there must be a pragmatic solution also for his specific setup.

  • To me it sounds that Your profiles are using different cabs? So the volume/sound differences between these profiles is due to different sounding cabs, explaining why You get different results though FOH but a more consistent sound through your monitoring cab.
    So what You could try then is to use the same cab-part on all Your profiles. Easiest what to try is to just lock the cab-module and see if this would work for You...