Best Volume pedal?

  • Thank you, Burkhard.
    I have a technical question…
    1) Does a volume pedal plugged into the remote, have a sonic influence on tone?
    2) I just want to make sure that I retain the exact original tone when the volume pedal is at its maximum level, hope this makes sense…

    I prefer using a Dunlop DVP 3 for volume because of that long throw. The Mission Aero might also be appropriate, but I have no practical experience.

  • 1) Does a volume pedal plugged into the remote, have a sonic influence on tone?
    2) I just want to make sure that I retain the exact original tone when the volume pedal is at its maximum level, hope this makes sense…

    It shouldn't affect the tone, the volume pedal (should be) a transparent device.

    If you use it in front of the amp it will work exactly like your guitar volume, it will clear up the gain when you back down and get up to full when you push it.

    If you want it to act just on the volume without affecting the gain then you need to put it in the FX loop of the kemper.

    However, with the kemper, best way is to use the expression out of the pedal (both Dunlop and Boss have one), plug it in to an expression port and use it as a controller for the volume, you have more flexibility and less cables/noise to deal with.

  • Thanks Paul, I already use my volume on my guitar for a lot of swells and stuff, naturally so I guess I should use it as an expression into the remote…
    I just want to triple check that this will not affect my tone, otherwise I can get by without a volume pedal… I guess I can go pick up the Dunlop DVP
    3 and if it affects the tone, I will take it back.

    I guess I am just looking for a unit that is in total and complete ‘bypass mode’ when the volume is right up full.
    I don’t even know if they make such a unit…

  • You can A/B using the pedal into the amp vs running it as a expression pedal for the virtual volume pedal of the Kemper.

    I can’t say for sure but I guess any decent pedal should be transparent enough not to degrade your tone.

    If you really want the best, most top artists run the Ernie Ball volume pedal, it looks like it’s the industry staple of sorts, don’t know if it has expression out, thought.

  • 1) Does a volume pedal plugged into the remote, have a sonic influence on tone?

    The Pedal sockets of the Profiler and the Remote don't carry any audio signal. So, there is no sonic influence in that sense, regardless what you connect. The changes of the resistance of a connected "something" are interpreted to trigger a digital controller within the Profiler, which depending on your functional assignment(s) determines the level of the calculated Pedal Volume, Wah, Pitch, or Morphing.

    The disadvantage of analog volume pedals is, that the resistance curve of their pots is suboptimal to control a digital device like the Profiler. That is exactly the domain of expression pedals with pots optimized for this purpose..

  • 1) Does a volume pedal plugged into the remote, have a sonic influence on tone?
    2) I just want to make sure that I retain the exact original tone when the volume pedal is at its maximum level, hope this makes sense…

    1) Nope, not at all since you just tweak "data" not "sound" as opposed to "real" amps where you might get sound siiues just like using your volume knob on the instrument!
    2) see 1)

    stay tuned... :thumbup:

  • OK, thank you guys…
    From what I understand I can get a Dunlop DVP/3 and use it in expression mode into the remote which will not at all sonically affect my tone when it’s set on full / as compared to having no volume pedal at all, it will be the same exact tone…
    Thank you!

  • Hey Keith, I use Boss FV-50L at the loop of the Kemper, it's affordable and compact, gets the job done perfectly, does not affect the tone at all and does not cut the tail of the effects (perfect for swells etc). Before that, I 've been using it for many years with other amps/rigs and it's still like new. The only disadvantage is that you need two cables to use it that way.

  • OK, thank you guys…
    From what I understand I can get a Dunlop DVP/3 and use it in expression mode into the remote which will not at all sonically affect my tone when it’s set on full / as compared to having no volume pedal at all, it will be the same exact tone…
    Thank you!

    Don't forget to check the location of the volume pedal in the rig you are using. Rig settings page 3/6, you can position the volume pedal anywhere in the signal chain. (Input, Pre-Stack, Post-Stack, Output). Definitely makes a difference as you are aware I'm sure. FYI anyway..

  • I have Ernie Ball's VP JR, the 250kOhm version. It does not work very nicely with KPA as expression pedal that controls volume. I have it connected in Pedal 1 input in back of the Kemper.

    With this pedal the curve is weird, and I got this reasoning from Facebook's KPA users group for it:

    "The problem is almost certainly due to the fact that the volume pedal has a Log Pot (audio taper pot) but the KPA is expecting to see a Linear pot. For volume control the KPA already has a Log taper programmed in so you are doubling up the effect which will give strange results."

    It really feels like that. Should I replace the pedal's pot into linear one? I also saw somewhere that the Ohms should be with a value between 10kOhm - 100kOhm. So is the 250kOhm part of my problem?

    Reaper 5
    Komplete Audio 6 | Yamaha HS50M
    2 x Ibanez RG752
    Kemper Profiler Rack | Midi Moose | Ernie Ball VP JR